Applicants hired under CBA 2015-2018 and CBA 2018-2021, use this tenure application (CBA 2018-2021 Appendix S)
Eastern Florida State College
ure Application
Name (printed): Campus:
Date Hired as F-T Faculty (Month, Year):
Degrees Awarded and Dates
To apply for tenure, please do the following:
1. By October 1
of the fall term of the year of tenure consideration, obtain both Human Resources and
Supervising Administrator signatures on this application.
2. By October 15
of the fall term of the year of tenure consideration, submit a copy of a signed application for
tenure to the announced chair of the Campus Tenure Committee.
3. By January 10
of the Spring Term of the year of tenure consideration, submit your tenure portfolio to the
Campus Tenure Committee chair.
The timeline for consideration is:
4. By February 1st, Campus Tenure Committees must have met and forwarded written recommendations to the
TPDC chair.
5. By April 1st, the TPDC must have met and forwarded recommendations for all applications that have been
favorably recommended by both the TPDC and Campus Tenure Committees to the College President or
6. By the end of the Spring term, candidates for Tenure will be notified of approval or non- approval by the
Instructions: Per Article 11 of the CBA, four criteria must be met to apply for tenure:
1. Satisfactory service performed in a full-time faculty position for four (4) to six (6) academic years except where
outlined in Article 11.1.A.1.
2. Satisfactory completion of a tenure application and portfolio as outlined in the TPDC Handbook, which shall
include, at a minimum (consult the current TPDC Handbook for complete information), the following:
• Documented evidence of a satisfactory rating for the last three (3) years as indicated by the Supervising
Administrator’s signature in Section III of the Tenure Application.
• Documented evidence of significant and ongoing contribution and/or participation in Profession
evelopment activities.
• Documented evidence of contributions to the College and the candidate’s profession.
• Successful completion of the New Faculty Mentoring Program as documented on the candidate’s
College training record.
3. Favorable recommendation by a faculty Campus Tenure Committee. Any candidate with more than one vote for
denial of tenure shall be considered not recommended for tenure by the Campus Tenure Committee.
4. Majority recommendation by the faculty TPDC.