Chapter 10
Test Equipment, Motors, and Controllers
1.0.0 Portable Electric Tool Testers
2.0.0 Maintenance of Power Tools
3.0.0 Test Equipment
4.0.0 Motors and Controllers
5.0.0 Motors
6.0.0 DC Motors and Controls
7.0.0 AC Motors
8.0.0 Construction of Three Phase Motors
9.0.0 Connecting Three Phases Motors
10.0.0 AC Motor Controllers
11.0.0 Motor Branch Circuits
12.0.0 Equipment Grounding
13.0.0 Control Circuits
14.0.0 Troubleshooting and Testing Controllers
15.0.0 Motor Maintenance
16.0.0 Motor Start Up
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In this chapter we will discuss installation, principle of operation, troubleshooting, and
repair of motors and controllers. We will also discuss the principles of operation and use
of test equipment. No matter what type of command you are assigned to, mobile
construction battalion, public works, or construction battalion unit, you as a Construction
Electrician (CE) will be called upon to install, troubleshoot, and repair various motors
and controllers.
Throughout this chapter you will see references to the National Electrical Cod
(NEC©). Look up each article and read it. More specific information is contained there
than will be discussed in this chapter. You will need this specific information to do your
job properly.
As a CE, you will encounter many pieces of electrical equipment and many appliances.
A solid background in electrical theory and standards and a working knowledge of the
components and of the machines themselves will allow you to install, maintain,
troubleshoot, and repair a wide variety of equipment and appliances.
In one way or another, all machines use the same technologies. The differences are in
the complexity of their operation and the tasks they perform. This chapter will not cover
specific pieces of equipment or appliances but will concentrate on electrical
components, motors, controllers, and circuitry that are common to most equipment and
When you have completed this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
1. Describe the purpose and use of portable electrical tool testers.
2. Describe maintenance procedures of power tools.
3. Describe the purpose and use of test equipment.
4. Describe the different types of motors and controllers.
5. Identify the components of motors.
6. Identify the different components of a DC motor and controls.
7. Identify the different components of an AC motors and controllers.
8. Describe the construction of three phase motors.
9. Describe the functions of AC motor controllers.
10. Describe the different types and protection of motor branch circuits.
11. Describe the procedures associated with equipment grounding.
12. Describe the different types of control circuits.
13. Describe the procedures associated with troubleshooting and testing controllers.
14. Describe basic motor maintenance.
15. Describe the motor start up procedures.
This course map shows all of the chapters in Construction Electrician Basic. The
suggested training order begins at the bottom and proceeds up. Skill levels increase as
you advance on the course map.
Test Equipment, Motors, and
Communications and Lighting Systems
Interior Wiring and Lighting
Power Distribution
Power Generation
Basic Line Construction/Maintenance
Vehicle Operations and Maintenance
Pole Climbing and Rescue S
Drawings and Specifications I
Construction Support C
Basic Electrical Theory and
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If you have ever had an encounter with an ungrounded electric drill while working in the
rain, you have a feel for the importance of tool testing. You will also have gained a
healthy respect for the person who tests tools at the battalion central tool room (CTR) or
the Public Works Department (PWD) when he or she finds and corrects problems with
portable electric power tools.
The tool tester shown in Figure
10-1 is one that personnel from
CTR or PWD might use.
The tool tester consists of a
transformer, sensing relays,
indicator lights, an audible
warning buzzer, and leads
suitable for tool or appliance
The transformer passes
approximately 30 amperes
through the tool cord equipment
ground, burning away any
burrs” that may be causing a
poor equipment ground. If there
is no equipment ground, the
sensing relay is activated, and
GROUND light glows, giving the
appropriate warning.
If the resistance of the ground
on the equipment under test is approximately 0.2 to 1.5 ohms, the FAULTY
EQUIPMENT GROUND sensing relay is activated Resistance in excess of this amount
activates the OPEN EQUIPMENT GROUND sensing relay.
The range in length of extension cords the tester can test is from approximately 6 feet to
100 feet of 16-gauge wire. These lengths will be longer or shorter in other gauges. You
can adjust the sensing circuit for different sensitivities.
Check the presence of a dangerous POWER GROUND, caused by carbon, moisture
paths, or insulation breakdown, at a 500-volt potential or at a 120-volt potential by
pressing the RF TEST button. Test the equipment, line cord, and switch for SHORT
A red light and buzzer indicate faulty conditions. You must correct one faulty condition
before another one will be indicated.
Tests proceed only when the equipment ground is in a safe condition. Conduct all tests
(except the power ground) at potentials less than 10 volts.
If you find no electrical defects, the tool operates at its proper voltage to reveal any
mechanical faults.
Optional features are installed to simplify two-wire and double-insulated tool tests and
provide for safely testing double-insulated tools for power grounds.
Figure 10-1 Typical tool tester.
The tool operates at the end of the test cycle. Be sure moving parts are faced away
from the operator and have proper clearance to operate. Remove any removable cutting
blade or bit before the tool is tested Do not come in physical contact with the tool during
the test.
Test your Knowledge (Select the Correct Response)
1. How much amperage does the transformer of the tool tester pass through the
tool cord equipment ground?
A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
CEs have the task of ensuring the proper operation of all power tools within their realm
of responsibility. The program itself will be formulated by higher authority. The best way
to perform this task is to develop a good inspection and maintenance program.
Periodically check all power tools for loose connections, pitted contacts, improper
mounting of switches, and so forth.
The inspection and maintenance of power tools go hand in hand, and, in most cases, a
problem discovered during inspection is corrected on the spot and requires no further
work until the next inspection.
Test equipment and experienced CE’s are not always needed to locate problems.
Anyone who sees a ground wire dangling beneath a lightning arrester might suspect a
problem. Little skill is required to consider an electrical service problem as a possible
reason for the lack of power in a building.
Arcing, loud noises, and charred or burned electrical equipment sometimes indicate
electrical faults; however, hidden, noiseless circuit problems are much more common
and usually much harder to locate.
The right test equipment and a CE who knows how to use it are a valuable combination
for solving electrical circuit problems.
No attempt will be made in this section to explain the internal workings of test
equipment, such as meter movement or circuitry. Information on these subjects is
covered in Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS) modules. This
section introduces to you the types of test equipment used by the CE in the field.
Naval Facilities Command (NAVFAC) requires that electrical equipment be tested under
the supervision of qualified electrical personnel. If in-house personnel are not available
for these tests, you may use the services of a qualified electrical testing contractor. If
you do not know how to do certain required tests, go to your seniors (crew leader and/or
project chief). Be certain that you can perform the test safely before starting the test
3.1.0 Ammeters
A meter that measures the flow
of electric current is a current
meter. Current meters that
measure current in amperes are
called ammeters. The ammeter
is connected in series with the
circuit source and load. Panel-
mounted ammeters, such as
those used in power plants, are
permanently wired into the
circuit. Figure 10-2 shows two
typical panel-mounted
A clamp-on ammeter (Figure 10-
3) is an exception to the rule
requiring ammeters to be series-
connected. The clamp-on
ammeter consists in part of
clamp-on transformer jaws that
can be opened and placed
around a conductor. The jaws
are actually part of a laminated iron core. Around this core, inside the instrument
enclosure is a coil winding that
connects to the meter circuit.
The complete core (including
the jaws) and the coil winding
are the core and secondary of a
transformer. The conductor,
carrying the current to be
measured, is like a primary
winding of a transformer. The
transformer secondary is the
source of power that drives the
meter movement. The strength
of the magnetic field
surrounding the conductor
determines the amount of
secondary current. The amount
of secondary current determines
the indication of current being
measured by the meter.
All ammeters will have an
adjustable scale. The function
and range of the meter change
as the scale changes.
To take a current measurement, turn the selector until the AMP scale you wish to use
appears in the window. To take measurements of unknown amounts of current, rotate
the scale to the highest amperage range. After taking the reading at the highest range,
Figure 10-2 Typical panel ammeters.
Figure 10-3 Clamp-on ammeter.
you may see that the amount of current is within the limits of a lower range. If so,
change the scale to that lower range for a more accurate reading.
After choosing the scale you want, depress the handle to open the transformer jaws.
Clamp the jaws around only one conductor. The split core must be free of any debris
because it must close completely for an accurate reading.
To measure very low currents in a small flexible conductor, wrap the conductor one or
more times around the clamp-on jaws of the meter. One loop will double the reading.
Several loops will increase the reading even more. After taking the measurement, divide
the reading by the appropriate number of loops to determine the actual current value.
The clamp-on ammeter is convenient and easy to use. To measure the current of a
single-phase motor, for example, simply rotate the selector until the desired amp scale
appears; clamp the jaws around one of the two motor conductors, and take the reading.
Some clamp-on instruments are capable of more than one function, for example, they
are designed for use as an ohmmeter or a voltmeter when used with the appropriate
adapter or test leads.
3.2.0 Voltmeters
The meter component (or voltage indicator) of a voltmeter is actually a milliammeter, or
micrometer. This instrument is series-connected to a resistor (called a voltage
multiplier) to operate as a voltmeter. The series resistance must be appropriate for the
range of voltage to be measured. The scale of an instrument designed for use as a
voltmeter is calibrated (marked off) for voltage measurements.
Panel voltmeters are similar in
appearance to the ammeters
shown in Figure 10-2 except for
the calibration of the scale.
Examples of typical panel
voltmeters are shown in Figure
10-4. Voltmeters are connected
across a circuit or voltage
source to measure voltage.
Panel-mounted voltmeters are
permanently wired into the
circuit in which they are to be
Portable voltmeters are
designed to measure one or
more ranges of voltage. Those
intended for measurement of
more than one voltage range
are provided with range selector
switches. The range selector
switch internally connects the
appropriate multiplier resistor
into the meter circuit for the range of voltage to be measured; for example, a voltmeter
may be designed to use a O-l milliampere milliammeter as a voltage indicator. For each
setting of the selector switch, a different multiplier resistor is connected into the meter
circuit. For each selection, a particular resistor value is designed to limit the current
Figure 10-4 Typical panel voltmeters.
through the milliammeter to a maximum of 1/1,000 of an ampere (1 milliampere) for a
full-scale reading.
In a similar way, voltmeters designed to use a micrometer, for example, a 50-
microampere meter, include multiplier resistors that limit the meter current to a
maximum value of 50 microamperes. In this case, 50 microamperes are flowing through
the meter for a full-scale deflection of the needle.
Voltmeters that use either a milliammeter or micrometer to indicate voltage have a scale
calibrated to read directly in volts. The flow of current in either type of meter represents
the electrical pressure (voltage) between two points in an electrical circuit; for example,
the two points may be the hot (ungrounded) conductor and the neutral (grounded)
conductor of a 125-volt circuit. In this case, the voltmeter is said to be connected across
the line.
3.3.0 Line Voltage Indicators
The line voltage indicator
(Figure 10-5) is much more
durable than most voltmeters for
rough construction work. Its
durability is mainly due to its
simple design and construction.
It has no delicate meter
movement inside the case as do
the analog meters previously
mentioned. The two test leads
are permanently connected to a
solenoid coil inside the molded
An indicator, attached to the
solenoid core, moves along a
marked scale when the leads
are connected across a voltage
source. The movement of the
core is resisted by a spring. The
indicator comes to rest at a point
along the scale that is
determined by both the strength
of the magnetic field around the solenoid and the pressure of the opposing spring. The
strength of the magnetic field is in proportion to the amount of voltage being measured.
Do not use the line voltage indicator on voltages exceeding the capabilities of the
In the center of the tester is a neon lamp indicator. The lamp is used to indicate whether
the circuit being tested is AC or DC.
When the tester is operated on AC, it produces light during a portion of each half-cycle,
and both lamp electrodes are alternately surrounded with a glow. The eye cannot follow
the rapidly changing alternations, so both electrodes appear to be continually glowing
from AC current. Two other indications of AC voltage are an audible hum and a
noticeable vibration you can feel when the instrument is hand-held.
Figure 10-5 Line voltage indicator.
When the tester is operated on DC, light is produced continuously, but only the negative
electrode glows; therefore, the tester will indicate polarity on DC circuits. Both the test
probes and the glow lamp enclosure are colored red and black. If, while you are testing
a DC circuit, the electrode of the glow lamp on the side colored black is glowing, this
glow indicates the black probe of the tester is on the negative side of the circuit;
likewise, the opposite electrode glows when the red probe of the tester is on the
negative side of the circuit.
The neon lamp is not the only method used on line voltage indicators to indicate DC
polarity; for example, the Wigginton voltage tester, manufactured by the Square D
Company, uses a permanent magnet mounted on a rotating shaft. The ends of the
magnet are colored red and black. The magnet is viewed from a transparent cap
located on top of the tester. When the red portion of the magnet is up, the red test prod
is positive. When the black portion of the magnet is up, the black prod is positive.
Neither type of line voltage indicator vibrates when measuring DC.
Be certain to read and understand the instructions for the particular instrument you use.
As you can see from the example of polarity indicators, because of variations in similar
instruments, you could easily misunderstand an indication from one instrument when
thinking of the instructions for another.
The line voltage indicator does not determine the exact amount of circuit voltage. That
presents no problem for most of the work CEs do. As you become proficient in the use
of the solenoid type of voltage indicator, you can tell approximately what the voltage is
by the location of the indicator within a voltage range on the scale.
3.4.0 Ohmmeters
You can determine the resistance of a component or circuit, in ohms, by using Ohm’s
law. With the instruments we just discussed, you can find circuit current and voltage.
From electrical theory you already know that voltage divided by amperage equals
resistance. But the fastest method of determining resistance is by taking a resistance
reading directly from an ohmmeter.
The simplest type of ohmmeter consists of
a housing that includes a milliammeter, a
battery, and a resistor connected in series,
as shown in Figure 10-6. The ohmmeter is
designed so that the resistor R1 limits the
current though the milliammeter to a value
that results in a full-scale deflection of the
meter needle. The scale (Figure 10-7) is
calibrated in ohms. By using several
resistors, more than one battery, and a
selector switch (to select one of the several
resistors and batteries), you can make the
ohmmeter include more than one
resistance range.
Figure 10-7 Typical scale of a
series type of ohmmeter.
You may use a variable resistor in the
meter circuit (R2 in Figure 10-6) to
compensate for variations in battery
voltage. Before using an ohmmeter for a
precise resistance measurement, short
the leads together and set the needle to
zero by rotating the “zero ohms” (variable
resistor) knob. The result is a full-scale
reading at zero ohms.
Be certain not to place the ohmmeter
leads across an energized circuit or a
charged capacitor. Ignoring this rule will
likely result in damage to the test
equipment. Always turn off the power on a
circuit to be tested before making
continuity or resistance tests. Before you
test with an ohmmeter, bleed any capacitors that are included in the circuits under test.
Use extreme care in testing solid-state components and equipment with an ohmmeter.
The voltage from the internal batteries of the ohmmeter will severely damage many
solid-state components. Always turn an ohmmeter off after you have completed your
test to lengthen the life of the batteries.
After you zero the meter, place the leads across the circuit or component under test.
The resistance of the unknown resistor between the ohmmeter leads limits the current
through the meter, resulting in less than a full-scale deflection of the needle. The
resistance reading may then be taken from the point along the scale at which the needle
comes to rest
Accurate readings become progressively more difficult to take toward the high-
resistance end of the scale. When the needle comes to rest at the high end of the scale
and the ohmmeter has several resistance ranges, you may simply switch to a higher
range for a reading closer to center scale. Read the resistance directly from the scale at
the lowest range (for example, the R x 1 range on some ohmmeters). At the higher
ranges multiply the reading by 100 or 10,000 (as on the R x 100 or R x 1,000 ranges).
The higher resistance ranges in a multi-range ohmmeter use a higher voltage battery
than do the lower ranges.
We will discuss multimeters (meters that perform more than one function) later in this
section, but since we have already discussed the ammeter as a clamp-on ammeter, we
will look at the same instrument as an ohmmeter.
Figure 10-6 A simple series
ohmmeter circuit.
To use the ammeter as an
ohmmeter, plug a battery adapter
into the jack on the side of the
case (Figure 10-8). The battery in
the adapter powers the ohmmeter
function of this instrument. Use
one of two test leads that may be
plugged into the instrument (for
voltage measurements) for the
second lead of the ohmmeter.
Plug this test lead into the jack
marked “COMMON.” The
ohmmeter scale is a fixed scale at
the right side of the scale window
opening. It is not part of the
rotating scale mechanism. The
rotating mechanism has no effect
on the ohmmeter operation. The
leads are applied to the circuit or
component, and the reading is
taken as with any ohmmeter.
The series type of ohmmeter is
only one type of instrument used
for resistance measurements, but it is common in the design of ohmmeters used by
3.5.0 Multimeters
Up to this point, each of the instruments we have discussed, for the most part, performs
only one function. The exception was the clamp-on ammeter/ohmmeter. In a similar way
the analog meters and digital meters perform several (or multiple) functions and are
therefore referred to as multimeters.
An analog instrument usually makes use of a needle to indicate a measured quantity on
a scale. Digital meters indicate the quantity directly in figures. We will discuss both
types here because you will use both types.
Figure 10-8 Clamp-on ammeter with
ohmmeter battery adapter.
Notice that each multimeter in Figure 10-9 (A, B, C, and D) consists of a case to
enclose the indicating device, one or more functions and/or range switches, and internal
circuitry and jacks for external connections.
3.5.1 Voltage Measurements
Before plugging the test leads into the jacks, set the switches for the measurement.
Let’s look at an example. You are about to measure the voltage at a standard wall outlet
in an office. You already know from experience that the voltage should be in the area of
115 to 125 volts AC. You have one of two types of multimeters-an analog meter or a
digital meter. Because you know the voltage to be tested, you would set the function
switch to AC and the voltage to 250V. For the operation of the range and function
switches on the particular meter, check the manufacture’s literature.
What should you do if you have no idea what the voltage is? There are times when you
should not get near the equipment; in this case, you should check with someone who
knows (for example, a public works engineer or line crew supervisor). Check the highest
range on your instrument. If you have a meter and know the voltage value should not
exceed 1,000 volts AC, then set the range/function switch to 1,000 ACV.
Plug the test leads into the appropriate jacks for the test you are about to perform.
When you have red and black test leads, get into the habit of using the black lead with
the common or - (negative) jack, even when measuring AC volts. For either analog
Figure 10-9 Typical multimeters (analog types A and B and digital types C
and D).
meter, plug the red lead into the + (positive) jack. With either of the digital meters, use
the jack marked “V-O” (volts-ohms).
The following sequence of steps is important for your safety. Stay alert and follow them
Connect the two test leads to the two conductors/terminals of the wall outlet while
holding the insulated protectors on the test leads. Do not touch the probes or clips of the
test leads. Take the reading. If you have the meter range switch at the highest setting
and see that the voltage value is within a lower voltage range, set the range switch to
the lower range that is still higher than the voltage reading you remember. When you
take a reading at a higher range and switch to a lower range, the reading at the lower
range will be more accurate. Be certain to read from the scale that matches the range
setting of the switch, for example, when using the multimeter with the switch set to 300
AC VOLTS, read from the scale that has a maximum reading of 300 AC. Simply take
the reading directly from either of the digital multimeters.
Always be alert when taking voltage or amperage measurements if it is necessary to
move the meter. If the instrument is moved in a way that causes tension on the test
leads, one or both leads may be pulled from the jack(s). The leads will be energized just
as the circuit to which they are connected, and they can be dangerous.
