Eastern Florida State College
TPDC Handbook (2018) Appendix K
APPENDIX K. Campus Tenure Committee Recommendation
The committee will submit the following checklist to the TPDC Chair to ensure all standards were
met and procedures followed. Appendix K retained by TPDC Chair.
Applicant Name: ________________________________________
Only material in direct support of the mandatory required elements of the Tenure
Application will be considered in the tenure process. Please do not include additional
information not submitted by the applicant or requested by the required application
forms. Personal opinions and narrative shall not be used to decide a tenure approval.
_____ We recommend this applicant for tenure.
_____ We do not recommend this applicant for tenure. Justification for non-approval is:
Signatures required (next page)
(TPDC Appendix K, cont. next page)
Completed tenure application, including any required signatures and dates
Verified completion of the New Faculty Mentoring Program
Verified minimum standards for tenure were met (see TPDC Appendix J included)
Contributions to the College
Contributions to the Profession