For the Business Services Council
Purpose of Council: To identify and study issues relating to administrators who work in the area of
business services. To promote membership in ACSA by school business officials by enhancing the position and skills
of business officials through workshops and conferences. To maintain liaison with other ACSA committees, affiliated
organizations, the State Department of Education, and other educational agencies. To serve as a quick response team.
Responsibilities of Council Members
As a new member, attend orientation meeting.
Contribute to projects undertaken by the council.
Provide v
erbal report at each council meeting on
school business issues and activities in council
member’s region; submit written summary at end of
Attend three regular annual council meetings.
Attend and actively participate in council sponsored
professional development activities: CASBO/ACSA
, Business Academies.
Provide leadership to other school business professionals
in his/her region.
Communicate council activities and information to school
business professionals in council member’s region.
Ability to:
Organize time and workload to incorporate
Council activities.
Communicate effectively.
The most effective council member would be in a position
directly related to school business responsibilities; or an
administrator aspiring to move into school business
Council M
ember Being Replaced: Term:
One Box must be selected
Council Member Selected
Council Member Elected
Name Social Security #:
Title District School
(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)
Telephone Fax E-mail
Superintendent of District
Superintendent's Address
Nominee's previous ACSA State, Regional or Charter activities:
Please be sure to check the appropriate box for affirmative action: Male Female
African/American Asian Caucasian
Eskimo – American Indian Filipino Latino Pacific Islander
Special Instructions:
Before you return this form, check to be sure the person recommended is an ACSA member. You are welcome
to contact the ACSA Membership Department at (650) 692-4300 if you are unsure.
Be sure that you do not recommend any member who has already served a full three year term.
Members may serve on only one ACSA State Committee/Council at a time.
Return completed forms to: Lori Allred |
ACSA, 1029 J Street, Suite 500, Sacram
ento, CA 95814