Hood College is concerned for the safety and comfort of students, faculty, staff, alumni, or any affiliates
who travel with and participate on any study abroad programs. I hereby agree to the following guidelines:
WHEREAS, Hood College participates in a study abroad / exchange program in _________________________________________________ (the
“Host Country”) from ________________________ to ______________________; and WHEREAS, __________________________ (“Participant”),
voluntarily desires to participate in the program; IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the Participant, the Participant’s Parent or Legal Guardian if
Participant is under the age of 18, (collectively “the Undersigned”) and Hood College, as follows
1.0 Participation in the Academic Program
The Undersigned have been informed by Hood College of the scope and focus of the Program, eligibility requirements, costs, registration
procedures, travel, itinerary, logistics, terms of cancellation, academic context, and credit. By signing this Agreement and General Release, the
Undersigned acknowledge that they have fully educated themselves as to the details of this Program and agree to abide by its terms. It is expressly
acknowledged that the Participant is not required to participate in the Program. In consideration of the Undersigned’s execution of this Agreement
and General Release and their agreement to be legally bound by the terms, Hood College will permit the Participant to enter into the Program
subject to the provisions set forth herein.
2.0 Waiver of Hood College’s Liability for Risks and Dangers
The Undersigned understand that there are certain dangers, hazards, and risks inherent in international travel and the activities included in the
Program, including but not limited to risks of injury, permanent disability or death, property damage, and severe social or economic loss, which may
result from the actions, inactions, or negligence of the Participant or others, weather conditions, conditions of equipment used, language barriers,
differing social cultures, national and local laws, sickness, weather, strikes, natural disasters, civil unrest or hostilities, terrorist activities or acts of
war, and that Hood College cannot and does not assume responsibility for any such personal injury, property damage, or other loss.
3.0 Participant Responsibility for Medical Needs
The Undersigned assure Hood College that the Participant has consulted with a medical doctor with regard to the Participant’s personal medical
needs such that the Undersigned can and do further state that there are no health-related reasons or problems which preclude or restrict the
Participant’s participation in the Program. The Undersigned are aware of all applicable personal medical needs, as well as having arranged for
adequate hospitalization insurance to meet any and all needs for payment of hospital costs while the Participant is undertaking the Program. The
Undersigned agree that Hood College cannot be and is not responsible for attending to any of the Participant’s medical or medication needs, that
the Undersigned assume all risk and responsibility therefore, and that if the Participant is required to be hospitalized while in a foreign country or in
the United States during the Program, Hood College cannot and does not assume any legal responsibility for payment of such costs.
4.0 Participant’s Life, Health, and Property Insurance
The Undersigned are aware that there are other potential risks in which the Participant may be placed or in which the Participant may place himself,
herself or themselves during the Program which neither the Undersigned nor Hood College are able to foresee at this time. The Undersigned are
aware that life, health, and property insurance is sold by American companies in order to remove such risks and pool such risk of loss with others.
5.0 Hood College’s Rights and Powers
5.1 Hood College reserves the following rights and powers:
5.1.1 The right to cancel the Program without penalty;
5.1.2 The right to alter or withdraw any part of the Program and to make any alterations, deletions or modifications in
the itinerary and/or academic program as deemed necessary by Hood College or by the course instructors as agents of Hood College.
5.2 The Undersigned have made themselves aware of the rules and regulations as contained in the Hood College Student
Handbook and all relevant Hood College study abroad documents. The Participant agrees to uphold individual and group standards appropriate to
the cultural setting of the Program. If the Participant’s actions violate local or national laws and/or Hood College or host institution regulations, or
are judged to be injurious to the Program and/or seriously offensive to the host cultures, and/or damaging to the reputation of Hood College, the
Participant acknowledges that the faculty leader(s) and/or the study abroad director(s) have the right, after consultation with the Dean of the
College to terminate the Participant’s enrollment in the Program without refund of tuition nor fees and to return the Participant to the United
States at his own expense. The Undersigned understand that military actions, terrorist threats, labor strikes, civil unrest, and natural disasters as
well as other situations which are disruptive to the learning environment and/or the life of and safety of the Program group may result in an
alteration in the Program itinerary. The Undersigned agree to accept financial responsibility for the Participant which may result from such a
change in the Program itinerary and agree to follow the leadership and direction of Hood College in the decision to change travel plans.
6.0 Potential Travel and Accommodation Problems
6.1 The Undersigned acknowledge and agree to accept all responsibility for loss or additional expenses due to delays or other
changes in transportation due to sickness, weather, strikes, or other unforeseen causes. The Undersigned acknowledge and understand that Hood
College assumes no liability whatsoever for any loss, damage, destruction, theft, or the like to the Participant’s luggage or personal belongings, and
that the Participant has retained adequate insurance or has sufficient funds to replace such belongings and will hold Hood College harmless
therefrom. The Undersigned acknowledge and understand that in the event the Participant becomes detached from the Program group, fails to
meet a departure bus, airplane, or train, or becomes sick or injured, the Participant will bear all responsibility to seek out, contact, and reach the
Program group at its next available destination; and that the Participant shall bear all costs attendant to contacting and reaching the field trip group
at its next available destination. The Undersigned acknowledge and understand that there are risks associated with operating a motor vehicle while
participating in the Program and that Hood College assumes no liability whatsoever for any death, injury, damage, loss, accident, or delay resulting
from the Participant’s operating a motor vehicle while participating in the Program. All services and accommodations are subject to the laws of the
country in which they are provided.
6.2 The Undersigned understand that Hood College in no way represents or acts as agent for the transportation carriers, hotels,
and other suppliers of services connected with the Program. The Undersigned further understand and agree that Hood College, its governing board,
employees, and agents are:
6.2.1 Not responsible or liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or other irregularity which may be caused by
the defect of any vehicle or the negligence or default by any company or person engaged in providing or performing any of the services involved in
the Program;