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13/75818 19 September 2013
Wet Area Producer Statement
This form is to be used by people undertaking wet area waterproofing to confirm that the works comply with
the NZ Building Code, the consented plans and specifications of a Building Consent / Certificate of
Plumbers confirming test results should use the Certifying Plumber’s producer statement form.
Office use Checked & complies Checked & does not comply l Not applicable
I have read the above building consent and read the conditions of consent together with the waterproofing details contained
therein; and confirm that:
the substrate is suitable for the application of the above waterproof membrane.
the waterproof membrane has been applied in accordance with the manufacture’s specifications and technical
All work has been carried out in accordance with the building consent and / or complies with the Building
Attach copies of the following documents:
Evidence of qualification/registration is attached
I understand that the Whangarei District Council will rely upon this producer statement, for the purposed of establishing compliance with
the NZ Building Code and the consented documents, or for the issuing of a Certificate of Acceptance.
in support of inspection