Applying the Person–EnvironmentOccupation
Model to Improve Dementia Care
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Carin Wong, MS
USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational
Therapy in the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Natalie E. Leland, PhD, OTR/L, BCG, FAOTA
USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational
Therapy in the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
This CE Article was developed in collaboration with the AOTA’s
Productive Aging Special Interest Section.
The purpose of this article is to introduce the Person–Environ-
ment–Occupation (PEO) Model as a framework to improve
dementia care in nursing homes and provide examples from
literature that can be framed within the model. The interaction
between the person, environment, and occupation is described
to promote participation and provide quality care for residents
with dementia. The PEO model can be used by occupational
therapy practitioners to develop innovative approaches to
dementia care and improve quality of life.
After reading this article, you should be able to:
1. List the components of the PEO Model
2. Differentiate the relationships within the PEO Model
3. Identify the different components that consist of the person,
environment, and occupation
4. Identify strategies for engaging nursing home residents with
dementia within the PEO Model
The charge nurse on the nursing home unit entered the dining
room at lunchtime and observed Mrs. Jones sitting at her table,
but she was not eating. The food on her plate had not been
touched. Mrs. Jones had previously been able to eat inde-
pendently after food was set up in front of her, although she
required additional time to do so. After observing Mrs. Jones
for a few minutes, the charge nurse approached the certified
nursing assistant (CNA) and asked about Mrs. Joness status.
The CNA stated that this pattern of behavior had been occurring
for a few weeks. The CNA and other CNAs had tried to feed her,
but Mrs. Jones would get agitated, start yelling, and try to hit the
staff. The CNA went on to describe that this behavior disrupted
the other residents trying to eat in the dining room. In response
to the escalation of behaviors, the CNA reported that they had
stopped trying to feed her and left her alone. Concerned about
Mrs. Jones’ risk for weight loss, an occupational therapy screen
was requested.
On observing Mrs. Jones in the dining room, the occupa-
tional therapist (OT) noticed that she was sitting at a table with
a white tablecloth, and her food included mashed potatoes,
cauliflower, and diced chicken served on a white plate. When
observing Mrs. Jones and the CNA staff, the OT also noticed
that the staff positioned themselves to either Mrs. Jones’ left or
right when trying to encourage her to eat, as they were often
also encouraging other residents to eat and/or feeding other
residents at the same time. When interacting with Mrs. Jones, it
was evident that the staff had startled her, which then triggered
her agitation and yelling. The OT determined that the barriers
to feeding included lack of contrast among the table, plate, and
food, as well as staff being positioned outside of Mrs. Jones
line of sight, thereby limiting initiation of self-feeding and
facilitating the negative behaviors. On completing the occupa-
tional therapy evaluation, the therapist determined three areas
relating to feeding that needed to be addressed: (1) the environ-
ment (e.g., adding more color contrast to the place setting), (2)
Mrs. Jones’ positioning during meals, and (3) staff training on
strategies for feeding.
Occupational therapy addressing the environment. Based
on her knowledge of dementia and understanding of the envi-
ronments role in self-feeding for persons with dementia, the OT
identified that limited color contrast was an issue. Specifically,
as dementia progresses, an individuals vision changes, resulting
in greater difficulty distinguishing objects of similar color. Thus,
a white plate on a white tablecloth with mostly white food was
difficult to see. To address this barrier, the OT worked with the
kitchen and CNA staff to provide a colored plate for Mrs. Jones
to create contrast between the food and table.
Occupational therapy enhancing resident-staff interac-
tions during eating—positioning and approach. Based on
her clinical training, the OT knew that it was more effective to
sit directly in front of the individual with dementia so as not
to startle them. As dementia progresses, peripheral vision can
decrease over time. Thus, sitting to the side of the resident is
confusing, as the staff person is not in a direct line of sight and
has an unfamiliar voice, which triggers anxiety and resistance.
In response, the OT educated and trained the day shift CNAs on
the recommended place to sit when working with Mrs. Jones,
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including suggestions for positioning for the CNAs and Mrs.
