Form 185 (08/20) © Pentagon Federal Credit Union, 2020
First Name:
 Middle Initial:
 Last Name:
How Name Should Appear On Card:
10-Digit Account Number
Email Address: 
Mailing Address
Primary Phone Number
(Mobile Preferred)
 Alternative Number: 
x Signature
By signing below, I request a card for myself and the individuals named below. By naming these individuals as cardholders, I
appoint them as my agents for use of the card. I am responsible for their actions regarding the use of the card and indemnify and
hold PenFed harmless from such use. I have read the attached Debit Card/ATM Card Agreement and consent to all of its provisions.
DISCLAIMERS: DebitCards are only available for an Access America, PenCheck Plus or PenCheck Net checking
accounts. Restrictions apply for student checking accounts. ATM Cards are only available for Regular Share
accounts and can only be used with a PIN at an ATM. ATM Cards do not have Point of Sale access.
(19 Character Limit Including Spaces)
1.  Add New Authorized User  Remove Current Authorized User
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
How Name Should Appear On Card:
Date of Birth
Check if ITIN
Primary Phone Number (Mobile Preferred)
 Alternative Number: 
Mailing Address
(19 Character Limit Including Spaces)
2.  Add New Authorized User  Remove Current Authorized User
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
How Name Should Appear On Card:
Date of Birth
Check if ITIN
Primary Phone Number (Mobile Preferred)
 Alternative Number: 
Mailing Address
(19 Character Limit Including Spaces)
3.  Add New Authorized User  Remove Current Authorized User
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
How Name Should Appear On Card:
Date of Birth
Check if ITIN
Primary Phone Number (Mobile Preferred)
 Alternative Number: 
Mailing Address
(19 Character Limit Including Spaces)
For fast service, securely upload this form via
Select Category > Cards Services and Document Type > Debit/ATM Card & Add/Delete Authorized User
Any person who accepts, signs, uses, or otherwise causes the
use of the Card or its account number or personal identification
number (PIN) agrees to all the terms and conditions in this PenFed
Credit Union Cardholder Agreement, and any modifications that
may be made to the Agreement in the future.
General Provisions
The following provisions apply to the Pentagon Federal Credit
Union (PenFed) member and any person designated by the
member to receive a Debit Card or ATM Card (hereinafter
“Card”). The term “I” and “my” refers to the member and “we”
refers to the member and each cardholder.
Each person receiving or using the Card consents to all provisions
of the Debit/ATM Cardholder Agreement (“Agreement”). We
understand only the member may designate who may receive a
Card associated with the member’s accounts.
PenFed Member Provisions
I understand and agree:
I appoint those individuals I have authorized on the signature
card or by other method permitted by PenFed to receive a Card
or anyone else I authorize to use the Card, as my agent authorized
to access my accounts (checking, Money Market Savings or
Regular Share), as applicable (hereinafter “Accounts”), even
though such persons are not a joint owner or joint borrower.
The member shall provide each person receiving a Card a copy
of this Agreement and any amendments to it;
Use of the Card and PIN will allow each cardholder to transact
business on PenFed’s Automated Teller Machines (ATM) or other
PenFed-designated ATMs.
Use of the Debit Card (with or without a PIN) will permit the
cardholder to transact at eligible point-of-sale terminals or
locations. ATM Cards cannot be used at point-of-sale terminals.
I ratify all transactions initiated by any cardholder and indemnify
and hold PenFed harmless from such use.
The use of the Card and/or PIN and all transactions related to
such use are subject to all of the terms and provisions of present
or future share and loan account agreements as well as all
other PenFed policies, all of which are subject to modification.
Said policies, terms and provisions are incorporated into
this Agreement by reference. In case of a conflict between
this Agreement and other agreements or policies in matters
pertaining to use of the Card, the terms and conditions of this
Agreement shall apply. We agree that PenFed shall have the
right to establish additional terms and conditions for use of the
Card, all of which shall be binding upon any cardholder following
written notice provided to the member, mailed to the last known
address of the member.
We shall be liable with respect to all authorized and unauthorized
transactions in accordance with this Agreement and applicable
laws and regulations.
Purchases or withdrawals made in foreign countries and foreign
currencies will be debited in U.S. dollars. The exchange rate for
international transactions will be a rate selected by Visa from the
range of rates available in wholesale currency markets, which
may vary from the rate Visa itself receives, or the government-
mandated rate in eect for the applicable central processing
date, plus a fee of up to 2% of the transaction amount. If the
purchase or withdrawal is initiated without the use of the PIN,
the applicable Visa rate will apply. The applicable ATM network
rate will apply for ATM transactions.
PenFed is authorized to obtain information, including a credit
report, concerning persons receiving a Card, as deemed
necessary in its sole discretion, to evaluate the eligibility and for
review of continued eligibility for a Card.
We agree to make a good-faith eort to resolve disputes
regarding goods or services obtained from the merchant. We
further agree, that PenFed shall not be liable for any claims we
have against a merchant arising from use of the Card for point-
of-sale transactions.
This Agreement, and all related matters, shall be governed by
and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the United States
and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
I agree to abide by the terms, conditions, and liabilities set forth
in the Electronic Fund Transfers Disclosure.
Cardholder Provisions
The following provisions apply to each person receiving or using
the Card and/or a PIN, including the member:
We agree the issuance of a Card and/or PIN is solely for our
individual use. We agree the Card and/or PIN will not be
divulged, given, or made available to any other person under
any circumstance.
We understand and recognize the use of the Card is governed by
this Agreement and any amendments to it.
We understand the member may revoke any cardholder’s
privilege to have access to the member’s Accounts using the
Card by notifying PenFed. Further, PenFed has no obligation
to inform the cardholder that access has been terminated. A
cardholder may cancel their Card by calling PenFed at 800-247-
We waive any right to stop payment on point-of-sale
authorizations originated by use of the Card and/or the PIN.
A withdrawal or authorized point-of-sale transaction will be
paid, even if it overdraws my Account or exceeds the OLOC
or TCS credit limit, if applicable. The order of posting debits,
charges, deposits or credits to any Account shall be established
at PenFed’s sole discretion and is subject to change.
We agree to immediately report to PenFed the loss or theft
of the Card and/or PIN or unauthorized transactions that have
We understand and agree PenFed is not responsible for the
refusal by merchant or financial institution to honor the Card.
We agree all point-of-sale adjustments may be made by credit
to my checking account by a properly executed credit voucher
issued by the appropriate merchant.
We agree the Card is the property of PenFed and we will surrender
it to PenFed upon request at any time and for any reason. We
understand the Card can be impounded automatically at the
ATM or by a merchant. We further agree PenFed shall have no
liability should a Card be seized due to malfunction or failure
of equipment or computer programs, or for security purposes.
We understand PenFed may revoke the use of the Card and/or
PIN if any of the member’s Accounts related to the Card’s use
are maintained in a manner that, in PenFed’s sole discretion, it
deems contrary to sound financial practices.
We agree illegal use of the Card will be deemed an action of
default and/or breach of contract and the Card and other related
services may be terminated at PenFed’s discretion. We further
agree, should illegal use occur, to waive any right to sue PenFed
for such illegal use or activity directly or indirectly related to
it, and additionally we agree to indemnify and hold PenFed
harmless from suits or other legal action or liability, directly or
indirectly, resulting from such illegal use.
Form 186 (06/20) © Pentagon Federal Credit Union, 2020