Revised 1/07
Date: ________________________
To the Building Board of Review:
Petition for variation or modification of the application of certain provisions of the Rhode
Island State Building Code:
Owner: _____________________________________________ Tel. No. _________________
Address: _______________________________________________ Zip Code ________
Applicant: ___________________________________________ Tel. No. _________________
Address: _______________________________________________ Zip Code ________
Lessee: ______________________________________________ Tel. No. ________________
Address: _______________________________________________ Zip Code _______
1. Location of subject property:___________________________________________________
2. Assessor’s Plat(s) _________________________ Lot(s) ____________________________
3. Dimensions: Lot # ______ frontage _________ depth __________ area __________sq. ft.
Lot # ______ frontage _________ depth __________ area __________sq. ft.
Lot # ______ frontage _________ depth __________ area __________sq. ft.
4. Zoning District(s): ____________________, Overlay District: ________________________
5. Present Use of Premises (each lot): _____________________________________________
6. Legal Use of Premises as recorded in the Department of Inspection & Standards:
7. Proposed Use of Premises _____________________________________________________
8. Type of Construction _________________________________________________________
9. Are the Premises located within the Historic District: Yes ____________ No ____________
If yes, have the plans been approved by the Providence Historic District Commission?
Yes ____________ No ____________
10. Are there outstanding violations concerning the: RI State Building Code
Zoning Ordinance
Housing Code
Revised 1/07
11. The undersigned hereby applies for a variation or modification of the application of the
requirements of the following Section(s) or Table(s):
12. State briefly the proposed change of use or alterations and explain the variations or
modifications sought. Be specific as to the uses within the building. (Use additional sheets if
Respectfully submitted,
Signature(s) of Property Owner(s): Signature(s) of Applicant(s):
____________________________________ __________________________________
____________________________________ __________________________________
Address: Address:
____________________________________ __________________________________
____________________________________ __________________________________
Please Note: Unless all requirements listed on the instruction sheet are complied with, this
application will not be accepted.