Specifically, in the dining room, there were tables set for up
to six people as well as smaller café tables for two people. The
OT and CNAs tried having Mrs. Jones eat at one of the café
tables during her meals, which was deemed successful, as the
agitation and yelling decreased and feeding improved. To ensure
follow through, the therapist worked with the various CNA
shifts to promote carryover and ensure that the staff sat directly
in front of her, providing one-step prompts to eat. Finally, a
training session was scheduled with the family members that
came in each weekend for Sunday lunch to educate them on the
new strategies for meals. Before discharge from occupational
therapy services, the therapist provided one-on-one training
sessions with each of the CNAs in the facility and documented
the resulting maintenance program, summarizing the recom-
mendations for Mrs. Jones. Copies of the detailed document
were placed in the CNA communication log as well as Mrs.
Jones’ chart and served as a guide for CNA staff caring for her in
the future. The guidance included:
Using a colored plate for all meals
Sitting at one of the café tables for two, with the CNA
sitting across from Mrs. Jones, directly in her line of sight
Limiting communication to simple, one-step commands
in an effort to prompt Mrs. Jones to eat, thereby limiting
excessive side conversations, which were a distraction and
As the U.S. population ages, the number of people with demen-
tia will continue to increase (Alzheimers Association, 2014;
Ortman et al., 2014). As dementia progresses from the early
to late stages of the disease, it causes cognitive decline, the
inability to make decisions or communicate, and a decrease in
functional and cognitive abilities (McDonald et al., 2010). As
the disease advances, people require more assistance with their
ADLs and other unmet care needs, which can lead to long-term
nursing home placement (Zimmerman et al., 2013). As of 2012,
residents with dementia made up 48.5% of the nursing home
population, a percentage that is expected to increase as the pop-
ulation ages (Harris-Kojetin et al., 2013; Ortman et al., 2014).
This client population is at risk for poor outcomes, including
weight loss, accidental falls, morbidity, and mortality (Navar-
ro-Gil et al., 2014; Sylliaas et al., 2012). Thus, the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS; 2013) has identified indi-
viduals with dementia as a high priority population in need of
quality improvement. The CMS initiative emphasizes enhancing
client outcomes and overall quality of life through person-cen-
tered approaches. To this end, federal priorities are bringing
client-centered care to the forefront of health care delivery.
Client-centered care is an important component to provid-
ing quality dementia care by enabling the individual to retain
personal worth, decision-making opportunities, and a feeling
of independence (Nazarko, 2009). To understand and identify
the best interventions to inform a person-centered approach
to dementia care in a nursing home, the purpose of this article
is to situate occupational therapy practitioners’ approaches to
dementia care within the context of the person–environment
occupation (PEO) theoretical framework.
The PEO Model was developed to provide a framework for deliv-
ering services that encompass a client-centered approach (Law
et al., 1996). There are three components to the model: the
person, the environment, and the occupation (Law et al., 1996).
The person is an individual with a unique set of identities, expe-
riences, and abilities. The environment is a broad domain that
comprises physical, social, cultural, and socio-economic factors.
Occupation refers to the functional tasks and activities that the
individual engages in. The PEO Model is built on the theory
that interaction of the person, environment, and occupation
facilitates participation. If there is a good fit of these constructs,
meaningful participation increases, whereas a poor fit can
threaten engagement or performance. The fit between the PEO
interaction is defined by the quality of a persons experience
with regard to their level of satisfaction and functioning (Strong
et al., 1999).
Consequently, the interconnected relationship presented in
the PEO Model can provide a framework for understanding peo-
ple with dementia and provide client-centered care. By encom-
passing the person with the occupation and nursing home
environment, different factors interact as a barrier or facilitator
to providing quality care. Specifically, the PEO Model can be
used to understand and develop person-centered interventions
for people with dementia.
Within each domain, several factors interact with and influence
dementia care (see Figure 1 on p. CE-3). The person domain
includes the physical and cognitive levels of people with demen-
tia as well as their attitudes, preferences, and personality before
the diagnosis. Individuals with dementia may experience mem-
ory loss, confusion, unclear thinking, decline in problem-solv-
ing skills, loss of interest in usual activities, and behavioral
symptoms (e.g., aggression, agitation, anxiety), which can affect
their ability to participate in activities and overall quality of life
(Torpy et al., 2004). The environment domain focuses on both
the physical and social contexts. The physical environment for
a long-term nursing home resident with dementia includes the
physical structure of the nursing home, such as the indoor and
outdoor space, including lighting, noise, placement of furniture,
and outdoor resident areas (Degenholtz et al., 2006). The social
environment in this context incorporates the facility policy;
administrative and nursing staff; other residents in the facility;
and family, caregiver, and friend support (McFadden & Lun-
sman, 2010). For people with dementia, the occupation domain
CE-3MAY 2018
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includes the activities provided in the nursing home, routines,
and the timing and required abilities for these tasks.
