Private Bag 9023 | Whangarei 0148 | New Zealand
T: 09 430 4200 | 0800 WDC INFO | 0800 932 463 | F: 09 438 7632
W: | E:
06/334882 February 2012
Building consent amendment application
Amended plans to be returned to
Was building consent applied for through Council only
(Note - staff check text notes for certifier)
Has building consent been issued
(if not, amendment can be added to original)
Code Compliance Certificate yet to be issued
Amendment is similar to use
(If rooms being changed around within footprint e.g. bathrooms becomes laundry and
vice versa then amendment is ok, but if garage becomes rumpus room or spare space
is to become toilet/shower etc, this would not qualify for amendment)
Amendment contained within footprint of building and no change to height,
daylight angles etc as per original submitted plans.
(If not the compliance manager or building officer is to decide).
Duty planner may be required.
Original application less than 1 year old (If older than 1 year compliance manager
or building officer to decide)
Is value being added to building consent
(if so new building consent required)
Does the original project involve Restricted Building Works? Does amendment
alter RBW elements? (If so, application to include another Design Memorandum to
cover amended works) See guidance note on reverse.
Office use
Customer services representative name
Residential Commercial