The positions of the jacks may differ for a particular measurement, from one meter to
another. Notice how the jacks are labeled on the instrument you use, and follow the
instructions from the manufacturer of the instrument.
3.5.2 Amperage Measurements
It is possible that you will never use a multimeter for amperage measurements. Most
multimeters are designed with quite low current ranges. The clamp-on ammeter
(discussed earlier) is the most convenient portable instrument for measuring AC
3.5.3 Resistance Measurements
As mentioned earlier, ohmmeters have their own voltage source. This circumstance is
also true of the ohmmeter function of multimeters. The size and number of batteries for
different instruments vary. Usually one or more 1 1/2- to 9-volt batteries are used for
resistance measurements.
As you must set up the meter to measure voltage accurately, so you must set it up for
measuring resistance. If you are to measure a 120-ohms resistor, for example, set the
selector switch to ohms at the appropriate range. For the analog instruments, set the
switch to the R x 1 or x 1 as appropriate. Read the value from the ohms scale directly.
For higher values of resistance like 1,500 ohms, for example, use the R x 100 or x 100
range. In this case, multiply the reading from the ohms scale by 100.
For critical resistance measurements, always touch the leads together and set the
indicator needle to zero with the appropriate adjustment knob. Do not let the leads touch
your fingers or anything else while you are zeroing the meter.
On multimeters, use the common (negative) and + (positive) jacks for resistance
Be certain that there is no power on the circuit or component you are to test when
measuring resistance. Be sure also to discharge any capacitors associated with the
circuit or component to be tested before connecting the instrument to the circuit or
For critical measurements, make sure that only the circuit or component you are to test
touches the leads while you take the reading; otherwise, the reading may be inaccurate,
especially on the higher resistance ranges.
Many times you will use the ohmmeter for continuity tests. All you will want to know is
whether the circuit is complete or not. You do not have to zero the meter for noncritical
continuity tests. You will touch the leads together to see where the needle comes to
rest. If it stops at the same place when you place the leads across the circuit, you know
the path has a low resistance. In other words you know there is continuity through the
CEs also use other instruments for different types of resistance measurements. We will
discuss these instruments next.
3.6.0 Megohmmeters
The megohmmeter is a portable instrument consisting of an indicating ohmmeter and a
source of DC voltage. The DC source can be a hand-cranked generator, a motor-driven
generator, a battery-supplied power pack, or rectified DC.
The megohmmeter is commonly
called a "megger" although
Megger© is a registered
trademark. The megger tester
shown in Figure 10-10 is an
example of a dual-operated
megohmmeter that has both a
hand cranked generator and a
built-in line power supply in the
same module.
Any one of the ohmmeters shown
in Figure 10-9 will measure
several megaohms. You may
wonder why they are not called
megohmmeters. What is the
difference between the megger
and the typical ohmmeter? Does
not each of them have an
indicator and a DC voltage source
within the instrument enclosure?
The megger is capable of
applying a much higher value of
DC voltage to the circuit or
component under test than is the
typical ohmmeter. Meggers that will supply a test potential of 500 volts are common in
the Navy. The megger (Figure 10-10) is capable of several test voltages up to 1,000
volts, depending on the setting of the selector switch. Ohmmeters are generally
designed to include batteries as voltage sources. These batteries apply approximately
1/2 to 9 volts to the circuit under test.
Figure 10-10 Typical megohmmeter
The megger is designed so that the needle floats freely until the generator is operated.
When the generator is not operating, the needle may come to rest at any point on the
scale. This characteristic is due to internal design, unlike that used in the typical
3.7.0 Insulation Resistance Testers
The megger is used to measure high-
insulation resistance. The high resistance
may be between windings of a transformer
or motor or between the conductor in a
cable and the conduit or sheath
surrounding the cable (Figure 10-11).
If the test leads connected to the line and
earth terminals are open-circuited (as when
they are not allowed to touch anything) and
the hand-cranked generator is operated,
the needle is deflected to infinity (Figure
10-12). “Infinity” means that the resistance
is too high for the instrument to measure.
The symbol for infinity on the scale of the
megger (Figure 10-10) is similar to a
horizontal figure eight. During a test, a
reading at or near infinity means either that
the insulation is in excellent shape or the
test leads are not making contact with the
component being tested.
If the test leads are connected to each
other while the hand crank is turned, the
pointer will deflect to zero, indicating no
resistance between the test leads. A zero
deflection in the above-mentioned test
(Figure 10-11) can mean that the conductor
under test is touching the sheath or conduit
surrounding it. This deflection could also be
an indication that the insulation is worn or
broken somewhere close to the test point.
Any reading near the low end of the scale
may mean faulty or wet insulation.
The megger serves well as an insulation
tester because of the high-test voltage it
produces. The low voltage of an ohmmeter
may not produce enough leakage current
through poor insulation to cause the meter to indicate a problem even when one exists.
But the relatively high voltage of the megger will likely cause enough leakage current to
reveal an insulation problem by a lower than normal resistance indication on the meter
How low is the resistance of bad insulation? How high must the insulation resistance
reading be before you can be sure the insulation is good?
Figure 10-11 Typical megger
test instrument hooked up to
measure insulation resistance.
Figure 10-12 Typical indicating
scale on the megger insulation
Here are some general observations (See Table 10-1) about how you can interpret
periodic insulation resistance tests, and what you should do with the results.
Table 10-1 Insulation resistance problems and fixes.
Fair to high values and well maintained No cause for concern
Fair to high values, but showing a constant
tendency towards lower values
Locate and remedy the cause and check
the downward trend
Low but well maintained Condition is probably all right, but the
cause of the low values should be checked
So low as to be unsafe Clean, dry out, or otherwise raise the
values before placing equipment in service
(test wet equipment while drying it out)
Fair or high values, previously well
maintained but showing sudden lowering
Make tests at frequent intervals until the
cause of low values is located and
remedied or until the values become
steady at a level that is lower but safe for
operation or until values become so low
that it is unsafe to keep the equipment in
3.7.1 Short Time or Spot Reading Tests
Several test methods are commonly used to test insulation.. We will discuss the short-
time or spot-reading tests.
In this method, simply connect the megger
across the insulation to be tested and
operate it for a short, specific time period
(60 seconds usually is recommended). As
shown in Figure 10-13, you have picked a
point (to take the reading) on a curve of
increasing resistance values; quite often the
value will be less for 30 seconds, more for
60 seconds. Bear in mind also that
temperature and humidity, as well as
condition of the insulation, affect your
If the apparatus you are testing has low
capacitance, such as a short run of type
NM cable (Romex), the spot reading test is
all that is necessary; however, most
equipment is capacitive, so your first spot
reading on equipment in your work area,
with no prior tests can be only a rough
guide as to how “good” or “bad” the insulation is. For many years, maintenance
personnel have used the 1-megohm rule to establish the allowable lower limit for
insulation resistance. The rule may be stated thus: Insulation resistance should be
approximately 1 megohm for each 1,000 volts of operating voltage with a
minimum value of 1 megohm. For example, a motor rotated at 2,400 volts should
Figure 10-13 Typical curve of
insulation resistance (in
megaohms) with time.
have a minimum insulation resistance of 2.4 megohms. In practice, megohm readings
normally are considerably above this minimum value in new equipment or when
insulation is in good condition.
By taking readings periodically and recording them, you have a better basis for judging
the actual insulation condition. Any persistent downward trend is usually fair warning of
trouble ahead, even though the readings may be higher than the suggested minimum
safe values. Equally true, as long as your periodic readings are consistent, they may be
all right even though lower than the recommended minimum values.
3.7.2 Common Test Voltages
Commonly used DC test voltages for routine maintenance are as follows:
Table 10-2 Common DC voltages used.
Up to 100 volts 100 and 250 volts
440 to 550 volts 500 and 1,000 volts
2,400 volts 1,000 to 2,500 volts or higher
4,160 volts and above 1,000 to 5,000 volts or higher
Use care in applying test voltage to the component to be tested. Do not use a high-test
voltage on low-voltage equipment or components.
Do not exceed the commonly used test voltages mentioned above unless you are
following the equipment manufacturer’s instructions to do so. On the other hand, a test
voltage lower than the operating voltage of the component to be tested may not reveal a
problem that the test should indicate. If the test voltage is too low, you may get no more
than a resistance reading such as you would get with an ohmmeter.
3.7.3 Causes of Low Insulation Resistance Readings
Insulation resistance varies with the temperature. The effect of temperature depends on
the type of insulation, the amount of moisture in and on the insulation surface, and the
condition of the surface.
The amount of moisture in insulation has a great effect on its resistance. For meaningful
results, tests of insulation resistance should be made under as nearly similar conditions
as practical. Long cables can be exposed to a variety of conditions along the cable
route at the same time. A comparison of readings may not indicate a change in
insulation condition.
An accumulation of things like dust, dirt, and moisture can cause low-resistance
readings. A motor stored or kept idle for a while may have to be cleaned and dried out
before being installed and placed in service.
3.7.4 Record Keeping
Keep records where tests are performed periodically. The frequency of the tests should
be based on the importance of the circuit. One test each year is usually adequate.
Compare records of each circuit or component. Trends may indicate a future problem,
and corrections may be made in time to prevent future problems in cables or
components like motors or transformers.
3.7.5 Effects of Temperature
If you want to make reliable comparisons between readings, correct the readings to a
base temperature, such as 20°C (68°F), or take all your readings at approximately the
same temperature (usually not difficult to do). We will cover some general guidelines to
temperature correction.
One rule of thumb is that for every 10°C (50°F) increase in temperature, halve the
resistance; or for every 10°C (50°F) decrease, double the resistance; for example, a 2-
megohm resistance at 20°C (68°F) reduces to 1/2 megohm at 40°C (104°F).
Each type of insulating material will have a different degree of resistance change with
temperature variation. Factors have been developed, however, to simplify the correction
of resistance values. Table 10-3 gives such factors for rotating equipment, transformers,
and cable. Multiply the reading you get by the factor corresponding to the temperature
(which you need to measure).
For example, assume you have a motor with Class A insulation and you get a reading of
3.0 megohms at a temperature (in the windings) of 131°F (55°C). From Table 10-3, read
across at 131°F to the next column (for Class A) and obtain the factor 15.50. Your
correct value of resistance is then
3.0 megohms X 15.50 = 46.5 megohms
Note that the resistance is 14.5 times greater at 68°F (20°C) than the reading taken at
131°F. The reference temperature for cable is given as 60°F (15.6°C), but the important
point is to be consistent-correcting to the same base before making comparisons
between readings.
Table 10-3 Temperature Correction Factors (Corrected to 20°C for rotating
equipment and transformers; 15.6°C for cable)
Oil filled XFMRs
Class A
Class B
Code Nat
Perf Nat
Heat Res
Heat Res
& Perf
Res Nat
0 32 .21 .4 .25 .25 .12 .47 .42 .22 .14 .1 .28
5 41 .31 .5 .36 .4 .23 .6 .56 .37 .26 .2 .43
10 50 .45 .63 .5 .61 .46 .76 .73 .58 .49 .43 .64
15.6 60 .71 .81 .74 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
20 68 1 1 1 1.47 1.83 1.24 1.28 1.53 1.75 1.94 1.43
25 77 1.48 1.25 1.4 2.27 3.67 1.58 1.68 2.48 3.29 4.08 2.17
30 86 2.20 1.58 1.98 3.52 7.32 2 2.24 4.03 6.2 8.62 3.2
35 95 3.24 2 2.8 5.45 14.6 2.55 2.93 6.53 11.65 18.2 4.77
40 104 4.8 2.5 3.95 8.45 29.2 3.26 3.85 10.7 25 38.5 7.15
45 113 7.1 3.15 5.6 13.1 54 4.15 5.08 17.1 41.4 81.0 10.7
50 122 10.45 3.98 7.85 20 116 5.29 6.72 27.85 78 170 16
55 131 15.5 5 11.2
6.72 8.83 45
345 24
60 140 22.8 6.3 15.85 8.58 11.62 73 775 36
65 149 34 7.9 22.4
15.4 118
70 158 50 10 31.75 20.3 193
75 167 74 12.6 44.7 26.6 313
XFMR Transformer Varn - Varnished
Nat Natural Impreg - Impregnated
Perf Performance
Res - Resistance
3.7.6 Effects of Humidity
We mentioned in this section the marked effect of the presence of moisture in insulation
upon resistance values. You might expect that increasing humidity (moisture content) in
the surrounding (ambient) air could affect insulation resistance. And it can, to varying
If your equipment operates regularly above what is called the “dew-point” temperature
(that is, the temperature at which the moisture vapor in air condenses as a liquid), the
test reading normally will not be affected much by the humidity. This stability is true
even if the equipment to be tested is idle, so long as its temperature is kept above the
dew point. In making this point, we are assuming that the insulation surfaces are free of
contaminants, such as certain lints and acids or salts that have the property of
absorbing moisture (chemists call them "hygroscopic," or "deliquescent," materials).
Their presence could unpredictably affect your readings; remove them before making
In electrical equipment we are concerned primarily with the conditions on the exposed
surfaces where moisture condenses and affects the overall resistance of the insulation.
Studies show, however, that dew will form in the cracks and crevices of insulation
before it is visibly evident on the surface. Dew-point measurements will give you a clue
as to whether such invisible conditions may exist, altering the test results.
As a part of your maintenance records, make note at least of whether the surrounding
air is dry or humid when the test is made and whether the temperature is above or
below the ambient. When you test vital equipment, record the ambient wet- and dry bulb
temperatures, from which dew point and percent relative or absolute humidity can be
3.7.7 Preparation of Apparatus for Test
Before interrupting any power, be certain to check with your seniors (crew leader,
project chief, or engineering officer, as appropriate) so that they can make any
necessary notification of the power outage. Critical circuits and systems may require
several days or even weeks advance notice before authorization for a power outage
may be granted. Take Out of Service
Shut down the apparatus you intend to work on. Open the switches to de-energize the
apparatus. Disconnect it from other equipment and circuits, including neutral and
protective (workmen’s temporary) ground connections. See the safety precautions that
follow in this section. Test Inclusion Requirements
Inspect the installation carefully to determine just what equipment is connected and will
be included in the test, especially if it is difficult or expensive to disconnect associated
apparatus and circuits. Pay particular attention to conductors that lead away from the
installation. That is important, because the more equipment that is included in a test, the
lower the reading will be, and the true insulation resistance of the apparatus in question
may be masked by that of the associated equipment.
Take care in making electrical insulation tests to avoid the danger of electric shock.
Read and understand the manufacturer’s safety precautions before using any
megohmmeter. As with the ohmmeter, never connect a megger to energized lines or
apparatus. Never use a megger or its leads or accessories for any purpose not
described in the manufacturer’s literature. If in doubt about any safety aspects of
testing, ask for help. Other safety precautions will follow in this section.
3.7.8 Safety Precautions
Observe all safety rules when taking equipment out of service:
Block out disconnected switches.
Be sure equipment is not live.
Test for foreign or induced voltages.
Ensure that all equipment is and remains grounded, both equipment that you are
working on and other related equipment.
Use rubber gloves when required.
Discharge capacitance fully.
Do not use the megger insulation tester in an explosive atmosphere.
When you are working around high-voltage equipment, remember that because of
proximity to energized high-voltage equipment, there is always a possibility of voltages
being induced in the apparatus under test or lines to which it is connected; therefore,
rather than removing a workmen’s ground to make a test, disconnect the apparatus,
such as a transformer or circuit breaker, from the exposed bus or line, leaving the latter
grounded. Use rubber gloves when connecting the test leads to the apparatus and
when operating the megger. Apparatus Under Test Must Not be Live
If neutral or other ground connections have to be disconnected, make sure that they are
not carrying current at the time and that when they are disconnected, no other
equipment will lack protection normally provided by the ground.
Pay particular attention to conductors that lead away from the circuit being tested and
make sure that they have been properly disconnected from any source of voltage. Shock Hazard from Test Voltage
Observe the voltage rating of the megger and regard it with appropriate caution. Large
electrical equipment and cables usually have sufficient capacitance to store up a
dangerous amount of energy from the test current. Be sure to discharge this
capacitance after the test and before you handle the test leads. Discharge of Capacitance
It is very important that capacitance be discharged, both before and after an insulation
resistance test. It should be discharged for a period about four times as long as test
voltage was applied in a previous test.
Megger instruments are frequently equipped with discharge switches for this purpose. If
no discharge position is provided, use a discharge stick. Leave high capacitive
apparatus (for instance, capacitors, large windings, etc.) short circuited until you are
ready to re-energize them. Explosion and Fire Hazard
So far as is known, there is no fire hazard in the normal use of a megger insulation
tester. There is, however, a hazard when your test equipment is located in a flammable
or explosive atmosphere. You may encounter slight sparking (1) when you are attaching
the test leads to equipment in which the capacitance has not been completely
discharged, (2) through the occurrence of arcing through or over faulty insulation during
a test, and (3) during the discharge of capacitance following a test. Therefore:
Do NOT use the megger insulation tester in an explosive atmosphere.
Suggestions: For (1) and (3) in the above paragraph, arrange permanently installed
grounding facilities and test leads to a point where instrument connections can be made
in a safe atmosphere.
For (2): Use low-voltage testing instruments or a series resistance.
For (3): To allow time for capacitance discharge, do not disconnect the test leads for at
least 30 to 60 seconds following a test.
Test your Knowledge (Select the Correct Response)
2. Which of the following safety precautions is NOT necessary when dealing with
the insulation resistance tester?
A. Discharge capacitance fully
B. Do not use tester in an explosive environment
C. Use face shield when using tester
D. Test for induced voltages
As a Construction Electrician, you must understand the principles of operation and
construction of electrical motors and controllers. This knowledge is necessary so you
can perform troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair of this equipment. You must be
able to determine why the motor or controller is inoperative, if it can be repaired without
removing it from service, or if it must be replaced. You must know what equipment
substitutions or replacements to make and how to make the proper lead connections.
The various types of motors and controllers have many elements in common; therefore,
maintenance is fairly uniform. Once a motor or controller has been installed and the
proper maintenance performed, you will have very little trouble. However, if something
should go wrong, you must understand motors and controllers and how they operate to
determine what troubleshooting steps to take and repairs to make. Remember, YOU are
the repairman.
The checklist should include, but is not limited to, the following:
5.0.0 MOTORS
Motors operate on the principle that two magnetic fields within certain prescribed areas
react upon each other. Pole pieces, frame, and field coils form one field, and current
sent through the armature windings sets up another magnetic field. The units of a
motor, then, are the poles and the armature. The poles are ordinarily the static part, and
the armature is the rotating part.
The poles are formed by placing magnetized bars so that the north pole of one is placed
directly opposite the south pole of the other. The air gap between these poles contains
the magnetic field. Just as a conductor must be insulated to prevent its electrical charge
from being grounded, so the magnetic field must be shielded from the earth’s magnetic
field and from the field of nearby generators or motors. This shielding is usually
accomplished by surrounding the field with a shell of soft iron. The armature carries the
coils which cut the lines of force in the field.
Direct-current motors and controls are seldom installed, maintained, or serviced by CEs
unless they are assigned to special units, such as the State Department, where they will
receive special training on this type of equipment. Therefore, we will not go into the
depth on DC motors and controls as we will with AC. For information on direct-current
motors and controls refer to the Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series
(NEETS) modules and the
Electrician’s Mate Training Manual, NAVEDTRA 12164.