The degree of overlap among the person, environment, and
occupation factors reflects the ability of participation among
residents with dementia. When the environment and occupa-
tion adjust to the abilities of the person, then participation is
considered successful.
The primary focus of research exploring the person and envi-
ronment interaction has been on the physical environment.
The physical environment of a nursing home includes the
residents bedroom and bathroom, common areas, lounges, and
dining rooms as well as the lighting, space, and life-enriching
features in these areas (Degenholtz et al., 2006). According to
Degenholtz and colleagues (2006), residents with lower levels
of cognitive or functional abilities report a higher quality of life
when living in an environment with life-enriching features and
less noxious stimuli. As shown in the PEO Model, the environ-
ment is able to promote the persons functional and cognitive
skills, and allow the individual to adapt to their health declines.
This is reflective of Mrs. Jones’ case example, where the OT
recommended changes to her environment to accommodate her
visual impairment.
Research has evaluated the effect of physical environment
modifications on the negative behavioral symptoms among
individuals with dementia, specifically symptoms of agitation,
aggression, and anxiety (Maseda et al., 2014; Milev et al.,
2008). Intervention approaches include altering the appearance
of a typical nursing home to create multiple small-scale and
home-like facilities and creating multisensory stimulation envi-
ronments, which were found to improve the quality of life for
residents (Maseda et al., 2014; Milev et al., 2008; Verbeek et al.,
2009). Implementing a multisensory stimulation environment
increased activity engagement and improved behavior and mood
for residents in nursing homes (Maseda et al., 2014; Milev et al.,
2008). The multisensory stimulation environment can adjust to
the preferences and the abilities of the individual to reflect the
person–environment interaction.
Research has also demonstrated improvement in client
outcomes when the social environment is modified to support
individuals with dementia. When equipped with the knowl-
edge to understand dementia symptoms, the progression of the
disease, and the cause of negative behaviors, nursing staff were
Figure 1: The Person-Environment-Occupation
Model for dementia
Physical environment:
Nursing home
Social environment:
• Nursing Staff
• Residents
Physical Level
Cognitive Level
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able to implement behavioral management programs to provide
better care for the residents and reduce behavioral symptoms
(DeYoung et al., 2002; Galik et al., 2008). The person–envi-
ronment interaction between the nursing staff and the individ-
ual’s health status ameliorated some of the negative effects of
For residents with dementia, their family and caregivers are
also an integral component of the social environment. Having
contact and meaningful engagement with family can contribute
to the psychosocial well-being of residents, even those with
limited cognitive abilities (Bauer & Nay, 2003). To maintain the
relationship between the resident and their family, one study
incorporated family participation into the activity program at
the nursing home (Cochran et al., 2001). Family and significant
others were invited to attend certain activity programs, which
were found to increase engagement and interaction among the
resident, family members, and staff.
Research on the relationship between the person and envi-
ronment has shown that the environment encompasses differ-
ent factors (physical and social). The different components that
make up the environment can influence the persons abilities
and functional level. When the environment is adapted to meet
the needs of the person, it can improve participation among
residents with dementia.
The person–occupation relationship examines how the activity
affects the individual with dementia. Residents with dementia
usually prefer activities that address their psychological and
social needs (Harmer & Orrell, 2008). However, inactivity
and lack of interest in activities is common among residents
with dementia (Altus et al., 2002). In addition, as the condi-
tion progresses, cognitive and functional ability declines; this
can reduce engagement in activities and lower quality of life
(McDonald et al., 2010). Many of the activities that are offered
in nursing homes are inappropriate, and residents do not find
them meaningful, which is a key component for quality of
life (Harmer & Orrell, 2008). Using the person–occupation
interaction, activities can be designed based on the individuals
personal preferences and abilities, to increase engagement.
