Office of Registrar - Joseph Henry Apple 2
Floor; 301-696-3616; hoodgrad@hood.edu
Hood College
Graduate Transfer Course Permission Request
Students may transfer a maximum of 6 graduate credits from an external, accredited institution, or another Hood
graduate program prior to the first semester of study in the current program. Students in the M.S. in Counseling
and the M.F.A. in Ceramic Arts programs may transfer up to 9 graduate credits external to Hood. Course syllabi
or descriptions for requested transfer work must accompany this form. Review the full graduate transfer
credit policy in the College catalog.
Name: Student ID #:
Graduate Program: Email:
Course(s) already completed for transfer (external official transcript must be received prior to approval):
Transferring Institution
(Hood or external)
Course(s) to be completed for transfer after enrollment (upon completion of coursework, official transcript
must be submitted to Registrar for awarding of transfer credit):
Semester Begin
& End Dates
Student Signature: Date:
Program Director Signature: Date:
The graduate school dean’s signature is only required when special exceptions to the transfer policy are made to
allow for more than six (6) credits to transfer (or 9-credit allowance for Counseling and MFA Ceramic Arts).
Dean Signature: Date:
For office use only
Registrar Signature/Date Entered in Record
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
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