Most of your work with motors, at shore stations especially, will be with AC motors. DC
motors have certain advantages, but AC power is more widely used, and AC motors are
less expensive and, on the whole, more reliable.
For example, sparking at the brushes of a DC motor can be very dangerous if there is
explosive gas or dust in the surrounding air. Most AC motors do not use brushes and
commutators and require little maintenance. They are suited to constant speed
applications and designed to operate at a different number of phases and voltages.
AC motors are designed in various sizes, shapes, and types such as the induction,
series, and synchronous, but as a CE in the U. S. Navy, you will be concerned primarily
with the induction motors. This type of motor includes, among others, the split-phase,
capacitor, repulsion-induction, and polyphase motors.
7.1.0 Split - Phase Motors
A split-phase motor is usually of fractional horsepower. It is used to operate such
devices as small pumps, oil burners, and washing machines. It has four main parts.
These are the rotor, the stator, end plates (or end bells, as they are sometimes called),
and a centrifugal switch
The rotor consists of three parts. One of these parts is the core which is made up of
sheets of sheet steel called laminations. Another part is a shaft on which these
laminations are pressed. The third part is a squirrel-cage winding consisting of copper
bars which are placed in slots in the iron core and connected to each other by means of
copper rings located on both ends of the core. In some motors the rotor has a one-piece
cast aluminum winding.
The stator of a split-phase motor consists of a laminated iron core with semi closed
slots, a steel frame into which the core is pressed, and two windings of insulated copper
wire, called the running and starting windings, that are placed into the slots.
End bells, which are fastened to the motor frame by means of bolts or screws, serve to
keep the rotor in perfect alignment. These end bells are equipped with bores or wells in
the center, and are fitted with either sleeve or ball bearings to support the weight of the
rotor and thus permit it to rotate without rubbing on the stator.
The centrifugal switch is located
inside the motor on one of the end
bells. It is used to disconnect the
starting winding after the rotor has
reached a predetermined speed,
usually 75 percent of the full load
speed. The action of the
centrifugal switch is as follows:
the contacts on the stationary part
of the switch (the stationary part is
mounted on the end bell) are
closed when the motor is not in
motion and make contact with the
starting winding. When the motor
is energized and reaches
approximately 75 percent of full
load speed, the rotating part of the
switch (mounted on the rotor) is
forced by centrifugal force against
the stationary arm, thereby
breaking the contact and
disconnecting the starting winding
from the circuit. The motor is then
operating on the running winding
as an induction motor. Figure 10-14
shows the two major parts of a
centrifugal switch.
The direction of rotation of a split-phase
motor may be reversed by reversing the
connections leading to the starting
winding. This action can usually be done
on the terminal block in the motor.
Figure 10-15 shows a diagram of the
connections of a split-phase motor.
7.1.1 Troubleshooting and Repair
Motors require occasional repairs, but
many of these can be eliminated by
following a preventive maintenance
schedule. Preventive maintenance, in
simple terms, means taking care of the
trouble before it happens. For example,
oiling, greasing, cleaning, keeping the
area around the equipment clean, and
seeing that the equipment has the proper protective fuses and overload protection are
preventive maintenance steps that eliminate costly repairs.
To analyze motor troubles in a split-phase motor, first check for proper voltage at the
terminal block. If you have the proper voltage, check the end bells for cracks and
alignment. The bolts or screws may be loose and the ends may be out of line. Next,
check for a ground. With the motor disconnected, check the connections from the
Figure 10-14 Two major parts of a
centrifugal switch.
Figure 10-15 Diagram of the
connections of a split phase
terminal block to the frame with an ohmmeter or megger. If you find a ground in this
test, remove the end bell with the terminal block and centrifugal switch and separate the
starting winding and running winding and make another ground check on each of these
windings. In many cases you will find the ground in the loops where the wires are
carried from one slot to the next. This situation can sometimes be repaired without
removing the winding. In some cases, the ground may be in the centrifugal switch due
to grease that has accumulated from over greasing.
If the first test does not show a ground in the motor, check to see that the rotor revolves
freely. If the rotor turns freely, connect the motor to the source of power and again
check to see that the rotor turns freely when energized. If the rotor turns freely with no
voltage applied, but locks when it is applied, you will know that the bearings are worn
enough to allow the iron in the rotor to make contact with the iron in the pole pieces.
If the trouble is a short, either the fuse will blow or the winding will smoke when you
connect the motor to the line. In either event you will have to disassemble the motor. A
burned winding is easily recognizable by its smell and burned appearance. The only
remedy is to replace the winding. If the starting winding is burned, it can usually be
replaced without disturbing the running winding, but check closely to be sure that the
running winding is not damaged. In making a check for a shorted coil, the proper
procedure is to use an ohmmeter to check the resistance in the coil that you suspect to
be bad. Then check this reading against a reading from a coil you know to be good.
An open circuit can be caused by a break in a wire in the winding or by the centrifugal
switch not closing properly when the motor is at a standstill. Too much end play in the
rotor shaft may cause the rotating part of the centrifugal switch to stop at a point where
it allows the contacts on the stationary part of the switch to stand open. Should the rotor
have more than 1/64-inch end play, place fiber washers on the shaft to line the rotor up
If the motor windings are severely damaged, send the motor to a motor shop for repairs.
The repairs will usually be done in a shop operated by Public Works or the motor may
be sent outside the base to a civilian operated motor shop. For this reason only the
basic principles of the winding procedure will be covered.
Repair of a split-phase motor with a damaged winding consists of several operations:
taking the winding data, stripping the old windings, insulating the slots, winding the coils
and placing them in the slots, connecting the windings, testing, and varnishing and
baking the winding.
Before taking the motor apart, mark the end
plates with a center punch so that they may
be reassembled properly. Put one punch
mark on the front end plate and a
corresponding mark on the frame. Make two
marks on the opposite end plate and also on
the frame at that point.
Taking the winding data is one of the most
important parts of the operation. This action
consists of obtaining and recording
information concerning the old winding,
namely, the number of poles, the pitch of the
coil (the number of slots that each coil
spans), (Figure 10-16), the number of turns in
each coil, the size of the wire in each
Figure 10-16 The pitch of a
winding, the type of connection (series or parallel), the type of winding, and slot
insulation. See Table 10-4.
Take this data while removing the old winding from the motor frame. Cut one coil at a
place where the number of turns may be counted. Then enter on the data sheet the size
of the wire and other data.
Table 10-4 Split phase motor data sheet.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
Clean the old insulation and varnish from the slots before installing the new slot
insulators. This cleaning is usually done with a torch. The slot insulators are formed
from one of several types of material available for this purpose. The best procedure is to
reinsulate the slots with the same type and size insulation that was used in the original
Then wind the coils according to the data sheet and replaced in the slots in the same
position as the windings you removed. ALWAYS place the starting windings 90
electrical degrees out of phase with the running windings.
When you have completed and tested all the connections between the poles of the
windings and attached the leads, place the stator in a baking oven at a temperature of
about 250°F and bake it for three hours to remove any trace of moisture. Heating the
windings also helps the varnish to penetrate the coils.
Then dip the stator in a good grade of insulating varnish, allow it to drip for about an
hour and then place it in the oven and bake it for several hours.
When you remove the stator from the oven, scrape the inner surface of the core of the
stator to remove the varnish so that the rotor will have sufficient space to rotate freely.
7.1.2 Control for a Split Phase Motor
The control switch for a split-
phase motor is usually a simple
OFF and ON switch if the motor is
equipped with an overload device.
If the motor does not have this
overload device, the switch will be
of a type illustrated in Figure 10-
17. This type of switch has two
push buttons, one to start and one
to stop the motor. It uses
interchangeable thermal overload
relay heaters for protection of
various size motors. In some
cases, a 30-ampere safety switch
with the proper size fuse may be
7.2.0 Capacitor Motors
The capacitor motor is similar to
the split-phase motor, but an
additional unit, called a capacitor,
is connected in series with the
starting winding. These motors
may be of capacitor-start or the
capacitor-run type.
The capacitor is usually installed on top of the motor; but it may be mounted on the end
of the motor frame, or inside the motor housing, or remote from the motor. A capacitor
acts essentially as a storage unit. All capacitors have this quality and all are electrically
the same. The only difference is in the construction. The type of capacitor usually used
in fractional-horsepower motors is the paper capacitor. This type has strips of metal foil
separated by an insulator, usually waxed paper. The strips are rolled or folded into a
Figure 10-17 Starting switch for a single
phase motor.
compact unit which is placed in a metal
container either rectangular or cylindrical in
shape. Two terminals are provided for
The capacitor-start motor, like the split-
phase motor, has a centrifugal switch which
opens the starting winding when the rotor
has reached the predetermined speed,
while the capacitor-run motor does not have
the centrifugal switch, and the starting
winding stays in the circuit at all times.
Figure 10-18 shows a capacitor-start motor
winding circuit. The capacitor motor
provides a higher starting torque with a
lower starting current than the split-phase
7.3.0 Troubleshooting and Repair
The procedure for troubleshooting and
repair for the capacitor motor is the same as for the split-phase motor except for the
capacitor. Capacitors are rated in microfarads and are made in various ratings,
according to the size and type. A capacitor may be defective due to moisture,
overheating or other conditions. In such a case, you must replace it with another one of
the same value of capacity. To test a capacitor, remove the motor leads from the
capacitor and connect the capacitor in series with a 10-amp fuse across a 110- volt line.
If the fuse burns out, the capacitor is short-circuited and must be replaced. If the fuse
does not burn out, leave the capacitor connected to the line for a few seconds to build
up a charge. Do not touch the terminals after the charging process, as serious injury
may result from the stored charge.
Short the terminals with an insulated handle screwdriver. A strong spark should show if
the capacitor is good. If no spark or a weak spark results, replace the capacitor.
The procedure for rewinding a capacitor motor is the same as for the split-phase motor
except for the capacitor.
7.4.0 Universal Motors
A universal motor is one that operates on
either single-phase AC or DC power. These
motors are normally made in sizes ranging
from 1/200 to 1/3 horsepower. You can get
them in larger sizes for special conditions.
The fractional horsepower sizes are used
on vacuum cleaners, sewing machines,
food mixers, and power hand tools.
The salient-pole type is the most common
type of universal motor. It consists of a
stator with two concentrated field windings,
a wound rotor, a commutator, and brushes.
The stator and rotor windings in this motor
are connected in series with the power
Figure 10-18 Capacitor start
motor winding circuit.
Figure 10-19 Universal motor
source. There are two carbon brushes that remain on the commutator at all times. They
are used to connect the rotor windings in series with the field windings and the power
source (Figure 10-19). The universal motor does not operate at a constant speed. It
runs as fast as the load permits, i.e., low speed with a heavy load and high speed with a
light load. Universal motors have the highest horsepower-to-weight ratio of all the types
of electric motors.
The operation of a universal motor is much like a series DC motor. Since the field
winding and armature are connected in series, both the field winding and armature
winding are energized when voltage is applied to the motor. Both windings produce
magnetic fields which react to each other and cause the armature to rotate. The
reaction between magnetic fields is caused by either AC or DC power.
7.5.0 Shaded Pole Motors
The shaded-pole motor is a
single-phase induction motor that
uses its own method to produce
starting torque. Instead of a
separate winding like the split-
phase and capacitor motors, the
shaded-pole motor’s start winding
consists of a copper band across
one tip of each stator pole (Figure
10-20). This copper band delays
the magnetic field through that
portion of the pole. When AC
power is applied, the main pole
reaches its polarity before the
shaded portion of the pole. This
action causes the shaded poles to
be out of phase with the main
poles, producing a weak rotating
magnetic field. Because of the
low-starting torque, it isn’t feasible
to build motors of this type larger
than 1/20 horsepower. They are
used with small fans, timers, and various light load control devices.
Remember, all single-phase induction motors have some auxiliary means to provide the
motor with starting torque. The method used for this starting torque depends on the
application of the motor.
7.6.0 Fan Motors
A wide variety of motors are used for fans and blowers. Here we will discuss the
different methods of varying the speed of common fan motors.
Different manufacturers use different methods for varying the speed. On some motors
only the running winding voltage is varied while the voltage in the starting winding is
constant. On others the running winding consists of two sections connected in series
across 230 volts for high speed. If low speed is required, the two sections are
connected to 155 volts through an auto-transformer. Usually, these motors are
connected for three speeds.
Figure 10-20 Shaded pole stator.
7.7.0 Speed Control of Shaded Pole Motors
Many fans have a shaded-pole type motor. The speed of these motors is varied by
inserting a choke coil in series with the main winding. Taps on the choke coil provide the
different speeds.
7.8.0 Speed Control of Split Phase and Capacitor Motors
Split-phase and capacitor motors are commonly used in floor and wall fans. Two-speed
split-phase motors are normally made with two run windings and either one or two start
windings, depending on the manufacturer. In a three-speed split-phase motor, the
speeds are obtained with only three windings: one running, one auxiliary, and one
starting winding. For high speed, the running winding is connected across the line, and
the starting winding is connected in series with the auxiliary winding across the line. For
medium speed, the running winding is connected in series with half the auxiliary
winding, and the starting winding is connected in series with the other half of the
auxiliary winding. For low speed, the running and auxiliary windings are in series across
the line, and the starting winding is connected across the line. Actually, a tap at the
inside point of the auxiliary is brought out for medium speed. A centrifugal switch is
connected in series with the starting winding.
The capacitor motor used for two-speed floor fans is a permanent-split capacitor motor.
This motor does not use a centrifugal switch. For three speeds, the auxiliary winding is
tapped at the center point, and a lead is brought out for medium speed. This motor is
similar to the three-speed split-phase motor, except that the centrifugal switch is
removed and a capacitor substituted. This motor is used extensively for blowers in air-
conditioning systems.
Split-phase motors used on wall fans are wound like the ordinary split-phase motor, but
many do not have a centrifugal switch. A special type of autotransformer, located in the
base of the fan, is used to change the
speed and also to produce an out-of-phase
current in the starting winding. The primary
of the transformer is tapped for different
speeds and is connected in series with the
main winding. The starting winding is
connected across the transformer
A capacitor motor for a wall fan (Figure 10-
21) contains a capacitor of approximately 1
microfarad (μf) in the starting-winding
circuit. To increase the effective capacity
and consequently the starting torque of this
motor, connect the capacitor across an
autotransformer. The taps on the
transformer permit a choice of various
7.9.0 Speed Control of Universal
Fan Motors
The universal fan motor has a resistance unit in the base to vary the speed. A lever that
extends outside the base is used to insert the resistance in the circuit.
Figure 10-21 Capacitor motor
used for a wall fan.
Construction of a three-phase motor
consists of three main parts: stator, rotor,
and end bells. Its construction is similar to a
split-phase motor, but the three-phase
motor has no centrifugal switch (Figure 10-
8.1.0 Stator
The stator, as shown in Figure 10-23,
consists of a frame and a laminated steel
core, like that used in split phase and
repulsion motors, and a winding formed of
individual coils placed in slots.
8.2.0 Rotor
The rotor may be a die-cast aluminum
squirrel-cage type or a wound type. Both
types contain a laminated core pressed onto
a shaft. The squirrel-cage rotor (Figure 10-
24) is like the rotor of a split-phase motor.
The wound rotor (Figure 10-25) has a
winding on the core that is connected to three
slip rings mounted on the shaft.
8.3.0 End Bells
The end bells, or brackets, are bolted to each
end of the stator frame and contain the
bearings in which the shaft revolves. Either
Figure 10-22 Three phase motor.
Figure 10-23 Three phase stator.
Figure 10-24 Squirrel cage rotor.
ball bearings or sleeve bearings are used
for this purpose.
Connecting a three-phase motor is a simple
operation. All three-phase motors are
wound with a number of coils, with a 2-to-1
ratio of slots to coils. These coils are
connected to produce three separate
windings called phases, and each must
have the same number of coils. The
number of coils in each phase must be one-
third the total number of coils in the stator.
Therefore, if a three-phase motor has 36
coils, each phase will have 12 coils. These
phases are usually called Phase A, Phase
B, and Phase C. All three-phase motors
have their phases arranged in either a wye
connection or a delta connection.
9.1.0 Wye Connection
A wye-connected three-phase motor is one in which the ends of each phase are joined
together paralleling the windings. The beginning of each phase is connected to the line.
Figure 10-26 shows the wye connection.
9.2.0 Delta Connection
A delta connection is one in which the end of each phase is connected in series with the
next phase. Figure 10-27 shows the end of Phase A connected to the beginning of
Figure 10-25 Three phase
wound motor.
Figure10-26 Star or wye
Figure 10-27 Delta connection.
Phase B. The end of Phase B is connected to the beginning of Phase C, and the end of
Phase C is connected to the beginning of Phase A. At each connection, a wire is
brought out to the line.
9.3.0 Voltages
Most small- and medium-sized three-phase
motors are made so that they can be
connected for two voltages. The purpose in
making dual-voltage motors is to enable the
same motor to be used in facilities with
different service voltages. Figure 10-27
shows four coils which, if connected in series,
may be used on a 460-volt AC power supply.
Each coil receives 115 volts. If the four coils
were connected in two parallel sets of coils to
a 230-volt line, as shown in Figure 10-28,
each coil would still receive 115 volts. So,
regardless of the line voltage, the coil voltage
is the same. This is the principle used in all
dual-voltage machines. Therefore, if four
leads are brought out of a single-phase motor
designed for 460/230 or 230/115-volt
operation, the motor can be readily
connected for either voltage.
9.3.1 Dual Voltage Wye Motor
When you are connecting a dual-voltage wye motor, remember practically all three-
phase dual-voltage motors have nine leads brought out of the motor from the winding.
These are marked T1 through T9, so that they may be connected externally for either of
the two voltages. These are standard terminal markings and are shown in Figure 10-30
for wye-connected motors.
Figure 10-28 Four 115 volt coil
connected in series to produce
460 volts.
Figure 10-29 Four 115 volt coils connected in parallel for 230 volts; each coil
still receives only 115 volts.
10-33 High Voltage
To connect for high voltage,
connect groups in series, as
shown in Figure 10-31. Use the
following procedure:
1. Connect T6 and T9; twist
and wire nut.
2. Connect leads T4 and T7;
twist and wire nut.
3. Connect T5 and T8; twist
and wire nut.
4. Connect leads T1, T2, and
T3 to the three phase line. Low Voltage
This same motor can be
connected for low voltage. Use
the following procedure:
1. Connect lead T7 to T1 and
to line lead L1.
2. Connect lead T8 to T2 and
to line Lead L2.
3. Connect lead T3 to T9 and line lead L3.
Figure 10-31 Two voltage wye motor
windings connected in series for high
voltage operations.
Figure 10-30 Terminal markings and
connections for a wye connected dual
voltage motor.
4. Connect T4, T5, and T6 together.
9.3.2 Dual Voltage Delta Motor
For connecting a dual-voltage
delta motor, refer to Figure 10-32
for the standard terminal markings
of a dual-voltage, delta-connected
motor. High Voltage
For high-voltage operation,
connect lead T4 to T7; connect
lead T5 to T8; connect lead T6 to
T9; connect T1, T2, and T3 to LI,
L2, and L3, respectively. Low Voltage
For low-voltage operation,
connect leads Tl, T7, and T6 to
the line lead LI. Connect leads T2,
T4, and T8 to line lead L2.
