7) Area of yard available to dog (approx. sq. ft. or dimensions): ______________________
8) Is the yard completely fenced? (Yes / No) Height: ___________ Stockade / Link / Invisible
9) Average number of hrs. dog will be home without people: ________ hrs. __________ days per wk
10) Where will the dog be kept when you are not home (ex. Work, outings)? (circle answer)
Loose in house Crate Confined to room/area of house Finished basement Unfinished basement
Outdoor kennel Garage/Shed Runner Fenced yard Tied in yard Other: _______________
11) Where will the dog be kept at night? (circle answer)
Loose in house Crate Confined to room/area of house Finished basement Unfinished basement
Outdoor kennel Garage/Shed Runner Fenced yard Tied in yard Other: _______________
12) Please describe all animals this dog will live with or frequently visit:
13) Please describe any past dogs you have owned:
14) List any past veterinarians or veterinary clinics you took your pets to:
15) Does anyone in your home have dog allergies? (Yes / No / Unsure )
The information I have provided is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and I
authorize Providence Animal Control to verify any information I provided. It is in my
understanding that any false information will result in adoption refusal. I understand
Providence Animal Control may refuse any adoption.
__________________________________________ ______________________________________
Print Applicant Name Applicant Signature
Approved by: _________________________ Date: _____________________
Denied by: ___________________________ Reason for denial: ____________________________
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