Please use this form if you are requesting approval for an existing or revised course to be included in an
area under the Core courses (including Global Perspectives): English Composition, Quantitative
Literacy, Foreign Language, Health and Wellness, Literary Analysis, Visual and Performing Arts,
Scientific Thought, Historical Analysis, Social and Behavioral Analysis, Philosophical Inquiry or Global
Department: ___________________________ Contact person: _______________________
Category of course to be included in the Core Requirements:
Existing course
Revision of an existing course (if credits have changed, please indicate below what
modifications have been made to accommodate the credit change).
New course
Title of Course and Course Number: _____________________________________________________
Number of credits: ______
Course description for catalog use:
Core Area: ________________________________________________
How does this course meet the standards of the core area?
Attach a copy of the syllabus and if the course has been revised, include old and new syllabi (clearly
Evaluation of Core Courses
Addendum to Curriculum Materials
January 2014