Connect leads T3, T5, and T9 to
line lead L3.
9.3.3 Reversing Three Phase
For reversing three-phase motors,
Figure 10-33 shows the three
leads of a three-phase motor
connected to a three-phase power
line for clockwise rotation. To
reverse any three-phase motor,
interchange any two of the power
Test your Knowledge
3. How many connections are
associated with the dual
voltage wye motor?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9
Figure 10-32 Standard markings and
connections for a delta connected dual
voltage motor.
Figure 10-33 Wye connected motor to
three phase power for clockwise rotation.
This section covers common electric controllers. The term controller includes any switch
or device normally used to start or stop a motor.
Controllers are classified as either manual or magnetic. The manual controller uses a
toggle mechanism, moved by hand, to open or close the circuit. It may be a switch, a
disconnect, or even an attachment plug. Magnetic controllers use a magnetic coil to
move the mechanism which opens or closes the circuit. Magnetic controllers are
operated manually by pressure on a button or automatically by a pressure switch or a
similar device. The controller must be within sight of the motor, unless the disconnect
device or the controller can be locked in the open position, or the branch circuit can
serve as a controller. A distance of more than 50 feet is considered equivalent to “out of
10.1.0 Controller Capabilities
Each controller must be capable of starting and stopping the motor it controls and, for
an AC motor, it must be capable of interrupting the stalled-rotor current of the motor.
10.1.1 Horsepower Ratings
The controller must have a horsepower rating not lower than the horsepower rating of
the motor. Exceptions are indicated below.
For a stationary motor rated at 1/8 horsepower or less, normally left running and
so constructed that it cannot be damaged by overload or failure to start (such as
clock motors), the branch circuit overcurrent device may serve as the controller.
For a stationary motor rated at 2 horsepower or less and 300 volts or less, the
controller may be a general use switch with an ampere rating of at least twice the
full load current rating of the motor.
For a portable motor rated at 1/3 horsepower or less, the controller may be an
attachment plug connector and receptacle.
A branch circuit circuit breaker, rated in amperes only, may be used as a
controller. Branch circuit conductors must have an amperage capacity (ampacity)
not less than 125 percent of the motor full load current rating.
10.1.2 Single Controller Serving a Group of Motors
Each motor must have an individual controller, except for motors of 600 volts or less; a
single controller can serve a group of motors under any of the following conditions:
A number of motors drive several parts of a single machine or piece of
apparatus, such as a metal and woodworking machine, crane, hoist, and similar
A group of motors is under the protection of one overcurrent device.
A group of motors is located in a single room within sight of the controller
Conductors supplying two or more motors must have an ampacity equal to the sum of
the full-load current rating of all motors plus 25 percent of the highest rated motor in the
10.2.0 Controller Markings
Controllers are marked with the maker’s name or identification, the voltage, the current
or horsepower rating, and other data as may be needed to properly indicate the motors
for which it is suitable. A controller that includes motor running overcurrent protection or
is suitable for group motor application is marked with the motor running overcurrent
protection and the maximum branch-circuit overcurrent protection for such applications.
Be extremely careful about installing unmarked controllers into any circuit. Controllers
should be properly marked.
10.3.0 Controller Circuitry
Before you condemn a motor, make sure that the fault does not lie within the controller.
The only way to be sure the fault is not in the controller is to understand the circuitry of
the controller. As previously mentioned, there are two general types of motor
controllers: manual and magnetic.
10.3.1 Manual Controllers
Manual controllers (motor starters) are available up to 7 1/2 horsepower at 600 volts
(three-phase) and to 3 horsepower at 220 volts (single-phase). Toggle Switches or Circuit Breakers
A toggle switch or circuit breaker can serve as a controller, provided its ampere rating is
at least twice the full-load current rating of the motor and the motor rating is 2
horsepower or less. It must be connected in a branch circuit with an overcurrent device
that opens all ungrounded conductors to the switch or circuit breaker. These switches or
circuit breakers may be air-brake devices operable directly by applying the hand to a
lever or handle. An oil switch can be used on a circuit with a rating which does not
exceed 600 volts or 100 amperes, or on a circuit exceeding this capacity, under expert
supervision and by permission. A single phase motor requires a one-element overload
device, while a polyphase motor requires a two-element overload device (Figure 10-34).
Figure 10-34 Across the line manual controller.
10-37 Disconnects
Disconnects may be used as controllers on motors rated up to 3 horsepower at 220
volts. They must be located within sight of the motor or be able to lock in the open
position. A distance of more than 50 feet is considered “out of sight.” Double-throw
disconnects may be used for reversing three-phase motors if they conform to these
requirements. Drum Control
The drum control is a lever-operated, three-position switch. The center position is
usually the OFF position with the right and left positions FORWARD and REVERSES,
respectively. Normally, it is used to direct the rotation of a three phase motor. Oil-
immersed drum switches are used wherever the air can become charged with corrosive
gases or highly flammable dust or lint.
10.3.2 Magnetic Full Voltage Starters
Magnetic starters are made to handle motors from 2 to 50 horsepower. They can be
controlled by a start-stop station located locally or remotely. The starter has two
different circuits: the control circuit and the load circuit. Control Circuit
The control circuit receives its
power from the incoming leads
to the starter. It is a series circuit
(Figure 10-35) going through the
start/stop station, the magnetic
coil, the overload contacts, and
returning to another phase.
However, it may return to the
ground, depending on the
voltage rating of the coil. Load Circuit
The current flowing through the
coil activates a mechanical lever
and closes the main line
contacts. This closing develops
the load circuit and applies
power to the motor. The fourth
set of contacts provides a shunt
around the start button, known
as the holding circuit. Starter Coil
The coil of the starter may be de-energized in three ways. The stop button is pressed,
one of the overload contacts opens, or the line voltage drops low enough to allow the
coil to release. If one of these things happens, the main contacts are separated by
spring pressure, removing power to the motor.
The overload contacts are opened by excess current flowing through the heater, located
in the power circuit (Figure 10-35). The size of the heaters to be installed is determined
Figure 10-35 Magnetic starter circuit.
by the full-load current draw to the motor. Magnetic starters are manufactured by many
different companies. Information for the proper size of heater is given on the cover of
the starter. Heaters and Horsepower
Table 10-5 is a typical horsepower and heater table for motors of different sizes and
voltage. To determine the heater number, you must know the horsepower and voltage
and if the motor is single or three-phase. Once you have that information, look at Table
10-5, View A, and find the full-load motor amperage. Using the chart from Table 10-5,
View B, you can find the heater number for this motor. For example, you want to know
the number of a heater for a 5-horsepower, 230-volt AC, single-phase motor. Checking
Table 10-5, View A, you find that the motor draws 28 amps. Referring to Table 10-5,
View B, you find heater number 42227 has an amperage range from 26.0 to 28.3. This
is the heater you should use. Also in the table you will find the maximum fuse size and
the amperage at which the heater will open the control circuit. Remember that each
manufacturer has its own heater table to be used with it’s across-the line starters.
Table 10-5 Horsepower rating and heater table.
DC Motors
Single Phase AC
Three Phase AC Motors
HP 120V 240V 115V 230V 115V 230V 460V
1/4 2.9 1.5 5.8 2.9
1/3 3.6 1.8 7.2 3.6
1/2 5.2 2.6 9.8 4.9 4 2 1
3/4 7.4 3.7 13.8 6.9 5.6 2.8 1.4
1 9.4 4.7 16 8 7.2 3.6 1.8
1 1/2 13.2 6.6 20 10 10.4 5.2 2.6
2 17 8.5 24 12 13.6 6.8 3.4
3 25 12.2 34 17 9.6 4.8
5 40 20 56 28 15.2 7.6
7 1/2 58 29 80 40 22 11
10 76 38 100 50 28 14
Cat No
Full Load
Cat No
Full Load
Min Max.
42013 7.2 5.76-6.53 20 42022 22.4 17.9-19.4 80
42014 8.4 6.72-7.59 25 42225 25 20-21.8 100
42015 9.6 7.7-8.4 35 42226 28 22.4-24.4 100
42016 10.9 8.7-9.5 35 42227 32.6 26-28.3 125
42017 12.6 10.1-11 40 42228 36.3 29-31.6 125
42018 13.7 11-11.5 45 42229 42 33.5-36.5 150
42019 14.5 11.6-12.6 50 42230 48 38.4-41.5 150
42020 15.8 12.6-13.7 50 42231 52 41.6-45.2 172
42021 18.3 14.6-15.9 60 42232 57 45.5-49 200
42224 20 16-17.6 70 42233 60.5 49-52.5 200
B Heater Troubleshooting
A heater must be manually reset at the motor starter. If the magnetic starter fails to
energize, the trouble is within the control circuit. However, if the coil should energize but
the motor fails to run, the trouble must be within the load circuit or motor. Check the
load circuit at terminals TI, T2, and T3. If the proper voltage requirements are there, the
trouble is most likely in the motor.
10.3.3 Push Button Stations
An example of a push-button
station with overload protection is
shown in Figure 10-36. In this
case, the controller is connected
to a 208-volt single-phase motor.
This controller is a single-phase,
double-contact device which
connects or disconnects both
undergrounded conductors to the
motor. It has a start and stop
button that mechanically opens or
closes the contacts. Pressing the
start button closes both contacts,
and pressing the stop button
opens both contacts. The control
has two overload devices
connected in series with the
contacts. If an overload condition
occurs, either overload device will
open both sets of contacts. A
typical application of this type
control would be to control small
machine tools.
10.3.4 Full Voltage Reversing Starters
Reversing magnetic controllers use two magnetic across-the-line starters whose power
leads are electrically interconnected to reverse two of the three phases. The two motor
starters are generally contained in one box and are mechanically interlocked so that one
cannot close without the other opening. They are sometimes also electrically interlocked
to help prevent closing both starters at the same time.
10.3.5 Reduced Voltage Starters
Reduced-voltage starters are generally used for motors rated above 50 horsepower.
Reduced-voltage starters are designed to reduce the current draw of the motor during
the starting period only. They use either an autotransformer or resistor, both using the
same basic principles.
Figure 10-36 Schematic for a single phase
manual controller with overload protection.
Figure 10-37 is a schematic drawing of an autotransformer reduced-voltage starter. The
autotransformer starter provides greater starting torque per ampere of starting current
drawn from the line than any other reduced-voltage motor starter. But this type of starter
is not always desirable, because, with the changing of the S and R relays, the motor is
without power for a short time. Therefore, a resistance-reduced voltage starter may be
used. Resistance starters are sometimes applied where the circuit should not be
opened during the transition from reduced to full voltage. They are particularly desirable
when sudden mechanical shock to the driven load must be avoided.
Figure 10-37 Autotransformer reduced voltage starter.
Figure 10-38 shows a typical
resistance-reduced voltage
starter. Pressing the start button
energizes the S relay. The S
contacts close, connecting power
through the resistors to the motor.
Voltage is dropped across the
resistors, lowering the voltage to
the motor. After a period of time,
the T contact closes, energizing
the R relay. The R relay contacts
close, shunting around the
resistors, to apply full voltage to
the motor. The contact device
may be a time delay relay or even
a centrifugal switch, operated
from the speed of the motor.
Protective devices used in
reduced-voltage starters are
determined in the way previously
10.3.6 Part Winding Starters
Part-winding starters use two
magnetic starters and operate like a
resistance start controller. Figure 10-39
is a schematic drawing of a wye-
connected, three-phase motor. The
control circuits for the S and R relays
are the same as for a resistance
reduced-voltage starter, and so they are
not shown. The S relay is energized
first, connecting voltage to only part of
the winding. The motor starts to run but
develops little torque. At a
predetermined time, the R relay closes.
This action parallels the windings in the
motor, reducing their resistance and
causing increased current flow and
more torque.
10.4.0 Motor Maintenance,
Testing, and Repair
An electric motor must be checked, maintained, and repaired just like any other piece of
mechanical equipment. With proper servicing, a motor will last longer and give more
efficient service. Included in maintenance services are cleaning, lubrication, ventilation,
and testing.
Figure 10-38 Resistance reduced voltage
Figure 10-39 Part winding
10.4.1 Cleaning
Inspect motors internally and externally for foreign materials, such as dust, dirt,
corrosion, and paint. Open frame motors may be blown out with compressed air. You
should not apply too many coats of paint to motors. A thick coat of paint will interfere
with heat dissipation.
Air pressure used for cleaning should not exceed 25 psi nozzle pressure. Excessive
pressure can damage the insulation on the windings.
Wipe all excess dirt, grease, and oil from the surfaces of a motor with a cloth moistened
with an approved solvent.
Do not use flammable or toxic solvents when cleaning motors. Solvents may cause
injury to personnel or damage to equipment.
10.4.2 Lubrication
Lubrication should be done according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Improper
lubrication causes motor bearings to overheat and eventually causes bearing failure.
Check a motor for signs of grease and oil-seal failure. If an inside seal fails, the lubricant
can get into the motor windings and deteriorate the insulation. This condition also allows
dust to adhere to the windings and restricts air circulation, then the motor windings heat
and burn out. Inadequate lubrication causes the bearings to wear excessively and,
eventually, to seize. When lubricating a motor, refer to the manufacturer's manual to
determine the correct type of lubricant to use. Some motors have bearings lubricated
with oil, while others require grease. Many motor bearings are lubricated and sealed at
the factory and usually last the life of the bearing.
10.4.3 Ventilation
Check the running temperature of all motors. If the motor temperature is hotter than
specified on the nameplate, you must find the problem. The normal procedure for
diagnosing motor overheats is to check the motor for restricted ventilation. Inspect the
area around the motor for any obstructions which could hamper free air circulation. If air
circulation is not hampered in any way and the motor continues to run hot, reduce the
load on the motor or use a motor with more power capability.
10.4.4 Testing
The proper testing of a motor has a logical sequence. Proper testing can prevent
unnecessary labor and parts. Testing motors is generally classed under two major
methods: visual tests and operational tests. Visual Tests
A visual test can discover a great deal about the condition of a motor and the possible
causes of trouble. Read the nameplate data and be sure that the motor connections are
correct for the supplied voltage.
Look at the windings to see if the insulation has overheated (or has been overheating).
You can tell when the insulation is burned by the odor within the motor. If you aren’t
sure of the condition of the windings, test them with a megger to determine if they have
been damaged beyond use. Connect the leads of the megger to each set of windings.
Disconnect the motor leads from each other to ensure reading only one winding at a
If the winding is good, you will get a reading of continuity. If the winding indicates a large
amount of resistance, it is damaged and must be replaced.
Now connect one lead from the megger to the frame of the motor. Connect the other
lead of the megger to each lead of the motor, one at a time. A low-resistance reading
means insulation breakdown or a short to the motor frame, and replacement of the
winding is necessary.
Inspect the commutator for solder thrown from the risers, and for loose, burned, high,
and flat bars. Also test for high mica. Notice the surface film on both the commutators
and slip rings and the general condition of the brushes. Check the air gap on large
motors for any indication of bearing wear or misalignment. For large motors, take an air
gap measurement at one reference point on the rotor or armature; then rotate the rotor
or armature and measure four points on the stator or field frame to the same reference
point. The air gap measurement should be within plus or minus 5 percent at any of
these points.
Check the condition and operation of the starting rheostat in DC motors and the starting
and control equipment used with AC motors. Also check the terminal connections on all
of the control equipment to ensure they are correct and secure. Make sure the proper
voltage is at the terminal lead of the motor.
If the visual tests have not revealed the trouble, perform some operational tests on the
motor. Operational Tests
Perform a heat run test, observing the manufacturer’s recommendations for that
particular motor.
Do not attempt to operate a series DC motor without a load.
If the temperature of the motor in normal operation does not exceed the maximum
recommended by the manufacturer, the motor is operating satisfactorily. Always refer to
the manufacturer’s manual for definite specifications for the motor you are inspecting.
Be sure the master switch is in the off position before connecting or disconnecting any
motor lead connections.
Because of their effect on insulating materials, high temperatures shorten the operating
life of electric motors. When the windings or the bearings of a motor not specifically
designed for high temperature service get hotter than 90 degrees centigrade,
investigate the operating conditions and relieve the temperature conditions by cooling or
relocating the motor. Gradually rising temperature in a motor warrants a shutdown and
thorough examination of the unit. The nameplate on the motor usually specifies its
normal running temperature in degrees centigrade. Check the current draw of the motor
against the data on the nameplate. Excess current causes heating and, in time, will
destroy the windings.
Check the motor for proper speed. A speed above or below that indicated on the
nameplate signifies a malfunction in the unit. When a motor’s operation is sluggish,
check the line voltage to the motor. If you find the voltage low, apply the proper value
and continue checking to determine if the motor is overloaded. If it is, reduce the load or
replace the motor with one of a larger horsepower. There are other conditions which
could make motor operation sluggish. You may find that the brushes have shifted off
NEUTRAL, and you must reset them. You may also find that the armature or rotor is
dragging on the stator or field poles. To correct this situation, you may need new
bearings. A field pole may be loose, causing it to drag on the armature or rotor.
Other conditions which could cause a motor to be sluggish are shorted field-winding
circuits, shorted armature windings, and surface leaks across the commutator
segments. After finding the fault in the motor, you may have to replace it. When you
replace it, be sure to install a motor of the same size.
Be sure to de-energize the motor circuit before disconnecting the unit.
While the motor is running, look for any sparking at the brushes. Many faulty conditions
contribute to sparking brushes at the commutator. The two major causes are a faulty
armature and malfunctioning brushes. Some of the faults that could develop in an
armature include rough commutators, bent armature shafts, and short circuits in the
armature windings. Brushes may malfunction because they are off NEUTRAL, they bind
in the brush holders, they are wound beyond recommended limits, or they intermittently
fail to contact the commutator because of insufficient brush spring tension. Whenever a
motor is arcing at the brushes, disassemble it, locate the problem, and make the
necessary repairs,
There are many causes of motor noise. Listen and feel for any unusual noises. First,
check the motor-mounting bolts for looseness and the alignment of the motor with the
driven equipment. If the motor is secure and properly aligned, continue your inspection.
Check the motor’s balance. Also inspect the motor for loose rotor bars or a bent shaft. If
any of these conditions exist, replace the rotor or armature. Sometimes the centrifugal
switch rattles or rubs the interior of the motor housing. Align the switch and tighten the
mounting bolts. If the switch has excessive wear, replace it. Check all motor
accessories for looseness and tighten as needed. Check the drive pulley and the
condition of the belts. Loose pulleys rattle and will damage belts. You will hear a distinct
slap when the belt has been damaged.
10.4.5 Motor Repair
After you have performed visual and operational tests on a motor and isolated the
problem, you may have to disassemble the motor to make the repairs. You should know
the procedures and precautions for motor repair. Disassembly
The careless disassembly of a motor can cause serious damage to the delicate
components within it. Remove and handle all parts with care and always use the proper
tools. It is just as important to tag all parts, take down accurate data, and store the parts
in an orderly arrangement in a safe place. Before disassembling a motor, consider the
The area for disassembly must be clean and free of dirt, dust, and moisture.
Tag all leads and the point of connection from where the leads have been
Wipe all excess dirt, grease, and oil from the exterior surface with a clean cloth
moistened with an approved solvent.
Inspect all leads for burned, cracked, or deteriorated insulation at the point of
their entry into the motor.