Engagement can be achieved when activities are modified
to accommodate the residents’ cognitive and functional ability,
personality, and previous interests (Buettner et al., 2006;
Cohen-Mansfield et al., 2006; Kolanowski et al., 2011; van der
Ploeg et al., 2013). These interventions engaged residents in an
individually tailored activity. Designing activities that consider
the person domain of the PEO model allows for an increase in
However, research is limited on the daily routines of resi-
dents in nursing homes with dementia and how the routines
affect the activities they participate in. Alterations or disrup-
tions in an individual’s daily routines can create stress that
triggers behavioral symptoms, such as agitation, aggression,
and wandering (Kovach, 2000). Kovach and colleagues (2004)
believed arousal imbalance, defined as being awake in an arousal
state for 1.5 hours or longer without any change, causes those
behavioral symptoms. Lack of activity for a period of time or
overstimulation results in imbalance. After observing the Mrs.
Jones’ daily routines, the OT adjusted her daily activity schedule
accordingly to reduce the occurrence of arousal imbalance.
Within the PEO framework, occupations take into the
account the timing and frequency of the task, and how it can
affect the person. If an activity is given when a resident is over-
stimulated, then negative outcomes can occur, such as aggres-
sion. However, if there is a fit with the timing and frequency
of the activity, then the resident will become engaged (Kovach,
2000; Kovach et al., 2004). For Mrs. Jones, understanding her
routines and the best time to have meals could affect whether
she engaged in eating.
Changes in the environment can be facilitators of or barriers
to the outcomes of occupations. A few studies have examined
the effects of environmental design on activities as occupa-
tions. Cutler and colleagues (2006) evaluated a set of nursing
home facilities and found that many of the residents’ rooms and
other parts of the facility were often bare. Living in facilities
that cause sensory deprivation have been found to exacerbate
negative behavioral symptoms, which can lower overall quality
of life and cause inactivity (Cutler et al., 2006). Similarly, some
facilities do not have the resources to provide quality activity
programs that could improve the quality of life for residents
(Kolanowski et al., 2006). When the environment is unable to
provide the positive characteristics for activity participation,
adjustments need to be made in the PEO model (Strong et al.,
Having an environment that promotes participation can
cause positive environment–occupation interaction. One
intervention moved the structured activity program of a facility
from an indoor program to an outdoor program (Connell et al.,
2007). The purpose of this change in environment was to allow
the residents to be exposed to bright light, while participating
in an activity to promote participation. Mrs. Joness situation
also illustrated this type of interaction. The plate and food
lacked contrast (environment), which contributed to her lack of
engagement in eating (occupation). Thus, changing the color of
the plate to match her current abilities was needed.
The studies of dementia care in nursing homes that were
reviewed focused on fragments of the PEO model. When
looking at dementia care, there were no studies that imple-
mented the entire PEO model. However, there was one study
that looked at the PEO interaction when evaluating meaning-
ful activities within nursing homes, although not specifically
on residents with dementia (Green & Cooper, 2000). Twenty
CE-5MAY 2018
.1 AOTA CEU (one contact hour and 1.25 NBCOT PDU). See page below for details.
nursing home matrons from different facilities in the United
Kingdom were interviewed regarding their nursing home and
how they facilitated meaningful activities for their residents.
Framing their analysis within the PEO framework, Green and
Cooper (2000) were able to recognize how the PEO interaction
played a role in engagement of meaningful activities. The per-
son focus consisted of the decline in health, increase in frailty,
and preference of choosing their activities. The environment
focus included the organizational level (e.g., control by the
matron, creativity, resourcefulness, flexibility) and the physical
level (e.g., home comforts, characteristics of the nursing home).
The occupation focus consisted of the activity being individual-
ized, varied, familiar, and broad in range. To accommodate for a
decline in the residents’ abilities (the person), the nursing home
staff (the environment) had to be flexible and creative when
designing an individualized activity (the occupation). Green
and Cooper (2000) advocated for further research and using the
model to encourage purposeful activities.
