CE-6 MAY 2018
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Final Exam
Article Code CEA0518
Applying the Person–Environment–Occupation Model to
Improve Dementia Care
May 2018
To receive CE credit, exam must be completed by
May 31, 2020
Learning Level: Intermediate
Target Audience:
Occupational Therapists and
Occupational Therapy
Content Focus: OT Process: Intervention
1. Client-centered dementia care allows the individual with
dementia to have all of the following except:
A. Personal worth
B. Decision-making opportunities
C. Access to health care
D. Independence
2. What are the components of the Person–Environment–
Occupation (PEO) model?
A. Person, environment, and organization
B. Person, environment, and occupation
C. Policy, environment, and organization
D. Public spaces, extrinsic factors, and occupation
3. All the following from the Mrs. Jones case example are
examples of the “person” in the PEO model except:
A. Having visual impairment
B. Having dementia
C. Living in a nursing home
D. Expressing negative behavioral symptoms