Turn the motor shaft by hand to determine whether the armature turns freely. If
not, inspect the motor for a bent shaft, misalignment of the end bells, loose or
frozen bearings, a loose pole piece, or foreign objects inside the motor.
Use gloves or a cloth to protect your hands from the sharp edges of the keyway when
turning the shaft. End Bell Removal
When you are removing the end bells,
remember that on some motors the
bearings must be removed before the end
bells. To remove the end bells, use the
following procedure:
1. Punch mark the frame and end bells
for reassembly purposes (Figure 10-
2. Remove the end bell fastening
screws or bolts.
3. Remove the bearing first, if
4. Part the end bells from the frame, as
shown in Figure 10-41.
5. Record and disconnect the leads
from the internal mechanism and
6. Clean the end bells and frame.
7. Inspect the disassembled parts and
replace as needed. Bearing Removal
Sometimes you can remove the bearings
before removing the end bells. In other
cases, the bearings slip off the shafts with
the end bells. Frequently, the bearings are
press fitted to the shafts and end bells,
making their removal difficult. Since bearing
removal varies with the different types of
Figure 10-40 Punch marking
motor frame and end bells.
Figure 10-41 Separating motor
frame from end bells.
motors, only some of the most important procedures and precautions are listed.
Never remove bearings in good condition from the shafts or end bells unless it is
absolutely necessary.
Remove all bearing attachment screws or bolts before attempting to remove the
Remove ball bearings that are to be reused with arbor plates and an arbor press
to prevent distortion.
Remove ball bearings to be discarded with a hook type puller.
Remove sleeve bearings with arbor plates and an arbor press. When an arbor
press isn’t available, you may remove sleeve bearings with a well fitted arbor and
Sometimes you may be required to remove sleeve bearings by drilling them out
with a drill press.
Handle bearings with clean, dry hands or clean canvas gloves. Handling a
bearing with hands that are perspiring can cause corrosion. Fingerprint patterns
are sometimes found rusted into bearing surfaces.
Keep bearings in their packages or in oil proof paper until they are installed. Brush Removal
Brush removal is necessary when you are replacing brushes or you need access to
parts of the unit otherwise inaccessible. If the brushes are not to be removed, place
them in the raised position. Use the following procedure for removing brushes and
brush rigging:
1. Record the placement and angle of brush rigging and brushes.
2. Check the brush spring pressure.
3. Remove the screws holding the brush pigtails and rigging.
4. Clean, inspect, and store the brushes and brush rigging. Centrifugal Switch Removal
Internal switches of the centrifugal type are usually attached to the inside of end bells.
When you are removing the end bells, be careful not to break the switch springs. For
removing a centrifugal switch, follow these steps:
1. Note and record the lead connections to the switch.
2. Disconnect the leads.
3. Remove the mounting screws of the stationary part of the switch which is
secured to the end bell.
4. Clean and inspect the switch and replace the damaged parts.
5. Tag and store the unit. Armature and Rotor Removal
The removal of armatures and rotors from within the frame of the unit requires
considerable care to avoid damage to the parts. For removing an armature or rotor,
follow these suggestions:
1. Support the armature or rotor only by its shaft when possible.
2. Slide a thin piece of cardboard between the underside of the rotor and stator to
protect the laminations and windings during rotor removal.
3. In a shop, use a hoist to remove the rotors of large motors. Testing Components
After a motor is disassembled, you perform certain tests to determine which
components are faulty. Field Winding
To locate a grounded field winding, disconnect and separate the internal connections
between the windings. With this done, position one lamp prod of a series test lamp to
the housing. With the other test lamp prod, touch each winding lead individually. If the
test lamp lights, that particular winding is grounded. Test all the windings. You may also
perform this test with an ohmmeter. A reading of continuity indicates a short; no reading
indicates that the field winding is not grounded.
The test for an open circuit in the field
windings of a motor may also be done with a
series test lamp. Touch one test lead to one
coil terminal and the other lead to the
opposite coil terminal. If the test lamp doesn’t
light, the winding is open. If it does light, an
open circuit doesn’t exist, and the winding is
To test for shorts in the field winding of a
motor, compare the relative voltage drop in
each field winding section with a voltmeter.
You should get the same reading for each
section. A decrease in voltage drop in a
section indicates a short circuit. Armature Winding
The first test on an armature winding should
be to locate grounded circuits. This test is
also performed with a series test lamp. Touch
one test prod to the armature core or shaft, as shown in Figure 10-42. Using the other
test prod, touch each commutator segment. If the armature winding is grounded, the
test lamp will light when you apply the lamp prod to the grounded armature winding or
commutator segment. Replace the grounded armature when all attempts to remove the
ground have failed.
When checking for a shorted armature, place the armature in an armature test set
(growler). Lay the test blade lengthwise with the flat side loosely in contact with the
armature core, as shown in Figure 10-43. Turn the test stand to the ON position and
slowly rotate the armature while holding the test blade stationary. If there is a short in
the armature windings, the test blade will be attracted to the armature (magnetized) and
will vibrate.
Figure 10-42 Testing for
grounds in armature windings.
Place the test set switch in the off position before removing the armature, and never
leave the test set turned on unless there is an armature placed in the core.
When you are testing an armature for an open circuit, place the armature in an armature
test set and turn the test set ON. Place the armatures double prods on two adjoining
commutator segments and note the reading on the ammeter, as shown in Figure 10-44.
Rotate the armature until you have read each pair of adjoining commutator segments.
All the segments should read the same. No reading indicates an open circuit, and a high
reading indicates a short circuit.
Place the test set switch in the off position before removing the armature from the test
Check the commutator for broken leads.
Repair and resolder any you find. If you find
an open winding, check the commutator for
burned spots. They reveal the commutator
segment to which the open winding is
connected. Open circuits in the windings
generally occur at the commutator and can
be found by a visual inspection. If there is
excessive sparking at the brushes with the
motor reassembled, disassemble it and
replace the armature.
In testing for a grounded brush holder or
rigging, touch one test lamp prod of the
armature test set to the motor housing. With
the other test prod, touch each brush holder
Figure 10-43 Testing for shorts
in armature windings.
Figure 10-44 Testing for open
in a commutator.
Figure 10-45 Fabricated
cleaning pad.
individually. If the lamp lights, there is a ground in the brush holder.
Remove all leads to the brush holders and brushes before you attempt this test.
The color of the commutator and slip rings will indicate the type of trouble. An even
chocolate-brown color indicates a normal condition and a black color indicates brush
arcing. You can remove slight burns on the commutator segments by polishing the
commutator as the armature rotates. Use a canvas pad, as shown in Figure 10-45. To
remove the deeper burns, use fine sandpaper instead of the canvas pad. When a
commutator is deeply scored, it must be reconditioned in a lathe or with a special tool.
Never use emery cloth to polish commutators because the emery particles can lodge
between the segments and cause the commutator circuits to short.
Slip rings used on rotors are usually made of bronze or other nonferrous metals. Under
normal conditions, the wearing surface should be bright and smooth. When the rings
are pitted, they should be polished. When excessively worn and eccentric, they should
be trued with a special tool. Reassembly
After you have inspected all parts and repaired or replaced the faulty ones, you are
ready for reassembly. To assemble motors, follow in reverse order the procedures of
their disassembly. Be sure to check any available literature you may find. Be sure to oil
or grease the bearings as required. Remove the relief plug in the bottom of the housing
while you apply grease.
10.5.0 Motor Controller Maintenance and Repair
The most important rule to remember when you are making repairs or inspecting motor
controllers is as follows:
Be sure the controller is disconnected from the power source before touching any of the
operating parts.
Inspect and service control equipment on the same maintenance schedule as motors.
Motor starters can normally be repaired on the job site at the time of inspection. After
securing the power, the first thing you should do to keep controllers operating at
maximum efficiency is keep them free of dirt, dust, grease, and oil, both inside and out.
Clean the operating mechanism and contacts with a clean, dry, lintless cloth or a
vacuum cleaner. Clean small and delicate mechanical parts with a small, stiff bristle
brush and a Navy-approved solvent.
Check the contacts to ensure proper electrical connections. When contacts open and
close the rolling and rubbing action keeps the contacts bright and clean. Infrequently
operated contacts or contacts under heavy loads can overheat, which creates oxidation
on the contacts.
10.5.1 Copper Contacts
Copper contacts are used for most heavy-duty power circuits, and, in many cases, in
relay and interlock circuits. They should be inspected regularly. If projections extend
beyond the contact surfaces or if the contacts are pitted or coated with copper oxide,
sand them down with fine sandpaper.
Welding of contacts sometimes occurs in spite of all precautions. Low voltage is the
most common cause. Welding may also result from overloads, low-contact pressure
resulting from wear or weak springs, loose connections, or excessive vibrations. If
welding occurs, it is an indication of trouble in the electrical system. The contacts must
be replaced, but it is useless to replace them without finding and correcting the cause of
the welding.
10.5.2 Carbon Contacts
Carbon contacts are used when a contactor is frequently opened and closed. It is
essential that the contactor be open when it is de-energized. Since carbon contacts will
not weld together when closed, they are better than metal contacts for ensuring that a
deenergized contact is open. However, carbon contacts are used only when necessary.
Because the current capacity of carbon per square inch of contact surface is very low,
contacts made of carbon must be relatively large.
10.5.3 Silver Contacts
Silver contacts are used
extensively in pilot and control
circuits, on relays, interlocks,
master switches, and so on.
They are used also on smaller
controllers and on heavy-duty
equipment where the contactors
remain closed for long periods
of time with infrequent
operation. Silver contacts are
used because they ensure
better contact than other, less
expensive, material.
Do not replace pure silver
contacts and silver-cadmium-
oxide contacts until they
become too worn to give good
service. Their appearance will
indicate when they are worn to
such an extent that they are no
longer serviceable (Figure 10-
46). Electrical and Mechanical Wear
Normally, contacts are subjected to electrical and mechanical wear as they establish
and interrupt electric currents. Electrical wear is usually greater than mechanical wear. If
a movable contact assembly has no appreciable sliding action on its associated
stationary contact assemblies, mechanical wear will be insignificant.
Electrical wear or erosion is caused by arcing when the contacts are establishing and
interrupting currents. During arcing, a small part of each contact is melted, vaporized,
and blown away from the contact. As a pure silver contact erodes, its arcing surface
Figure 10-46 Silver contacts.
changes in color, contour, and smoothness. Figure 10-46 shows typical changes in
contour and smoothness.
Normally, a new contact has a uniform silver color, a regular contour, and a smooth
arcing surface. As the contact wears, discolorations usually give it a mottled
appearance, showing silver, blue, brown, and black. The black color comes from the
silver oxide formed during arcing. Silver oxide is beneficial to the operation of the
Electrical erosion may cause uneven wear of the contacts and consequent contour
irregularity. Uneven contact wear doesn’t necessarily indicate that the contact should be
replaced Manufacturers usually provide a total thickness of silver equal to twice the
wear allowance associated with the contact to allow for uneven contact wear.
Melting and vaporization of contacts cause pitting of the arcing surface. The pitted
surface has high spots which are quite small in area. Tests indicate that such a surface
is better than a surface which has not been subjected to arcing because its circuit-
making reliability is improved.
A silver-cadmium-oxide contact shows the same wear characteristics as a pure silver
contact, except that small black granules may be evident on the arcing surface. These
granules are cadmium oxide, a black material which is scattered throughout the mixture
that has formed on the contacts. Silver oxide is formed during arcing, just as with a pure
silver contact. The addition of cadmium oxide greatly improves contact operation
because it minimizes the tendency of the contacts to weld together, retards heavy
transfer of material from one contact to the other, and inhibits erosion. Wear Allowance
A contact is in service as long as its wear allowance, and its associated contacts,
exceeds the minimum value specified by the manufacturer. (Usually the minimum value
is 0.015 to 0.030 inch). The “wear allowance” of contacts is defined as the total
thickness of contact material which may be worn away before the contact of two
associated surfaces becomes inadequate to carry rated current.
In an electric-motor contactor, the wear allowance of the power pole contacts is usually
related to the closed position of the magnetic operator. The wear allowance of the
power pole contacts of a magnetic contactor is the amount of silver that can be worn
away without resulting in failure of the contacts to touch when the magnetic operator is
at its closed position.
10.5.4 Blowout Coils
Blowout coils seldom wear out or give trouble when used within their rating. However, if
they are required to carry excessive currents, the insulation becomes charred and fails,
causing flashovers and failure of the device.
Arc shields are constantly subjected to the intense heat of arcing and may eventually
burn away, allowing the arc to short-circuit to the metal blowout pole pieces. Therefore,
arc shields should be inspected regularly and renewed before they burn through.
Arc barriers provide insulation between electrical circuits and must be replaced if broken
or burned to a degree where short circuits are likely to occur. The importance of having
clean, tight electrical connections must be emphasized. Where practical, it is a good
idea and common practice to solder electrical connections.
Excessive slamming on closing, particularly on AC magnetic-operated devices, will
eventually damage the laminated face of the magnetic armature and may damage the
shading coil.
Keep magnetic coils dry. Always dry out wet coils before using by baking them in a well-
vented oven at not more than 194°F to prevent water from boiling in the insulation. The
length of time in the oven depends on the size of the coil. If an oven isn’t available,
place the unit under a canvas cover roomy enough for hot air to be circulated within.
Another alternative is to direct infrared lamps on the windings.
The closed pressure of contacts is an important factor in their ability to carry current. A
small contact with proper contact pressure carries more current than a large one with
little pressure. Contact springs must be kept in condition. Replace them when they have
been damaged or have lost temper by exposure to high temperatures.
Connections should always be clean and tight. Loose connections result in overheated
parts that eventually need replacing. Periodic inspections are necessary because
temperature changes, vibration, and carelessness may loosen the connections.
Inspect the movable core of a controller for cleanliness. Accumulated dirt causes
sluggish mechanical action, which impairs the opening and closing of the contact.
Noise results if the movable and stationary pole pieces don’t fit together well when the
contactor is closed or when dirt or rust prevents proper closure. The most prominent
noise produced in a controller comes from a broken shaded pole, which is a single turn
of wire or strap, imbedded in part of the laminated magnetic structure.
Check the cabinet which houses the controller for cleanliness. Make sure the cover fits
properly to keep moisture, dirt, and dust from entering. Check for corrosion of all metal
parts. Table 10-6 is a guide for troubleshooting AC controllers.
Table 10-6 Troubleshooting chart for AC controllers.
Trouble Probable Cause Remedy
Failure to close No power Check power source. Replace
faulty fuses.
Low voltage Check power supply voltage.
Apply correct voltage.
Check for low power factor.
Inadequate lead wires Install lead wires for proper
Loose connections Tighten all connections.
Open connections and broken
Locate opens and repair or
replace wiring.
Remove dirt form controller
Contacts affected by long
idleness or high operating
Clean and adjust.
Contacts affected by chemical
fumes or salty atmosphere
Replace with oil immersed
Inadequate contact pressure Replace contacts and adjust
spring tension.
Open circuit breaker Check circuit wiring for
possible fault.
Defective coil Replace with new coil.
Overload relay contact latched
Operate hand or electric reset.
Failure to open Interlock does not open circuit Check control circuit wiring for
possible fault.
Test and repair.
Holding circuit grounded Test and repair or replace
grounded parts.
Misalignment of parts;
contacts apparently held
together by residual
Realign and test for free
movement by hand.
Magnetic sticking rarely occurs
unless caused by excessive
mechanical friction or
misalignment of moving parts.
Wipe off pole faces to remove
accumulation of oil.
Contacts welded together See contacts welded together
Sluggish Operation Spring tension too strong Adjust for proper spring
Low voltage Check power supply voltage.
Apply correct voltage.
Operating in wrong position Remount in correct operating
Excessive friction Realign and test for free
movement by hand.
Clean pivots.
Rusty parts due to long
periods of idleness
Clean or renew rusty parts.
Sticky moving parts Wipe off accumulations of oil
and dirt. Bearings do not need
Misalignment of parts Check for proper alignment.
Realign to reduce friction and
test by hand for free
Erratic Operation (Unwanted
openings and closures and
failure of overload protection)
Short circuits Test and repair or replace
defective parts.
Grounds Test and repair or replace
defective parts.
Sneak currents These are usually caused by
intermittent grounds or short
circuits in the machines or
wiring circuit. Test and replace
faulty parts or wiring.
Loose connections Tighten all connections.
Eliminate any vibrations or
rapid temperature changes
that may occur in close
proximity to the controller.
Overheating of coils Shorted coil Replace coil.
High ambient temperature or
poor ventilation
Relocate controller, use forced
ventilation, or replace with
suitable type controller.
High voltage Check for shorted control
Check power supply voltage.
Apply correct voltage.
High current Check current rating of
Make check for high voltage
as above. If necessary,
replace with suitable type
Loose connections Tighten all connections.
Check for undue vibrations in
Excessive collection of dirt and
Clean but do not re-oil parts. If
DC covers do not fit tightly,
realign and adjust fasteners.
High humidity, extremely dirty
atmosphere, excessive
condensation, and rapid
temperature changes
Use oil immersed controller or
dust-tight enclosures.
Operating on wrong frequency Replace with coil of proper
frequency rating.
DC instead of AC coil Replace with AC coil.
Too frequent operation Adjust to apply larger control.
Open armature gap Adjust spring tension.
Eliminate excessive friction or
remove any blocking in gap.
Contacts welded together Improper application Check load conditions and
replace with a more suitable
type controller.
Excessive temperature Smooth out contact surface to
remove concentrated hot
Excessive binding of contact
tip upon closing
Adjust spring pressure.
Contacts close without enough
spring pressure
Replace worn contacts. Adjust
or replace weak springs.
Check armature overtravel.
Sluggish operation See sluggish operation
Rapid, momentary, touching of
contacts without enough
Smooth contacts. Adjust weak
Where controller has JOG or
INCH control button, operate
this less rapidly.
Overheating of contacts Inadequate spring pressure Replace worn contacts. Adjust
or replace weak springs.
Contacts overloaded Check load data with controller
Replace with correct size
Dirty contacts Clean and smooth contacts.
High humidity, extremely dirty
atmosphere, excessive
See overheating of coils
condensation, and rapid
temperature changes
High ambient temperature or
poor ventilation
See overheating of coils
Chronic arcing Adjust or replace arc chutes. If
arcing persists, replace with a
more suitable controller.
Rough contact surfaces Clean and smooth contacts.
Check alignment.
Continuous vibration when
contacts are closed
Change or improve mounting
of controller.
Oxidation of contacts Keep clean, reduce excessive
temperature, or use oil
immersed contacts.
Arcing at contacts Arc not confined to proper
Adjust or renew arc chutes. If
arcing persists, replace with
more suitable controller.
Inadequate spring pressure Replace worn contacts. Adjust
or replace weak springs.
Slow in opening Remove excessive friction.
Adjust spring tension. Renew
weak springs. See sluggish
operation section.
Faulty blowout coil or
Check and replace coil.
Tighten connection.
Excessive inductance in load
Adjust load or replace with
more suitable controller.
Pitting or Corroding of
Too little surface contact Clean contacts and adjust
Service too severe Check load conditions and
replace with more suitable
Corrosive atmosphere Use airtight enclosure. In
extreme cases, use oil
immersed contacts.
Continuous vibration when
contacts are closed
Change or improve mounting
of controller.
Oxidation of contacts Keep clean, reduce excessive
temperature, or use oil
immersed contacts.
