Date: __________________, 20____
This notice is sent to __________________ (“Tenant”) and further directed to all residents,
occupants, subtenants, and any others in possession of the Premises.
Property Address: ____________________________________ (“Premises”)
Lease Start Date: __________________, 20____ (“Lease”)
In accordance with your Lease and the laws located in this State, after service on you of
this notice, you are hereby given the following instructions:
ILLEGAL ACTIVITY. Within ____ DAYS, you are hereby required to quit and
deliver possession of the Premises due to the following illegal acts:
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Landlord hereby elects to declare that forfeiture
of your Lease under which you hold possession of the Premises if you fail to perform or
otherwise comply. Such noncompliance will institute legal proceedings to recover rent and
possession of said Premises which shall result in a judgment against you including costs
and necessary disbursements together with possible statutory damages as allowed by law
for such unlawful detention.
Landlord Signature: ________________________ Date: ______________
Print Name: ___________________________
Address: ___________________________
Telephone: (____) ____-______
E-Mail: ___________________________
County of __________________
State of __________________
Date: __________________, 20____
I. SERVER. I, __________________ (“Server”), declare under penalty of perjury that a
notice for eviction was delivered and served in the following manner:
II. RECIPIENT. The notice for eviction was delivered to:
a.) Defendant/Respondent: __________________ (“Recipient”)
b.) Address/Location: ____________________________________
c.) Date & Time: __________________, 20____ Time: ____:____ AM PM
III. DELIVERY. The Recipient received the eviction notice by: (check one)
- Mail. The Server sent the eviction notice in the mail by: (check one)
- Standard Mail
- Certified Mail (with return receipt)
- FedEx
- Other
- Direct Service. The Server handed the eviction notice to a person identified as
the Recipient.
- Someone at the Residence. The Server handed the eviction notice to
someone who identified as living at the residence and stated their name is:
- Someone at the Workplace. The Server handed the eviction notice to
someone who identified to be the Recipient’s co-worker and stated their name is:
- Leaving at the Residence. The Server left the eviction notice in the following
area: __________________.
- Recipient Rejected Delivery. The Server delivered the eviction notice to the
Recipient in-person and did not accept delivery.
- Other. __________________.
IV. VERIFICATION. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws located in this State
that the foregoing is true and correct.
Server Signature: ________________________ Date: ______________
Print Name: ________________________