Please use this form if you are requesting approval for an existing or revised course to be included in an
area under the Core courses (including Global Perspectives): English Composition, Quantitative
Literacy, Foreign Language, Health and Wellness, Literary Analysis, Visual and Performing Arts,
Scientific Thought, Historical Analysis, Social and Behavioral Analysis, Philosophical Inquiry or Global
Department: ___________________________ Contact person: _______________________
Category of course to be included in the Core Requirements:
☐ Existing course
☐ Revision of an existing course (if credits have changed, please indicate below what
modifications have been made to accommodate the credit change).
☐ New course
Title of Course and Course Number: _____________________________________________________
Number of credits: ______
Course description for catalog use:
Core Area: ________________________________________________
How does this course meet the standards of the core area?
Attach a copy of the syllabus and if the course has been revised, include old and new syllabi (clearly
Evaluation of Core Courses
Addendum to Curriculum Materials