Professional Learning Activities Funds Request Form
This form is to be used by full time faculty seeking funding for professional development pursuant to Section 14.8 of
the UFF CBA 2018-21. Return the digitally signed form to the Center for Teaching Excellence at cte@easternflorida.edu
Name of Event or Academic Conference
Proposed Professional Learning Activity:
Estimated Cost Break-Down: (registration fees, mileage, airfare, hotel, etc.)
Explain how the professional development will benefit student and/or program performance; enhance teaching;
increase retention, completion, and/or placement; support industry certification, support the college’s mission
statement, etc. Attach any necessary supporting documents. Participation in an approved event must occur on/
before August 15
of the following year.
Last time PLAF funds received:
Information disseminated via the following ways:
I understand that I will be required to share information obtained from the professional development opportunity
with my colleagues and the Center for Teaching Excellence.
Faculty Signature
The following sections are to be completed by the appropriate committee chair:
Approved Professional Learning Activity:
*If funding approved, it is the requestor’s responsibility to submit all required college documentation.
**Approval by the TPDC does not guarantee funding of this activity.
Registration fees and travel costs for presenting at academic conferences
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