Areas of research still need to be evaluated within the PEO
interaction for dementia care in nursing homes. Interventions
have been developed that address separate components of the
model. However, these interventions are not specific for the
whole progression of dementia and how the PEO interaction
changes as dementia progresses. As an individual reaches the
advanced stages of dementia, their functional and cognitive
abilities decline further and they are generally bedridden, with
sensory deprivation and complete dependence on care (Lussier
et al., 2011). The environment and occupation would have to
adapt to the changes in the person, and research should exam-
ine whether these interactions can exist when the abilities of
the person have become even more limited.
Additionally, within the nursing home setting, more research
is needed to examine the interplay of the social environment
and the person and occupation components. Limited studies
were found on the organizational level and specifically how
the nursing home organization interacted with residents with
dementia and their participation in activities. With the CMS
(2013) initiative to provide quality dementia care, it is import-
ant to evaluate how the higher organizational environments
(e.g., federal policies) affect the other factors of the PEO model.
Occupational therapy practitioners can use the PEO model to
provide client-centered care and engage individuals residing
in nursing homes. By understanding the PEO interaction for
persons with dementia, occupational therapy practitioners are
better able to provide high-quality care. Practitioners can also
use the PEO model to evaluate innovative approaches to caring
for residents with dementia in nursing homes.
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Using new tools for greater research specificity. Gerontologist, 46, 42–51.
Degenholtz, H. B., Miller, M. J., Kane, R. A., Cutler, L. J., & Kane, R. L. (2006).
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DeYoung, S., Just, G., & Harrison, R. (2002). Decreasing aggressive, agitated, or
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Galik, E. M., Resnick, B., Gruber-Baldini, A., Nahm, E.-S., Pearson, K., &
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Green, S., & Cooper, B. A. (2000). Occupation as a quality of life constituent:
A nursing home perspective. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(1),
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Harmer, B. J., & Orrell, M. (2008). What is meaningful activity for people with
dementia living in care homes? A comparison of the views of older people
with dementia, staff and family carers. Aging & Mental Health, 12, 548–558.
Harris-Kojetin, L., Sengupta, M., Park-Lee, E., & Valverde, R. (2013). Long-term
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relate to activity engagement in nursing home residents. American
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 21, 15–22. https://doi.
Kolanowski, A., Litaker, M., Buettner, L., Moeller, J., & Costa, P. T. (2011).
A randomized clinical trial of theory-based activities for the behavioral
symptoms of dementia in nursing home residents. Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society, 59, 1032–1041.
Kovach, C. R. (2000). Sensoristasis and imbalance in persons with dementia.
Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 32, 379–384.
Kovach, C. R., Taneli, Y., Dohearty, P., Schlidt, A. M., Cashin, S., & Silva-Smith,
A. L. (2004). Effect of the BACE intervention on agitation of people with
dementia. Gerontologist, 44, 797–806.
Law, M., Cooper, B., Strong, S., Stewart, D., Rigby, P., & Letts, L. (1996). The
Person–EnvironmentOccupation Model: A transactive approach to occu-
pational performance. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63, 9–23.
Lussier, D., Bruneau, M.-A., & Villalpando, J. M. (2011). Management of end-
stage dementia. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, 38, 247–264. https://
Maseda, A., Sánchez, A., Marante, M. P., González-Abraldes, I., Buján, A., &
Millán-Calenti, J. C. (2014). Effects of multisensory stimulation on a sample
of institutionalized elderly people with dementia diagnosis: A controlled
longitudinal trial. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias,
29, 463–473.
McDonald, R. J., Craig, L. A., & Hong, N. S. (2010). The etiology of age-related
dementia is more complicated than we think. Behavioural Brain Research,
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Behaviors of residents relocated from a nursing home environment to small
households. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 25,
Milev, R. V., Kellar, T., McLean, M., Mileva, V., Luthra, V., Thompson, S.,
& Peever, L. (2008). Multisensory stimulation for elderly with demen-
tia: A 24-week single-blind randomized controlled pilot study. American
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias, 23, 372–376. https://doi.
Navarro-Gil, P., González-Vélez, A. E., Ayala, A., Martín-García, S., Martínez-
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Ortman, J., Velkoff, V., & Hogan, H. (2014). An aging nation: The older population
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tool. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66, 122–133. https://doi.