Noisy operation (Hum or
Poor fit at pole face Realign and adjust pole faces.
Broken or defective shading
Replace coil.
Loose coil Check coil. If correct size,
shim coil until tight.
Worn parts Replace with new parts.
Vibration after repairs Misalignment of parts Realign parts and test by hand
for free movement.
Loose mounting Tighten mounting bolts.
Incorrect coil Replace with proper coil.
Too much play in moving parts Shim parts for proper
tightness, and clearance.
Test your Knowledge (Select the Correct Response)
4. What temperature can not be exceeded when drying magnetic coils in an oven?
A. 155°F
B. 194°F
C. 216°F
D. 267°F
A motor-branch circuit is a wiring system extending beyond the final automatic overload
protective device. Thermal cutouts or motor overload devices are not branch-circuit
protection. These are supplementary overcurrent protection. The branch circuit
represents the last step in the transfer of power from the service or source of energy to
utilization devices.
11.1.0 Motor Branch Circuit Short Circuit and Ground Fault Protection
(NEC® 430, PART IV)
The code requires that branch-circuit protection for motor circuits protect the circuit
conductors, the control
apparatus, and the motor itself
against overcurrent caused by
short circuits or grounds
(sections 430.51 through
430.58). Fuses or circuit
breakers are the most common
protectors used as branch-
circuit protective devices. These
protective devices must be able
to carry the starting current of
the motor. To carry this current,
they may be rated 300 or 400
percent of the running current of
the motor, depending on the
size and type of motor.
Motor controllers provide motor
protection against all ordinary
overloads but are not intended
to open during short circuits.
Figure 10-47 Branch circuit layout #1.
Motor-branch circuits are commonly laid out in a number of ways. Figures 10-47
through 10-49 show three motor-branch circuits and how the circuit protection is used in
various types of layouts.
As mentioned before, the motor-
branch-circuit short-circuit and
ground-fault protective device
must be capable of carrying the
starting current of the motor. For
motor circuits of 600 volts or less,
a protective device is permitted
that has a rating or setting that
does not exceed the values given
in Table 430.52 of the code.
Refer to Table 10-7. An
instantaneous-trip circuit breaker
(without time delay) may be used
ONLY if it is adjustable and is
part of a listed combination
controller, having motor overload
and also short-circuit and ground-
fault protection in each
When values for branch-circuit
protective devices, as shown in
the NEC®, Table 430.52 and 10-
7, do not correspond to the standard sizes or ratings of fuses, nonadjustable circuit
breakers, or thermal protective devices, you
may use the next higher size, rating, or
The National Electrical Manufacturer’s
Association (NEMA) has adopted a
standard of identifying code letters that may
be marked by the manufacturers on motor
nameplates to indicate the motor
kilovoltampere input with a locked rotor.
These code letters, with their classification,
are given in the NE, Table 430.7(B) and
Table 10-7. In determining the starting
current to use for circuit calculations, use
values from Table 430.7(B) or Table 10-7.
Exceptions to the above are given in Table
When maximum branch-circuit protective
device ratings are shown in the
manufacturer’s overload-relay table for use
with a motor controller or are marked on equipment, you may not exceed them even if
higher values are indicated in Table 430.52 of the NEC®; however, you may use branch-
circuit protective devices of smaller sizes. If you use a branch-circuit device that is
smaller, you need to be sure that it has sufficient time delay to permit the motor-starting
current to flow without opening the circuit.
Figure 10-48 Branch circuit layout #2.
Figure 10-49 Branch circuit
layout #3.
Table 10-7 Maximum rating or setting of motor branch circuit short circuit
and ground fault protective devices.
Percentage of Full Load Current
Type of
Delay Fuse
Dual Element
(Time Delay)
Trip Breaker
Inverse Time
Single phase
300 175 800 250
AC polyphase
motors other
than wound
rotor Squirrel
cage other
than Design B
300 175 800 250
Design B
300 175 1100 250
300 175 800 250
Wound rotor 150 150 800 150
DC (constant
150 150 250 150
Note: For certain exceptions to the values specified, see 430.54.
1: The values in the Nontime Delay Fuse column apply to Time Delay Class CC
2: The values given in the last column also cover the ratings of nonadjustable
inverse time types of circuit breakers that may be modified as in 430.52(C),
Exception No. 1 and No. 2.
3: Synchronous motors of the low torque, low speed type (usually 450 rpm or
lower), such as are used to drive reciprocating compressors, pumps, and so forth,
that start unloaded, do not require a fuse rating or circuit breaker setting in excess
of 200 percent of full load current.
Often it is not convenient or practicable to locate the branch-circuit short-circuit and
ground-fault protective device directly at the point where the branch-circuit wires are
connected to the mains. In such cases, the size of the branch-circuit wires between the
feeder and the protective device must be the same as the mains unless the length of
these wires is 25 feet (7.6 meters) or less. When the length of the branch circuit wires is
not greater than 25 feet, the NEC® rules allow the size of these wires to be such that
they have an ampacity not less than one third of the ampacity of the mains if they are
protected against physical damage.
Figure 10-50 gives you an example of branch-circuit conductor sizing, using the figures
found in the NEC® Tables 430.52 and 430.7(B) or Table 10-8.
Table 10-8 Locked rotor indicating code letters.
Code Letter
Kilovolt Amperes per Horsepower
with Locked Rotor
A 0 – 3.14
B 3.15 3.54
C 3.55 3.99
D 4.0 4.49
E 4.5 4.99
F 5.0 5.59
G 5.6 6.29
H 6.3 7.09
J 7.1 7.99
K 8.0 8.99
L 9.0 9.99
M 10.0 11.19
N 11.2 12.49
P 12.5 13.99
R 14.0 15.99
S 16.0 17.99
T 18.0 19.99
U 20.0 22.39
V 22.4 and up
11.2.0 Several Motors or Loads on One Branch Circuit
You may use a single-branch circuit to supply two or more motors or one or more
motors and other loads according to section 430.52 of the code. Some examples are as
1. Several motors, each not exceeding 1 horsepower, are permitted on a branch
circuit protected at not more than 20 amperes at 120 volts or less, or at 600 volts
or less protected at not over 15 amperes if all of the following conditions can be
The rating of the branch circuit short circuit and ground fault protective device
marked on the controllers is not exceeded.
The full load rating of each motor does not exceed 6 amperes.
Individual overload protection conforms with section 430.32 of NEC®.
2. You may connect two or more motors of any rating to a branch circuit that is
protected by a short circuit and ground fault protective device selected according
to the maximum rating or setting of the smallest motor.
3. You may connect two or more motors of any rating and other loads to one branch
circuit if the overload devices and controllers are approved for group installation
and if the branch circuit fuses or circuit breaker rating is according to section
430.52 of the NEC®.
Figure 10-50 Branch circuit conductor sizing.
11.3.0 Motor Feeder short Circuit and Ground Fault Protection
(NEC® 430, Part V)
Overcurrent protection for a feeder to several motors must have a rating or setting not
greater than the largest rating or setting of the branch-circuit protective device for any
motor of the group plus the sum of the full-load currents of the other motors supplied by
the feeder.
Protection for a feeder to both motor loads and a lighting and/or appliance load must be
rated on the basis of both of these loads. The rating or setting of the overcurrent device
must be sufficient to carry the lighting and/or appliance load plus the rating or setting of
the motor branch-circuit protective device.
11.4.0 Motor Controllers(NEC® 430, Part VII)
A controller is a device that starts and stops a motor by making and breaking the power
current flow to the motor windings. A push-button station, a limit switch, or any other
pilot-control device is not considered a controller. Each motor is required to have a
suitable controller that can start and stop the motor and perform any other control
functions required. A controller must be capable of interrupting the current of the motor
under locked-rotor conditions (NEC® 430.82.B) and must have a horsepower rating not
lower than the rating of the motor, except as permitted (NEC® 430.83.A.1).
Branch-circuit fuses or circuit breakers are considered to be acceptable controller
devices under the following conditions:
For a stationary motor rated at one eighth horsepower or less that is normally left
running and is constructed so that it cannot be damaged by overload or failure to
For a portable motor rated at one third horsepower or less, the controller may be
an attachment plug and receptacle.
The controller may be a general-use switch having an ampere rating at least twice the
full-load current rating of a stationary motor rated at 2 horsepower or less and 300 volts
or less.
A branch-circuit breaker, rated in amperes only, may be used as a controller. When this
circuit breaker is also used for short-circuit and ground-fault and/or overload protection,
it will conform to the appropriate provisions of the NEC® governing the type of protection
afforded. Figure 10-51 will help you to understand controller definitions.
Where a number of motors drive several parts of a single machine or a piece of
apparatus, such as metal working and woodworking machines, cranes, hoists,
and similar apparatus
Where a group of motors is under the protection of one overcurrent device, as
permitted in NEC® section 430.53(A)
Where a group of motors is located in a single room within sight of the controller
location. A distance of more than 50 feet (15.3 meters) is considered equivalent
to being out of sight
11.5.0 Disconnecting Means, Motors, and Controllers (NEC® 430,
Part VIII)
Each motor, along with its controller or magnetic starter, must have some form of
approved manual disconnecting means, rated in horsepower, or a circuit breaker. This
disconnecting means, when in the OPEN position, must disconnect both the controller
and the motor from all ungrounded supply conductors. It must plainly indicate whether it
Figure 10-51 Motor controllers basic rules and exceptions.
is in the OPEN or the CLOSED position and may be in the same housing as the
For motor circuits of 600 volts or less, the controller manual disconnecting means must
be within sight and not more than 50 feet away from the location of the motor controller.
There are two exceptions in the code rule requiring a disconnect switch to be in sight
from the controller:
1. For motor circuits over 600 volts, the controller disconnecting means is permitted
to be out of sight from the controller, provided the controller is marked with a
warning label giving the location and identification of the disconnecting means,
and the disconnecting means can be locked in the OPEN position.
2. On complex machinery using a number of motors, a single common disconnect
for a number of controllers may be used. This disconnect may be out of sight
from one or all of the controllers if it is adjacent to them.
The code also stipulates that a manual disconnecting means must be within sight and
not more than 50 feet from the motor location and the driven machinery. The exception
to this rule is that the disconnecting means may be out of sight if it can be locked in the
OPEN position. See Figure 10-51 for other exceptions and basic rules.
The NEC® rules allow a single switch to be the disconnecting means of a group of
motors under 600 volts. Also, manual switches or circuit breakers rated in horsepower
can be used as a disconnecting means and the controller for many motor circuits.
11.6.0 Motor and Branch Circuit Overload Protection (NEC® 430,
Part III)
Each continuous-duty motor must be protected against excessive overloads under
running conditions by some approved protective device. This protective device, except
for motors rated at more than 600 volts, may consist of fuses, circuit breakers, or
specific overload devices. Overload protection will protect the branch circuit, the motor,
and the motor control apparatus against excessive heating caused by motor overloads.
Overload protection does not include faults caused by shorts or grounds.
Each continuous-duty motor rated at more than 1 horsepower must be protected
against overload by one of the following means:
1. A separate overload device that is responsive to motor current. This device is
required to be rated or selected to trip at no more than the following percentage
of the motor nameplate full-load current rating (See Table 10-9):
Table 10-9 — Percentage of motor full load current rating.
Motors with a marked service factor not
less than 1.15
Motor with a marked temperature rise not
over 40°C.
All other motors. 115
For a multispeed motor, each winding connection must be considered separately.
Modification of these values is permitted. See section 430.34.
2. A thermal, protector, integral with the motor, is approved for use with the motor
that it protects on the basis that it will prevent dangerous overheating of the
motor caused by overload and failure to start. The percentages of motor full-load
trip current are given in section 430.32 (A.2).
3. A protective device, integral with the motor that will protect the motor against
damage caused by failure to start is permitted if the motor is part of an approved
assembly that does not normally subject the motor to overloads.
Non-portable, automatically started motors of 1 horsepower or less must be protected
against running overload current in the same manner as motors of over 1 horsepower,
as noted in section 430.32 (C).
Motors of 1 horsepower or less that are manually started, within sight of the controller
location, and not permanently installed are considered protected by the branch-circuit
protective device.
11.7.0 Fuses for Motor Overload Protection (NEC® 430, Part III)
If regular fuses are used for the overload protection of a motor, they must be shunted
during the starting period since the starting current would blow a regular fuse having a
rating of 125 percent of the motor full-load current. Many DC-motor and some wound-
rotor-induction-motor installations are exceptions to this rule. Aside from these
exceptions, it is not common practice to use regular fuses for the overload protection of
motors. Time-delay fuses sometimes can be used satisfactorily for overload protection
since the starting current will not blow those rated at 125 percent of the motor full-load
current. In fact, the manufacturers of these fuses recommend fuses of a smaller rating
than 125 percent of the motor full-load current for ordinary service.
Even time-delay fuses may not be satisfactory unless they are shunted during the
starting period because the 125 percent value cannot be exceeded
11.8.0 Overload Devices Other Than Fuses (NEC® 430, Part III)
The NEC® (Table 430.37) or Table 10-10 indicate the number and location of overload
protective devices, such as trip coils, relays, or thermal cutouts. These overload devices
are usually part of a magnetic motor controller. Typical devices include thermal
bimetallic heaters, resistance or induction heaters, and magnetic relays with adjustable
interrupting and/or time-delay settings. Overload devices can have a manual or
automatic reset.
Table 10-10 Overload Units.
Kind of Motor Supply System
Number and Location of
Overload Units, Such as
Trip Coils or Relays
1 phase AC or DC
2 wire, 1 phase AC or
DC ungrounded
1 in either conductor
1 phase AC or DC
2 wire, 1 phase AC or
DC, one conductor
1 in ungrounded conductor
1 phase AC or DC
3 wire, 1 phase AC or
DC, grounded neutral
1 in either ungrounded
1 phase AC Any 3 phase 1 in ungrounded conductor
2 phase AC
3 wire, 2 phase AC,
2, one in each phase
2 –phase AC
3 wire, 2 phase AC,
one conductor grounded
2 in ungrounded conductors
2 phase AC
4 wire, 2 phase AC,
grounded or ungrounded
2, one per phase in
ungrounded conductors
2 phase AC
Grounded neutral or 5
wire, 2 phase AC,
2, one per phase in any
ungrounded phase wire
3 phase AC Any 3 - phase 3, one in each phase*
* Exception: An overload unit in each phase shall not be required where overload
protection is provided by other approved means.
11.9.0 Thermally Protected Motors (NEC® 430, Part III)
Thermally protected motors are equipped with built-in overload protection mounted
directly inside the motor housing or in the junction box on the side. These devices are
thermally operated and protected against dangerous overheating caused by overload,
failure to start, and high temperatures. The built-in protector usually consists of a
bimetallic element connected in series with the motor windings. When heated over a
certain temperature, the contacts will open, thereby opening the motor circuit. On some
types, the contacts automatically close when cooled; on others a reset button must be
operated manually to restart the motor.
11.10.0 Protection of Live PartsAll Voltages (NEC® 430, Part XII)
The NEC® requires that live parts be protected in a manner judged adequate to the
hazard involved. The following rules apply:
1. Exposed live parts of motors and controllers operating at 50 volts or more
between terminals must be guarded against accidental contact by enclosure or
by location as follows:
a. By installation in a room or enclosure accessible only to qualified persons
b. By installation on a suitable balcony, gallery. or platform so elevated and
arranged as to exclude unqualified persons
c. By elevation 8 feet (2.5 meters) or more over the floor
2. Exception: Live parts of motors operating at more than 50 volts between
terminals shall not require additional guarding for stationary motors that have
commutators, collectors, and brush rigging located inside of motor end
brackets and not conductively connected to supply circuits operating at more
than 150 volts to ground.
An equipment ground refers to connecting the noncurrent-carrying metal parts of the
wiring system or equipment to ground. Grounding is done so that the metal parts with
which a person might come into contact are always at or near ground potential. With
this condition, there is less danger that a person touching the equipment will receive a
12.1.0 Equipment Fastened in Place or Connected by Permanent
Wiring Methods (Fixed) (NEC 250, Part VII Section 250.134)
The word fixed, as applied to
equipment requiring grounding,
now applies to equipment
fastened in place or connected by
permanent wiring, as shown in
Figure 10-52. That usage is
consistently followed in other code
sections also.
The code requires that all
exposed non-current carrying
metal parts, such as equipment
enclosures, boxes, and cabinets,
must be grounded. Equipment
must be grounded where supplied
by metallic wiring methods, in
hazardous locations, where it
comes into contact with metal
building parts; in wet, non-isolated
locations, within reach of a person
who is in contact with a grounded
surface, and where operated at
over 150 volts.
12.2.0 Methods of
Equipment Grounding (NEC® 250, Part VII)
Section 250.130 sets forth basic rules on the effectiveness of grounding. This rule
defines the phrase effective grounding path and establishes mandatory requirements on
the quality and quantity of conditions in any and every grounding circuit. The three
required characteristics of grounding paths are very important for safety:
Figure 10-52 Definition of fixed
1. Every grounding path is permanent and continuous. The installer can ensure
these conditions by proper mounting, coupling, and terminating of the conductor
or raceway intended to serve as the grounding conductor. The installation must
be made so that it can be inspected by an electrical inspector, the design
engineer, or any other authority concerned. A continuity test with a meter, a light,
or a bell will assure that the path is “continuous.”
2. Every grounding conductor has the capacity to conduct safely any fault current
likely to be imposed on it. Refer back to the section of the code that specifically
establishes a minimum required size of grounding conductor.
3. The path to ground has sufficiently low impedance to limit the voltage to ground
and to facilitate the operation of the circuit protective devices in the circuit.
12.3.0 Use of Grounded Circuit Conductor for Grounding Equipment
(NEC® Section 250.142)
Part (A) of NEC®, section
250.142, permits the grounded
conductor (usually the neutral)
of a circuit to be used to ground
metal equipment enclosures and
raceways on the supply side of
the service disconnect. Figure
10-53 shows such applications.
At (A), the grounded service
neutral is bonded to the meter
housing by means of the
bonded neutral terminal lug in
the socket. The housing is
thereby grounded by this
connection to the grounded
neutral, which itself is grounded
at the service equipment as well
as at the utility transformer
secondary supplying the
service. At (B), the service
equipment enclosure is
grounded by connection
(bonding) to the grounded
neutral, which itself is grounded
at the meter socket and at the supply transformer. These same types of grounding
connections may be made for cabinets, auxiliary gutters, and other enclosures on the
line side of the service entrance disconnect means, including the enclosure for the
service disconnect. At (C), equipment is grounded to the neutral on the line (supply)
side of the first disconnect fed from a step-down transformer (a separately derived
Figure 10-53 Equipment housing ground
connections (line side).
Aside from the permission given in the five
exceptions to the rule of part (B) of section
250.142, the code prohibits connection
between a grounded neutral and equipment
enclosures on the load side of the service. So
bonding between any system grounded
conductor, neutral or phase leg, and
equipment enclosures is prohibited on the
load side of the service (Figure 10-54). The
use of a neutral-to-ground panelboard or
other equipment (other than specified in the
exceptions) on the load side of service
equipment would be extremely hazardous if
the neutral became loosened or
disconnected. In such cases, any line-to-
neutral load would energize all metal
components connected to the neutral,
creating a dangerous potential for
electrocution. Hence such a practice is
prohibited. This prohibition is fully described
in Figure 10-55.
