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14/77294 22 April 2015
Building Consent Application
Procedure for Inspection
I/we propose the following list of inspections (as applicable to the project) to meet the requirements of
Section 45(1)(b) of the Building Act 2004 in relation to the procedure for undertaking inspections during the
construction, alteration or demolition of a building :
Excavation for foundations (piles, posts etc);
Excavation and reinforcing in foundations;
Under floor slab plumbing;
Slab on ground prior to pouring concrete;
Foundation wall reinforcing;
Waterproofing of retaining walls prior to backfill;
Other reinforcing steel as required;
Timber sub floor prior to flooring being fixed;
Fixings pre roofing and pre wrap;
Direct fixed post wrap / flashing / cladding fixings;
Brick veneer check (first day / half height);
Cavity battens;
Pre-lining including moisture content Fire separation wall during lining;
All bracing panels;
Drainage before any work is covered up including test,
and including connection inspection if using Council system;
Final - when all work covered by the consent is completed;
Fireplace inspections:
o Free standing;
o Inbuilt.
Swimming Pool inspections:
o Excavation prior to installation
o Fencing and backflow device.
Additionally, I/we propose third party verifications and inspections in accordance with section 13 of the
Building Consent Application Guidance Notes, as applicable, to the request of the Building Consent
I/we understand that these inspections and third party verification shall be relied upon by the Building
Consent Authority to conclude that the works have been carried out in accordance with the Building Code
and Building Consent as required by Section 90 of the Building Act 2004 and understand that failure to have
these inspections / verifications may prevent a Code Compliance Certificate from being issued.
I/we acknowledge that the owner shall be responsible for all costs incurred from the carrying out of all
inspections by Council or other parties.