Revised 1/07
Date: ________________________
To the Building Board of Review:
Petition for variation or modification of the application of certain provisions of the Rhode
Island State Building Code:
Owner: _____________________________________________ Tel. No. _________________
Address: _______________________________________________ Zip Code ________
Applicant: ___________________________________________ Tel. No. _________________
Address: _______________________________________________ Zip Code ________
Lessee: ______________________________________________ Tel. No. ________________
Address: _______________________________________________ Zip Code _______
1. Location of subject property:___________________________________________________
2. Assessor’s Plat(s) _________________________ Lot(s) ____________________________
3. Dimensions: Lot # ______ frontage _________ depth __________ area __________sq. ft.
Lot # ______ frontage _________ depth __________ area __________sq. ft.
Lot # ______ frontage _________ depth __________ area __________sq. ft.
4. Zoning District(s): ____________________, Overlay District: ________________________
5. Present Use of Premises (each lot): _____________________________________________
6. Legal Use of Premises as recorded in the Department of Inspection & Standards:
7. Proposed Use of Premises _____________________________________________________
8. Type of Construction _________________________________________________________
9. Are the Premises located within the Historic District: Yes ____________ No ____________
If yes, have the plans been approved by the Providence Historic District Commission?
Yes ____________ No ____________
10. Are there outstanding violations concerning the: RI State Building Code
Zoning Ordinance
Housing Code