Figure 10-54 Equipment
housing ground connections
(load side).
Figure 10-55 Subpanel bonding hazards.
Although this rule of the code prohibits neutral bonding on the load side of the service,
sections 250.50 (A) and 250.53 (B) clearly require such bonding at the service entrance.
The circuit conductors used for equipment grounding must be within the same raceway,
cable, or cord or run with the circuit conductors. The conductors may be bare or
insulated. Insulated conductors must have a continuous outer finish of green or green
with one or more yellow stripes.
When the equipment grounding is to be accomplished by the protective device of the
circuit conductors, it must be rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit, electrical
metallic tubing, flexible metal conduit, type AC cable, or the combined metallic sheath
and grounding conductors of type MC cable.
Flexible metal conduit is permitted as an equipment grounding conductor under the
following conditions: the length of the flex does not exceed 6 feet, the circuit conductors
within are rated at 20 amperes or less, and the connectors are fittings listed for
grounding. If the 6 feet of flex is exceeded, a bonding jumper wire, run inside the flex,
must be used.
The subject of electric control circuits is quite broad. The following section will cover a
few of the basic control circuit requirements and controls. For more information, refer to
special books devoted to this important phase of motor circuitry. Two such books are
Electric Motor Control by Walter N. Alerich and Electric Motor Repair by Robert
Rosenberg and August Hand. These textbooks provide an excellent insight on how to
understand, select, and design control circuits.
13.1.0 Control Circuits General (NEC® 430 Part VI and Article 725)
A control circuit is a circuit that exercises
control over one or more other circuits.
These other circuits controlled by the
control circuit may themselves be control
circuits, or they may be “load” circuits that
carry utilization current to a lighting,
heating, power, or signal device. Figure 10-
56 clarifies the distinction between control
circuits and load circuits.
The elements of a control circuit include all
the equipment and devices concerned with
the function of the circuit: conductors,
raceway and contactor-operating coil,
source of energy supply to the circuit,
overcurrent protective devices, and all
switching devices that govern energization
of the operating coil.
Typical control circuits include the
operating-coil circuit of magnetic motor
starters, magnetic contactors, and relays. Control circuits include wiring between solid-
state control devices as well as between magnetically actuated components. Low-
voltage relay switching of lighting and power loads also are classified as remote-control
Figure 10-56 Defining a control
Control circuits are divided into three classes:
Class 1 system may operate at any voltage that does not exceed 600 volts. They
are, in many cases, merely extensions of light and power systems, and, with a
few exceptions, are subject to all the installation rules for light and power
Class 2 and Class 3 systems are those in which the current is limited to certain
specified low values. This limiting may be accomplished by fuses or circuit
breakers, by transformers that deliver only very small currents, or by other
voltages at which the system operates from 5 milliamps or less. All Class 2 and
Class 3 circuits must have a power source with the power limiting characteristics
described in NEC®, Table 11 (A) and 11 (B) or Tables 10-11 and 10-12. These
requirements are in addition to the overcurrent device.
Table 10-11 Class A and Class B AC power source limitations.
Inherently Limited
Power Source
(Overcurrent Protection
Not Required)
Not Inherently Limited Power Source
(Overcurrent Protection Required)
Class 2
Class 2 Class 3
voltage V
(volts) (1)
h 20*
Over 20
Over 30
Over 30
0 through
Over 20
and through
Over 30
and through
amperes) (1)
- - - - 250 (3) 250 250 N/A
s) (1)
8.0 8.0 0.005
- - - - 5.0
Power Source
VA (volt-
5.0 x
0.005 x
5.0 x V
100 100 100
* Voltage ranges shown are for sinusoidal AC in indoor locations or where wet contact is not likely to occur. For
nonsinusoidal or wet contact conditions, see Note 2.
(1) V
, I
,and VA
are determined with the current limiting impedance in the circuit (not bypassed) as follows:
: Maximum output voltage regardless of load with rated input applied.
: Maximum output current under any noncapacitive load, including short circuit, and with overcurrent protection
bypassed if used. Where a transformer limits the output current, I
limits apply after 1 minute of operation. Where
current limiting impedance, listed for the purpose, or as part of a listed product is used in combination with a non power
limited transformer or a stored energy source, e.g., storage battery, to limit the output current, I
limits apply after 5
: Maximum volt-ampere output after 1 minute of operation regardless of load and overcurrent protection bypassed
if used.
(2) For nonsinusoidal AC, VA
shall not be greater than 42.4 volts peak. Where wet contact (immersion not included)
is likely to occur, Class 3 wiring methods shall be used or VA
shall not be greater than 15 volts for sinusoidal AC and
21.2 volts peak for nonsinusoidal AC.
(3) If the power source is a transformer, VA
is 350 or less when VA
is 15 or less.
Table 10-12 Class A and Class 3 DC power source limitiations.
Inherently Limited Power Source
(Overcurrent Protection Not
Not Inherently Limited Power
Source (Overcurrent Protection
Class 2
Class 2 Class 3
Source voltage
(volts) (1)
Over 20
Over 30
60 and
Over 60
0 through
Over 20
and through
Over 60
and through
Over 100
Power limitations
amperes) (1)
- - - - -
250 (3) 250 250 N/A
Current limitations
8.0 8.0
- - - - -
VA (volt-
5.0 x
100 100
0.005 x
5.0 x V
100 100 100
* Voltage ranges shown are for sinusoidal AC in indoor locations or where wet contact is not likely to occur. For nonsinusoidal or
wet contact conditions, see Note 4.
(1) V
, I
,and VA
are determined with the current limiting impedance in the circuit (not bypassed) as follows:
: Maximum output voltage regardless of load with rated input applied.
: Maximum output current under any noncapacitive load, including short circuit, and with overcurrent protection bypassed if
used. Where a transformer limits the output current, I
limits apply after 1 minute of operation. Where current limiting
impedance, listed for the purpose, or as part of a listed product is used in combination with a non power limited transformer or a
stored energy source, e.g., storage battery, to limit the output current, I
limits apply after 5 seconds.
: Maximum volt-ampere output after 1 minute of operation regardless of load and overcurrent protection bypassed if used.
(2) For nonsinusoidal AC, VA
shall not be greater than 42.4 volts peak. Where wet contact (immersion not included) is likely
to occur, Class 3 wiring methods shall be used or VA
shall not be greater than 15 volts for sinusoidal AC and 21.2 volts peak
for nonsinusoidal AC.
(3) If the power source is a transformer, VA
is 350 or less when VA
is 15 or less.
(4) For DC interrupted at a rate of 10 to 200 Hz, VA
shall not be greater than 24.8 volts peak. Where wet contact (immersion not included) is
likely to occur, Class 3 wiring methods shall be used or VA
shall not be greater than 30 volts for continuous DC; 12.4 volts peak for DC that is
interrupted at a rate of 10 to 200 Hz.
Conductors for any Class 1 control circuit must be protected against overcurrent.
Number 14 and larger wires must generally be protected at their ampacities. Number 18
and Number 16 control wires must always be protected at 7 and 10 amperes,
Any number and type of Class 1 circuit conductors may be installed in the same
conduit, raceway, box, or other enclosure if all conductors are insulated for the
maximum voltage at which any of the conductors operates and the wires are
functionally associated with each other.
Class 1 circuit wires may be run in raceways by themselves according to the NEC®. The
number of conductors in a conduit must be determined from Tables 1 through 5 in
Chapter 9 of the NEC®).
13.2.0 Control Symbols
In Figures 10-57 and 10-58, you see the electrical symbols that conform to the
standards established by the National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA).
Where NEMA standards do not exist, American Standards Association (ASA) standards
are used; however, not all manufacturers use these established symbols. In spite of the
lack of standardization, knowledge of the symbols presented in this section will give you
a firm basis for interpreting variations found in the field.
Figure 10-57 Standard wiring diagram symbols.
The control-circuit line diagram in Figure 10-59 shows the symbol of each device used
in the circuit and indicates its
function. The push-button station
wiring diagram on the right of
Figure 10-59 represents the
physical control station and shows
the relative position of each
device, the internal wiring, and the
connections with the motor
13.2.1 Control and Power
The correct connections and
component locations for line and
wiring diagrams are shown in
Table 10-8. Compare the
information given in the table with
actual line diagrams to develop
the ability to interpret the table
quickly and use it correctly, for
example, refer to Figure 10-60
and the three-phase column of
Figure 10-58 Standard wiring diagram symbols.
Figure 10-59 Control circuit components.
Table 10-13. Note that the control circuit switching is connected to line 1 (L1) and the
contactor coil is connected to line 2 (L2).
Table 10-13Power and Control connection for across the line motor
Line markings for L1 & L2 L1 & L2 L1, L2, & L3
Overload relay heaters in L1 L1 T1, T2, & T3
Contactor coil connected in L2 L2 L2
Overload relay contacts in L2 L2 L2
Control circuits connected to L1 & L2 L1 & L2 L1 & L2
Control circuit switching
connected to
L1 L1 L1
Reversing interchange lines N/A N/A L1 & L3
Requiring grounding L1 is always
L1 is always
13.2.2 Control Wiring
Control wiring can be very confusing. A single operation of an electrical circuit is usually
not complicated; however, a sequence of operations, one depending on the other, in a
complex circuit can be difficult to understand. As you already know, most electrical
circuits are represented as a wiring diagram or a line diagram. Work through the
examples given throughout this section. This practice will improve your skills in reading
and understanding electrical diagrams. If the diagrams are too complex, break them
down to more elementary diagrams. These diagrams are your key to understanding
how a machine operates and how to repair it when it breaks.
Figure 10-60 Three phase
motor controller diagram.
10-79 Two Wire Control
Two-wire control provides no-voltage
release or low-voltage release. Two-wire
control of a starter means that the starter
drops out when there is a voltage failure
and picks up as soon as the voltage
returns. In Figure 10-61, the pilot device is
unaffected by the loss of voltage. Its contact
remains closed, ready to carry current as
soon as line voltage returns to normal.
The phrases no voltage releaseand two
wire controlindicate that an automatic pilot
device, such as a limit switch or a float
switch, opens and closes the control circuit
through a single contact. Three Wire Control
The three-wire control involves a
maintaining circuit. This method eliminates
the need for the operator to press
continuously on the push button to keep the
coil energized. Refer to the elementary
control circuit diagram in Figure 10-62.
When the START button is pressed, coil M
is energized across L1 and L2. This action
closes contact M to place a shunt circuit
around terminals 2, 3, and the START
button. A parallel circuit is formed with one
circuit through push-button terminals 2 and
3 and one circuit through contact M. As a
result, current will flow through the M coil. If
pressure is removed from the START
button, terminals 2 and 3 open. The other
circuit through contacts M remains closed,
supplying current to coil M and maintaining
a started-closed position. Such a circuit is
called a maintaining circuit, a sealing circuit,
or a holding circuit.
The phrases no-voltage protectionand three-wire controlindicate to the electrician
that the most common means of providing this type of control is a start-stop push-button
The main distinction between the two types of control is that in no-voltage release (two-
wire control), the coil circuit is maintained through the pilot-switch contacts; in no-
voltage protection (three-wire control), the circuit is maintained through a stop contact
on the push-button station and an auxiliary (maintaining) contact on the starter. Low Voltage Control
Sometimes it is desirable to operate push buttons or other control devices at some
voltage lower than the motor voltage. In the control system for such a case, a separate
Figure 10-61 Two wire control
Figure 10-62 Three wire
control circuit.
source, such as an isolating transformer or
an independent voltage supply, provides the
power to the control circuit. This independent
voltage is separate from the main power
supply for the motor.
One form of separate control is shown in
Figure 10-63. When the thermostat calls for
cooling and the high-low pressure control is
activated, the compressor motor starter coil
M is energized through the step-down
isolating transformer. When coil M is
energized, power contacts in the 240-volt
circuit close to start the refrigeration
compressor motor. Since the control circuit
is separated from the power circuit by the
isolating control transformer, there is no
electrical connection between the two
circuits. For this reason, the wire jumper
attached to L2 on a starter should be removed for different voltages; however, the
overload relay control contact must be included in the separate control wiring.
In this section, assume that the motor and fuse are in good condition. To make certain
that the motor is not at fault, connect a voltmeter at the motor terminals and determine
whether voltage is available when the contacts of the controller are closed. If there is no
voltage, the trouble probably lies in the controller.
14.1.0 Troubleshooting
By using a snap-around type of voltmeter/ohmmeter or individual instruments, you can
conduct many of the tests needed to determine opens, shorts, grounds. and continuity
in just a short time. You can test malfunctioning circuits for shorted coils, open coils,
grounded coils, open resistances, shorted resistances, low voltages, high voltages,
excessive amperes; broken, loose, or dirty connections; and many other problems with
comparative ease. This testing is true of all motors as well as starters.
Follow a systematic procedure when troubleshooting controls.
You must exercise extreme caution when testing live components. Always use the one-
hand rule to avoid completing the circuit between the live component and a metal
surface. Always have a second person standing by when working on energized
equipment and ensure that person is qualified in CPR. When working on anything that
should have the power off, always shut the power off yourself. Most disconnects allow a
padlock to keep the power from being turned back on. This safety precaution is called
“LOCKOUT.” The NAVOSH Manual, OPNAVINST 5 100.23, provides guidance on the
Lockout/Tag out program at shore activities according to OSHA regulations. It is
extremely important to take this precaution. Controls with voltage over 240 volts should
never be energized when you are troubleshooting.
Because there are so many different kinds and makes of controllers, we will outline a
general procedure for locating the source of trouble.
Figure 10-63 Low voltage
control circuit.
1. If the motor does not start when the main contacts close, the trouble may be as
a. Open the overload heater coils or the poor or bad connections
b. Main contacts not making contact - It is not unusual for one or more contacts
to wear to the degree that they will not make when closed. This fault will also
occur if the contacts become dirty, gritty, or burned.
c. Broken, loose, or dirty terminal connections and loose or broken pigtail
d. Open resistance units or open autotransformer readings from test equipment
e. Obstruction of the magnet core, preventing the contacts from closing
f. Mechanical trouble, such as mechanical interlocks, gummy pivots, and poor
spring tension
2. If the contacts do not close when the START pushbutton is pressed, the trouble
may be as follows:
a. Open holding coil - This can be tested by connecting a voltmeter across the
coil terminals when the START button is pressed. If there is voltage when the
START button is pressed but the coil does not become energized, the coil is
b. Dirty START button contacts or poor contacts - Open or dirty STOP button
contacts. If more than one station is connected to the same controller, each
station should be checked. If FORWARD-REVERSE stations are used and
they are interlocked, check all contacts.
c. Loose or open terminal connections and open overload relay contacts
d. Low voltage, shorted coil, or any mechanical failures encountered
3. If the contacts open when the START button is pressed, the trouble may be as
a. Contacts that do not close completely or are dirty, pitted, or loose
b. Wrong connection of the station to the appropriate controller or controllers
4. If a fuse blows when the START button is pressed, the trouble may be as follows:
a. Grounded circuits, open or shorted coils, or open or shorted contacts
5. If the magnet is noisy, chattering, or sticking in operation, the trouble may be as
a. Broken shaded pole causing chattering and/or Dirty or gummed up core face
6. If the magnet coil is burned or shorted, the trouble may be as follows:
a. Overvoltage, excessive current due to large magnetic gap caused by dirt, grit,
or mechanical trouble, or too frequent operation
14.2.0 Testing Component Circuits
The example used here is a
control operated by a remote
switch, such as a float switch.
Assume that the device being
controlled (a three-phrase motor)
is in good working order but is not
receiving power. Figure 10-64
shows such a circuit.
The first thing you should check is
the line voltage. To do this check,
remove the cover of the control
box and test each line with a
voltmeter. You should take the
volt readings between L1 and L2,
L2 and L3, and then between L3
and L1. If you find full voltage,
visually check the power circuit for
loose connections. These
terminals include L1, L2, L3, T1,
T2, and T3. Look for signs of
heating at these connections.
When a connection becomes
loose, the terminal becomes very
hot, and the screw, wire, and
terminal become discolored or charred. Check all terminals and tighten them if
necessary. ONLY do this checking and tightening with the power OFF.
Next, check the control circuitry within the controller. Do this check by looking at the
control circuit shown in Figure 10-64. The external controls, the magnetic holding coil,
and the normally closed overload contacts are always located between line 1 and line 2.
Unless the control has been altered, line 3 is not part of the control circuit. Check also
that the externally located controlling switches, such as the push button, float, pressure,
or limit switches, are connected between line 1 and the holding coil. The normally
closed overload contacts are always located between the holding coil and line 2. A
wiring diagram usually can be found in the cover of the controller. Now you have
established that the motor and line voltage are in working order. This checking has
narrowed the problem to the control circuit and the chance that some components are
You can locate opens in the control circuit with a voltmeter. Connect one lead of the
voltmeter to line 1, and touch the other lead to first one terminal or the holding coil and
then the other terminal. The voltage reading should be the same as between line 1 and
line 2. If the control circuit voltage is supplied with a transformer, the voltage read
should be that of the transformer output. If there is no voltage on either side of the
holding coil, the overload contacts are open. Pushing the RESET button should close
the overload contacts. If they do not close after they have had time to cool, they may be
defective. In this case, replace them.
If there is a voltage on one terminal of the holding coil but not the other, the coil is open.
You must then replace the coil. If there is a voltage on both terminals of the holding coil,
assume the coil and the overload contacts are in working order. To double check these
Figure 10-64 Three phase starter
controlled by a float switch.
components, short out line 1 and the terminal marked 3 with a piece of wire. This action
will bypass the external control, and then the holding coil should close the contacts. You
can use a current limiting resistor in place of a wire. If the control functions, the problem
is in the external controlling device.
Solid-state controllers have very complicated circuitry; thus, troubleshooting these units
requires a good background in electronics and electric motors. These controllers have
repair instructions with them as well as a list of parts that should be stocked for repair
purposes. Repairs consist of replacing boards or modules that plug into the circuitry.
14.3.0 Combination
A combination starter consists of
a magnetic starter and a
disconnect switch mounted in the
same enclosure. These starters
are supplied with either a fused
disconnect switch or a circuit
breaker. The fuses (or circuit
breaker) provide short-circuit
protection by disconnecting the
line. A combination starter and
circuit breaker will prevent single
phasing by simultaneously
opening all lines when a fault
occurs in any one phase. This
type of starter can be quickly reset
after the fault has been cleared.
Figure 10-65 shows a fused
combination starter. Figure 10-66
shows a combination starter and a
thermal-magnetic circuit breaker.
Figure 10-65 Combination starter with a
disconnect switch.
Figure 10-66 Combination
starter with a thermal magnetic
circuit breaker.
14.4.0 Push Button Station Connections
We will now show you a number of control circuits with various combinations of push-
button stations. All of these diagrams use one type of magnetic switch, but others can
be used. Figure 10-67 shows a magnetic switch that is operated from any of three
stations. Figure 10-68 shows a straight-line diagram of the control circuit of three start-
stop stations. Figure 10-69 shows the control circuit of two start-stop stations. In these
diagrams, the START buttons are connected in parallel, and the STOP buttons are
connected in series. These button connections must be made regardless of the number
of stations. Note that the maintaining contact is always connected across the START
button. All STOP buttons are connected in series with one another and in series with the
holding coil, so the motor can be stopped from any position in case of emergency.