Sylliaas, H., Selbæk, G., & Bergland, A. (2012). Do behavioral disturbances
predict falls among nursing home residents? Aging Clinical and Experimental
Research, 24, 251–256.
Torpy, J., Lynm, C., & Glass, R. (2004). Dementia. JAMA, 292, 1514. https://doi.
van der Ploeg, E. S., Eppingstall, B., Camp, C. J., Runci, S. J., Taffe, J., &
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personalized, one-to-one interaction using Montessori-based activities on
agitation, affect, and engagement in nursing home residents with dementia.
International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 565–575.
Verbeek, H., van Rossum, E., Zwakhalen, S., Ambergen, T., Kempen, G., &
Hamers, J. (2009). The effects of small-scale, homelike facilities for older
people with dementia on residents, family caregivers and staff: Design of a
longitudinal, quasi-experimental study. BMC Geriatrics, 9, Article 3. https://
Zimmerman, S., Anderson, W. L., Brode, S., Jonas, D., Lux, L., Beeber, A. S., …
Sloane, P. D. (2013). Systematic review: Effective characteristics of nursing
homes and other residential long-term care settings for people with demen-
tia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 61, 13991409.
Final Exam
Article Code CEA0518
Applying the Person–Environment–Occupation Model to
Improve Dementia Care
May 2018
To receive CE credit, exam must be completed by
May 31, 2020
Learning Level: Intermediate
Target Audience:
Occupational Therapists and
Occupational Therapy
Content Focus: OT Process: Intervention
1. Client-centered dementia care allows the individual with
dementia to have all of the following except:
A. Personal worth
B. Decision-making opportunities
C. Access to health care
D. Independence
2. What are the components of the Person–Environment–
Occupation (PEO) model?
A. Person, environment, and organization
B. Person, environment, and occupation
C. Policy, environment, and organization
D. Public spaces, extrinsic factors, and occupation
3. All the following from the Mrs. Jones case example are
examples of the “person” in the PEO model except:
A. Having visual impairment
B. Having dementia
C. Living in a nursing home
D. Expressing negative behavioral symptoms
CE-7MAY 2018
.1 AOTA CEU (one contact hour and 1.25 NBCOT PDU). See page 5 for details.
4. A good fit between the person, environment, and
A. Promotes participation
B. Increases social support
C. Improves cognition
D. Decreases risk for falls
5. All the following make up the environment domain of
the PEO model except:
A. Nursing staff
B. Dining room
C. Facility policy
D. Eating meals
6. Research has shown that the following type of environ-
mental modification can reduce negative behavioral
A. Having a multisensory stimulation room
B. Placing residents in the dining room
C. Having multiple certified nursing assistants attend to the
D. None of the above
7. Which of the following statements best describes the
person–environment relationship?
A. The environment has no effect on a resident’s function or
cognitive abilities
B. Only the social environment can reduce negative behav-
ioral symptoms
C. Different components of the environment can influence
a person’s abilities and functional levels
D. The physical environment affects a person’s cognition
8. Residents with dementia usually prefer activities that:
A. Are physical exercises
B. Address their psychological and social needs
C. Are provided in a group program
D. Affect their daily routines
9. Engagement in nursing homes can be achieved when activ-
ities are modified to accommodate the activities to all the
llowing resident characteristics except:
A. Cognitive ability
B. Past experiences
C. Personality
D. Social support
10. What environmental intervention was shown to have a
positive effect on engagement in an occupation in the
environment and occupation relationship?
A. Having an activity program outdoors instead of indoors
B. Providing exercises in a larger activity room
C. Dimming the lights in the activity room
D. Hiring a new activity provider
11. Which of the following are barriers in the relationship
between environment and occupation?
A. Facilities that lack resources
B. Having an outdoor area for activities
C. Using a multisensory stimulation environment
D. Having a larger population of residents who are cogni-
tively impaired
12. Which recommendation made by the occupational
therapist in Mrs. Jones’ case example addressed the
A. Changing the color of the plate at meal times
B. Encouraging Mrs. Jones to eat with other residents
C. Having Mrs. Jones eat her meals inside her room so as
not to disrupt the other residents
D. Changing the food that was made for Mrs. Jones
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