Providence City Registrar, Providence City Hall, Room 104
25 Dorrance St., Providence, RI 02903
Application for a Certified Copy of a Birth Record
Please complete ALL items 1
1. Fill in the information below for the person
whose birth record you are requesting:
Full name at birth _______________________________________________________
New name if changed in court (excluding marriage)______________________________________________________
City/town of birth___________________ Hospital
Mother’s/parent's full at birth______________________________________________________________________
Father’s/parent's full at birth________________________________________________________________________
2. I am applying for the birth record of (complete
my grandchild (parent of mother)
my grandchild (parent of father
I’m a social worker. Name of my agency is_______________________________________
I’m an attorney representing:_____________________________________________
The name of the law firm is:
another person (specify your relationship):__________________________________________________
s record? (We ask this question so that we can supply you with a certified copy that will be
suitable for your needs.)
work WIC welfare other use (specify)______________________
Walk-in copies cost $22.00. Mail-in copies cost $25.00.
Any additional copies of this record purchased this same day cost $18.00 each
How many do you want? _______
I hereby state that the information supplied in item #2 above is true and that I am not in violation of Section
28 of the General Laws of RI (printed on the reverse side of this form).
ign_____________________________________________________________ ______________________
Signature of person completing this form
Print your name_______________________________________________
Print your address_______________________________________________________________________________
street or mailing address
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Type of picture ID:____________________ID number: _____________ID issued by:_____________