PCS Form 2-3199 (Originated 12/20) GRS Student Record Cat B
Review Date 12/21 CC #5140
Pinellas County Schools has implemented a Bring Your Own Device program enabling students to bring wireless devices for
use in the classroom. At home, students are actively using wireless devices to do homework, research projects, read, and
communicate with friends, etc. The opportunity to use wireless devices is almost limitless. Students wishing to participate
must follow the responsibilities stated in the Acceptable Use Policy as well as the following guidelines.
Device Types:
For the purpose of this program, the word “device” means a privately owned wireless and/or portable electronic piece of
equipment that includes laptops, netbooks, tablets/wearable technology, and smart phones capable of accessing the
1. Any student who wishes to use a personally owned electronic device within the Pinellas County Schools network
must read and sign this agreement along with a parent or guardian.
2. The use of BYOD is governed by Board Policy 5500.07 in the Code of Student Conduct and other School Board
3. The student takes full responsibility for his or her device and keeps it with him or herself at all times. The school is not
responsible for the security of the device.
4. The student is responsible for the proper care of their personal device, including any costs of repair, replacement or
any modifications needed to use the device at school. No district staff member will diagnose, repair or work on a
student’s device.
5. Administration reserves the right to inspect a student’s personal device if there is reason to believe, in the school
personnel’s sole discretion that the student has violated Board policies, administrative procedures, and school rules
or has engaged in other misconduct while using their personal device.
6. Violations of any Board policies, administrative procedures or school rules involving a student’s personally owned
device may result in the loss of use of the device in school and/or disciplinary action.
7. The student must comply with all teacher requests to shut down and secure the device.
8. Personal devices shall be charged prior to bringing it to school and shall be capable of running off its own battery
while at school. Charging of devices shall not occur at school.
9. The student should only use their device to access relevant files and websites deemed as educational and as
directed by the teacher.
10. All users must sign onto the district’s designated BYOD network to ensure students are accessing only filtered
content. All Pinellas County Schools networks are filtered for the safety of users in compliance with federal and state
11. The use of personal devices is never a requirement and will not impact student grades.
12. Any district provided curriculum applications downloaded to student’s personal devices belong to the school district
and must be surrendered upon request.
13. The parents and students hereby release and hold the School Board of Pinellas County, Florida, and its employees
harmless from any damage of claims arising as a result of student’s use of School Board’s or the school’s electronic
As a student, I understand and will abide by the above agreement and the Pinellas County Schools Network/Internet
Acceptable Use Agreement. I further understand that any violation of the above may result in the loss of my network and/or
device privileges as well as other disciplinary action. As a parent\guardian I understand that my child will be responsible for
abiding by the above agreement and guidelines. I have read and discussed them with her/him and they and I understand the
responsibility they have in the use of their personal device and agree to the conditions contained herein.
Device Brand/Model/Serial Number
Student Signature/Date Parent/Guardian Signature/Date
Administration Signature/Date