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Eastern Florida State College
First Day Inclusive Access
Notification of Intent to Opt-Out
Email completed form to studentaccounts@easternflorida.edu
or drop off at any EFSC Campus Cashier Office location.
Course Reference Number (CRN)
Course Subject and Course Number (ex. ACG 3024)
My signature below is confirmation of my understanding and agreement to the following:
This Notification of Intent to Opt-Out of the First Day Inclusive Access, is specific to the First Day Inclusive Access charge
on my student account, for the Course stated above.
I am voluntarily declining the publisher discounted rate for the digital materials negotiated and provided by the
publisher, Barnes and Noble, and Eastern Florida State College. I understand that the Course Materials, including any
digital textbook, and associated labs or platforms will not be available to me through Canvas, and may not be available
through other venues at the same negotiated price.
I understand that Opting-out of First Day Inclusive Access may negatively impact my successful completion of the course
requirements. I understand that this opt-out notification does not change my course enrollment status. I am fully
responsible for all course work and deadlines, even if I no longer have access to the digital text and/or an alternative
purchased textbook, regardless if I attend the class.
By submitting this notice of intent to opt-out of the First Day Inclusive Access, I am requesting an immediate credit on
my account from t
he First Day Inclusive Access - course materials charges. I have already selected the opt-out option
of the First Day Inclusive Access or I will select the opt-out option of the First Day Inclusive Access before the end of the
opt-in period deadline, as stated in the course Materials Link through Canvas.
If my request for an immediate
credit on my account from the First Day Inclusive Access - course materials charges
results in a credit balance to my account, by submitting this notice of opting out, or opting out through the online
process, any refund due to me will be processed according to the Eastern Florida State College’s refund policy.
I understand that if I Opt-In, through the Course Materials link through Canvas, the credit on my account from my opt-
out notification will be reversed and the charge for the First Day Inclusive Access will be included in any outstanding
balance that is due.
I understand that I am financially responsible to EFSC for payment of all tuition, fees and other related costs of
enrollment, including any outstanding balance due and it is collectible under Eastern Florida State College’s established
Registration and Financial Responsibility Agreement.
By signing below, I understand and acknowledge:
I have read the items above and understand how each applies to my registration for the course and the charges for
the First Day Inclusive Access course materials.