The policies of Hood College, outlined in Section E, IV. of the Faculty Handbook, require that faculty engaged in “regular
paid employment outside the College” or “frequent consulting during the academic year” receive explicit authorization for
these activities from the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs:
Regular paid employment outside the College and regular and frequent consulting during the academic
year may be accepted only by special agreement with the Provost and Vice President of Academic
Affairs. This agreement should be reached prior to the beginning of the fall term and renewed annually. A
request to modify the agreement may be submitted to the Provost during the year when circumstances
merit reconsideration. Such professional employment is approved and encouraged provided that it does
not conflict or interfere with the faculty member’s assignments and responsibilities to the College.
Included under these provisions are part-time academic appointments at other educational institutions, consulting
relationships with government or industry, self-employment, any form of employment in family-owned businesses, and
other regular or periodic work for which a faculty member receives any form of compensatory benefits. The Provost has
usually approved such commitments where they are related to the professional responsibilities of the faculty member and
where they do not encumber more than 20% of the faculty member’s time or compromise service to Hood.
To provide appropriate guidance and to ensure compliance with this important condition of Hood College employment, the
College asks that faculty members complete the remaining portion of this form, if needed, and return it to the Provost’s
Office by Thursday, August 15, 2019. After approving requests to undertake any form of outside employment that yields
any form of compensatory benefits, the signed form will be returned to you, and a copy retained in the Provost’s files.
Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Department: ________________________________________________________________________
I request authorization to engage in the following form of outside employment or consulting activities:
Employers Name: ____________________________________________________
Nature of activity: ______________________________________________________________________
Anticipated dates of employment: _________________________________________________________
Approximate hours per week: ________________________________
Is employment continuous? Yes No. If not, please note its frequency: _______________________
Briefly describe the relation between your proposed outside employment and your teaching responsibilities or
scholarly interests:
Approved by the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs:
Outside Employment Authorization Request, 2019-2020