2. Owner (see guidance)
Full name(s) of owner(s)
Contact person (if the applicant is not an individual)
Postal address of owner Post code
Street address/registered office
Phone no landline Mobile
Website Email
The following evidence of ownership is attached:
Select type of ownership:
Fee Simple Incompleted or recently completed purchase Crosslease
Leasehold Trust or company
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T: 09 430 4200 | 0800 WDC INFO | 0800 932 463 | F: 09 438 7632
W: www.wdc.govt.nz | E: mailroom@wdc.govt.nz
Form 2 - Application for Project Information Memorandum
(PIM), Building Consent (BC)
Building Act 2004
This form should be used to make application for
Project Information Memorandum (PIM) Section 33 of the Building Act 2004
Building Consent (BC) Section 45 of the Building Act 2004
PIM & BC Section 31(1)(a) of the Building Act 2004
MultiProof Consent Building Amendment Act 2009
1. The Building (see guidance)
Number Street
Suburb / Locality Postcode
Legal Description of Land Area (ha)
Building name (if applicable) No. Levels
Location of building within site/block no.
Level/Unit no. Year First Constructed
Total Floor Area (m
Currently lawfully established use (include number
of occupants per level and per use if more than 1)
Please enter the
street address of
the building
MultiProof Certificate Number
If you are filling in this form
electronically, please save a copy
to your computer first. You can
then open the form with Adobe
Reader and fill it in on your
DO NOT fill this form in within a
browser as you will lose your data.
Please ensure you fill in all
mandatory fields (mark N/A where
not applicable) before submitting
the form or there is a chance you
will be asked to resubmit before
your application can be processed.
BLDCONS-649536296-166 March 2020