Figure 10-67 Magnetic switch controlled by three start-stop stations.
Figure 10-69 Control circuit for
two start-stop stations.
Figure 10-68 Control circuit for
three start-stop stations.
14.5.0 Start-Stop Station with a Pilot Light
Sometimes it is advisable to have a pilot light on the push-button station to indicate
whether the motor is running. The lamp usually is mounted on the station and
connected across the holding coil. Such a connection is shown in Figures 10-70 and 10-
71. Figure 10-72 shows a control circuit with the pilot light on when the motor is
stopped. A normally closed contact is needed on this starter. When the motor is
running, these contacts are open. Contacts are closed when the motor is stopped, and
the pilot light goes on.
Figure 10-70 Push button station with a pilot light.
Figure 10-71 Control circuit
with a pilot light.
Figure 10-72 Pilot light
indicates when motor is not
Modern methods of design and construction have made the electric motor one of the
least complicated and most dependable forms of machinery in existence and thereby
made its maintenance comparatively simple. Do not, however, take this statement to
mean that proper maintenance is not important; on the contrary, it must be given careful
consideration if the best performance and longest life are to be expected from the
motor. The two major features of maintenance, from the standpoint of their effect upon
the general performance of the motor, are proper lubrication and care of insulation.
Lubrication and insulation protect the most vital, and probably the most vulnerable, parts
of the machine.
15.1.0 Lubrication
The designs of bearings and bearing housings of motors have been remarkably
improved. However, this advance in design can cause problems. The bearings of
modern motors, whether sleeve, ball, or roller, require infrequent attention. Older
designs with housings less tight than those of modern machines require frequent oiling
and greasing. The perpetuation of this habit causes the oiling and greasing of new
motors to be overdone. The result is that oil or grease is copiously and frequently
applied to the outside, as well as the inside, of bearing housings. Some excess lubricant
is carried into the machine and lodges on the windings, where it catches dirt and
hastens the ultimate failure of the insulation.
15.1.1 Greasing Ball Bearings
Only a high grade of grease with the following general characteristics should be used
for ball-bearing lubrication:
1. Consistency, a little stiffer than that of petroleum jelly, maintained over the
operating temperature range
2. Melting point preferably over 150°C and freedom from abrasive matter, acid, and
3. Freedom from separation of oil and soap under operating and storage conditions
In greasing a motor, you must take care not to add too much grease. Over greasing will
cause too high an operating temperature with resulting expansion and leaking of the
grease, especially with large bearings operated at slow speeds.
Always review the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for greases, oils, lubricants, and
other hazardous materials before use. Avoid prolonged skin contact with lubricants.
Dispose of waste materials in an environmentally responsible manner.
15.1.2 Pressure Relief Systems
The following procedures are recommended for greasing ball-bearing motors equipped
with a pressure-relief greasing system.
Before pumping grease into the grease fitting, wipe it clean to prevent the grease from
carrying dirt into the fitting and bearing housing. Always remove the relief plug from the
bottom of the bearing before using the grease gun. This action prevents applying
excessive pressure, which could rupture the bearing seals inside the bearing housing.
With a clean screwdriver or similar tool, free the relief hole of any hardened grease so
that any excess grease will run freely from the bearing. With the motor running, add
grease with a hand-operated pressure gun until it begins to flow from the relief hole.
This procedure tends to purge the housing of old grease.
After adding the grease, allow the motor to run long enough to permit the rotating parts
of the bearing to expel all excess grease from the housing. This very important step
prevents over greasing of the bearing. Stop the motor and tightly replace the relief plug
with a wrench.
Motors that are not equipped with the pressure gun fitting and the relief plug on the
bearing housing cannot be greased by the procedures described. Under average
operating conditions, the factory packed grease in the bearing housings of these motors
lasts approximately 1 year. When the first year of service has elapsed and once a year
thereafter (or more often if conditions warrant), remove the old grease and lubricate the
bearings with new grease. To do this, disassemble the bearing housings and clean the
inside of the housings and housing plates or caps and the bearings with a suitable
solvent. When you have thoroughly cleansed them of old grease, reassemble all parts
except the outer plates or caps. Apply new grease, either by hand or from a tube, over
and between the balls. The amount of grease you should use varies with the type and
frame size of the particular motor. Consult the instruction sheet that accompanied the
motor for this information.
Add enough grease to fill the bearing housing one-third to one-half full. Do not use more
than the amount specified. After reassembling the motor, refill any V-grooves in the
housing lip with grease (preferably a fibrous, high-temperature-sealing grease) that will
act as an additional protective seal against the entrance of dirt or foreign particles.
15.1.3 Roller Bearings
The technique for greasing motors equipped with roller bearings is quite similar to that
used for ball bearings. However, you should follow specific instructions for the individual
design because more frequent greasing or slight changes in technique may sometimes
be necessary.
15.1.4 Sleeve Bearings
With the motor stopped, periodically check the oil level in the sleeve-bearing housings.
If the motor is equipped with an oil-filler gauge, the gauge should be approximately
three-quarters full at all times.
If the oil is dirty, drain it off by removing the drain plug, which is usually located in the
bottom or side of the bearing housing. Then flush the bearing with clean oil until the out
coming oil is clean.
15.1.5 Fractional Horsepower Motors
Fractional-horsepower motors, may have no means of checking the oil level, as all the
oil may be held in the waste packing. In such cases, a good general rule for normal
motor service is to add 30 to 70 drops of oil at the end of the first year and to re-oil at
the end of each subsequent 1,000 hours of motor operation.
Most fractional-horsepower motors built today require lubrication once a year. Small fan
and agitator motors often require more frequent lubrication with 3-month intervals
between oiling.
15.2.0 Motor Storage
Store motors in a dry, clean place until ready for installation. Heat should be supplied,
especially for larger high-voltage machines, to protect them against alternate freezing
and thawing. This advice is equally applicable to spare coils.
Motors that have been in transit in a moist atmosphere or have been idle for an
extended period without heat to prevent the accumulation of moisture should be dried
out thoroughly before being placed in service. Machines also may become wet by
accident, or they may sweat as a result of a difference between their temperature and
that of the surrounding air. This condition is harmful, particularly in the case of large or
important motors. Prevent it by keeping them slightly warm at all times.
You can pass current at a low voltage through the windings, use electric heaters, or
even use steam pipes for protective purposes. During extended idle periods, you can
stretch tarpaulins over the motor and place a small heater inside to maintain the proper
If a motor should become wet from any cause, dry it out thoroughly before operating it
again. The most effective method is to pass current through the windings, using a
voltage low enough to be safe for the winding in its moist condition.
You can apply heat externally by placing heating units around or in the machine and
covering the machine with canvas or some other covering, leaving a vent at the top to
permit the escape of moisture. You can use small fans to help circulation. You should
not allow the temperature of the windings to exceed 100°C for Class A insulated motors.
15.3.0 Periodic Inspection
A systematic and periodic inspection of motors is necessary to ensure best operation.
Of course, some machines are installed where conditions are ideal and dust, dirt, and
moisture are not present to an appreciable degree. Most motors, however, are located
where some sort of dirt accumulates in the windings, lowering the insulation resistance
and cutting down creepage distance. Dusts are highly abrasive and actually cut the
insulation while being carried by ventilating air. Fine cast-iron dust quickly penetrates
most insulating materials; hence, you can see why motors should be cleaned
periodically. If conditions are extremely severe, open motors might require a certain
amount of cleaning each day. For less severe conditions, weekly inspection and partial
cleaning are desirable. Most machines require a complete overhauling and thorough
cleaning out once a year.
15.4.0 Brush Inspection
Essential for satisfactory operation of brushes is free movement of the brushes in their
holders. Uniform brush pressure is necessary to assure equal current distribution.
Adjustment of brush holders should be set so that the face of the holder is
approximately one eighth of an inch up from the commutator; any distance greater than
this will cause brushes to wedge, resulting in chattering and excessive sparking.
Check the brushes to make sure that they will not wear down too far before the next
inspection. Keep an extra set of brushes available so that replacements can be made
when needed. Sand in new brushes, and run the motor without a load to seat the
Make sure that each brush surface in contact with the commutator has the polished
finish that indicates good contact and that the polish covers all contact surfaces of the
brush. Check the freedom of motion of each brush in the brush holder. When replacing
a brush, be sure to put it in the same brush holder and in its original position. It will be
easier for you to replace the brush properly if you scratch a mark on one side of the
brush before removing it.
Check the springs that hold the brushes against the commutator. Improper spring
pressure may lead to commutator wear and excessive sparking. Excessive heating may
have annealed the springs, in which case you should replace them and correct the
cause of overheating.
15.5.0 Commutator Inspection
Inspect the commutator for color and condition. The part where the brushes ride should
be clean and smooth and should be a polished brown color. A bluish color indicates
overheating of the commutator.
You should remove any roughness on the commutator by sandpapering or stoning.
Never use an emery cloth or emery stone. For this operation, run the motor without
load. If you use sandpaper, wrap it partly around a wooden block. The stone is
essentially a piece of grindstone, known in the trade as a commutator stone. With the
motor running without load, press the stone or sandpaper against the commutator with
moderate pressure and move it back and forth across the commutator surface. If the
armature is very rough, it should be taken out and the commutator turned down in a
Use care not to come into contact with moving parts.
15.6.0 Records
The electrical shop should have a record card for every motor. At minimum, the
information on the card should include inspections, repair work, age, and replacement
stock number.
15.7.0 Cleaning
About once a year or more often if conditions warrant, clean motors thoroughly. Smaller
motors, the windings of which are not easily accessible, should be taken apart.
First, remove the heavy dirt and grease with a heavy, stiff brush, wooden or fiber
scrapers, and cloths. You can use rifle-cleaning bristle brushes in the air ducts. You can
blow-dry dust and dirt off, using dry-compressed air at a moderate pressure, perhaps 25
to 50-psi pressure at the point of application, taking care to blow the dirt out and away
from the windings. If the dirt and dust are metallic, conducting, or abrasive, using air
pressure is not as satisfactory as using a suction system.
When cleaning motors with compressed air, wear safety goggles and hearing
protection. Dispose of lubricants and contaminated materials in an environmentally
responsible manner.
You can easily remove grease, oil, and sticky dirt by applying cleaning liquids
specifically designed for the purpose. These liquids evaporate quickly and, if not applied
too generously, will not soak or injure the insulation. If you do use one of these liquids,
be sure to follow the manufacturer’s direction for use.
After new motors and controls are installed, check them for operation under load for an
initial period of at least 1 hour. During this time, the electrician can observe any unusual
noise or hot spots that develop. The operating current must be checked against the
nameplate ampere rating. This check requires skill in the proper connection, setting,
and reading of a clamp-on ammeter. The nameplate ampere reading multiplied by the
service factor (if any) sets the limits of the steady current. Do NOT exceed this value.
Check the power supply against the nameplate values; they should agree. Most motors
will operate successfully with the line voltage within 10 percent (plus or minus) of the
nameplate value or within 5 percent of the frequency (hertz). Most 220-volt motors can
be used on 208-volt network systems but with slightly modified performance. Generally,
230-volt motors should not be used on 208-volt systems.
To reconnect a dual-voltage motor to a desired voltage, follow the instructions on the
connection diagram on the nameplate.
Motor-starter-overload-relay heaters of the proper size must be installed. The motor will
not run without them. Sizing information is found inside the control enclosure cover. The
starting fuses should be checked in a similar manner. The selection of the correct fuse
size must be according to the NEC® or local requirements.
If the motor has not been installed in a clean, well ventilated place, clean the area.
Good housekeeping, as well as direct accident and fire-prevention techniques, must be
Check the motor mounts to be sure that they are secure and on a firm foundation. If
necessary, add grout to secure the mounts.
Rotate the end shields to place grease fittings, plugs, or any openings in the best, or
most accessible, location. Oil or grease the bearings, if necessary.
Test equipment, motors, and controllers are an important factor in the accomplishment
of your job as a Construction Electrician. As an electrician, there will be times when you
will need to utilize the different pieces of test equipment to verify and troubleshoot
electrical gear. Knowledge of safe operation and testing requirements are essential not
only for your safety, but for the safety of your crewmembers. As a CE, you will be
tasked to maintain and operate a wide range of motors and controllers. Your job is to be
familiar with manufacturer’s manuals, maintenance issues, and servicing requirements.
Another factor to consider is the construction, maintenance, and troubleshooting
knowledge needed to safely complete any mission assigned to your unit. Remember,
safe distribution and maintenance of power is necessary.
The National Electrical Code handbook is the definitive reference publication utilized by
the CE rating. Always remember that the NEC handbook is updated every three years.
It is imperative that you as a CE refer to latest edition of the NEC handbook.
Review Questions (Select the Correct Response)
1. The transformer installed in the portable tool tester supplies approximately how
much amperage through the tool cord equipment ground?
A. 30
B. 60
C. 90
D. 120
2. If the resistance of the ground on the equipment under test is approximately .2 to
1.5 ohms, which relay is activated?
A. Open circuit sensing
B. Faulty equipment ground sensing
C. Overcurrent sensing
D. Faulty ground sensing
3. What is the minimum range in length of a 16 gauge wire extension cord that can
be tested by the portable tool tester?
A. 100 feet
B. 25 feet
C. 6 feet
4. Which of the following does NOT cause the presence of a power ground
A. Carbon build up
B. Moisture paths
C. Insulation breakdown
D. Sticky activation relays
5. For an ammeter to measure current in a circuit, it must be connected in what
A. Across the line
In parallel with the circuit source and load B.
C. In series with the circuit source and load
D. In series-parallel with the load and line
6. What is the source of power to drive meter movement in the ammeter?
A. Phase motor
B. Core
C. Coil winding
D. Transformer secondary
7. When measuring current of unknown amperage with an ammeter that is capable
of measuring several ranges, you should make the first measurement with the
meter set at what range?
A. A range slightly higher than the estimated current
B. The highest range
C. The range of the estimated current
D. The lowest range
8. How are voltmeters connected to measure voltage?
A. Across the circuit
B. Parallel to the circuit
C. Series-parallel to the circuit
D. Vertical to the circuit
9. The presence of three internal resistors in a voltmeter schematic indicates that
what voltmeter characteristic?
A. The meter is more rugged than one with only one resistor.
B. More protection is provided to this meter than to one with only one.
C. The meter has three voltage ranges and scales.
D. The meter may be used for three times its rated voltage.
10. Which of the following conditions indicate(s) you are measuring AC voltage with
a line voltage indicator?
A. Neon lamp indicator glowing
B. Audible hum
C. Vibration when testing indicator is hand-held
D. Each of the above
11. (True or False) When you are measuring DC voltage with a line voltage
indicator, both the positive and negative electrodes glow.
A. True
B. False
12. What must be accomplished before using the ohmmeter for a precise resistance
A. Short leads together.
B. Zero meter.
C. Short leads together and zero meter.
D. Select scale to be measured.
13. What action should you take after completing a test with an ohmmeter?
A. Select DC supply positive.
B. Select DC supply negative.
C. Turn the meter off.
D. Set the selector switch to R1.
14. You are preparing to take a voltage reading with a multimeter. After you have
determined the approximate voltage on the circuit you are about to test, what
should be your next step?
A. Turn off power to the circuit.
B. Plug the test leads into the appropriate jacks.
C. Connect the test leads to the conductors.
D. Set the function switch.
15. What is the difference between a megger and a typical ohmmeter?
A. Megger uses AC voltage; ohmmeter uses DC voltage.
B. Megger can apply higher DC voltage to a circuit.
C. Megger has an indicator within the instrument enclosure.
16. When you are conducting an insulation resistance test using a megger, which of
the following conditions can cause the needle to deflect to zero?
A. No resistance between the test leads
B. Test leads touching each other
C. Insulation broken near the test points
D. Each of the above
17. What is the purpose if any, of keeping records of insulation tests?
A. Technical publications require it.
B. It is necessary for scheduling future tests.
C. Trends may indicate future problems.
D. It serves no purpose.
18. With every increase in temperature of 50°F, you should reduce the resistance
amount by which of the following time intervals?
A. Half
B. One quarter
C. One third
D. Three quarters
19. What is defined as the temperature at which the moisture vapor in air condenses
as a liquid?
A. Wetness factor
B. Dew point
C. Humidity factor
D. Condensation point
20. Of the following conditions, which one(s) would cause a motor to have a low
insulation resistance when tested?
A. Moisture
B. Dirt
C. Dust
D. Each of the above
21. When taking an insulation resistance test on a cable that is a performance
natural, you get a reading of 6 megohms at a temperature of 104°F. What is the
correct value of resistance?
A. 19.56 megohms
B. 23.10 megohms
C. 24.90 megohms
D. 30.48 megohms
22. When taking an insulation resistance test on an oil filled transformer, you get a
reading of 2 megohms at a temperature of 131°F. What is the correct value of
A. 10 megohms
B. 22.4 megohms
C. 31 megohms
D. 31.7 megohms
23. When taking an insulation resistance test around a piece of high voltage
equipment, you should take which of the following actions?
A. Ground the megger.
B. Disconnect the apparatus.
C. Work under direct supervision.
D. Perform each of the above.
24. When taking an insulation resistance test, when, if ever, should you discharge a
cable of its capacitance?
A. Before making the test only
B. After making the test only
C. Before and after making the test
D. Never
25. What is the minimum time to leave leads connected to allow capacitance
discharge to occur?
A. 15 seconds
B. 30 seconds
C. 45 seconds
D. 60 seconds
26. What type of material is used to provide shielding around a magnetic field?
A. Soft iron
B. Copper
C. Hard iron
D. Brass
27. What are the four main parts of a split phase electric motor?
A. Stator, rotor, end plates, and centrifugal switch
B. Poles, armature, core, and shaft
C. Starting windings, running windings, frame, and core
D. Coils, end bells, bearings, and commutator
28. The centrifugal switch disconnects a motor’s starting windings at what
percentage of the motor’s full speed?
A. 50%
B. 75%
C. 80%
D. 100%
29. To reverse the direction of rotation of a split phase motor, you should interchange
the connection of what leads of the motor?
A. Power
B. Running winding
C. Starting winding
D. Centrifugal switch
30. You are using an electric motor and the rotor suddenly locks. What is the
possible cause of this malfunction?
A. Input voltage is too high
B. Motor bearings are worn out
C. Centrifugal switch did not open at the desired speed
D. Motor current is too high
31. Before you take an electric motor completely apart, which of the following actions
should you take?
A. Take out the pulley connected to the motor shaft.
B. Mark the position of the shaft.
C. Put a center punch mark at the stator ends and their matching end plates.
D. Identify and mark the starting and running winding leads.
32. The starting winding of an electric motor is always placed what number of
degrees out of phase with the running winding?
A. 30
B. 45
C. 90
D. 120
33. When all connections between the poles of the windings have been completed
and tested and the leads attached, the stator should be placed in a baking oven
and baked for how many hours?
A. 6
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
34. Capacitor motors have what advantage over split phase motors?
A. Capacitor motors are less expensive.
B. Capacitor motors weigh less.
C. Capacitor motors have higher starting currents.
D. Capacitor motors have higher starting torque.
35. What type of electric motor can be operated with either AC or DC power??
A. Split phase
B. Salient pole
C. Capacitor start
D. Capacitor run
36. The stator and rotor windings in a salient pole universal motor are connected in
what manner??
A. In series with the power source
B. In series with the centrifugal switch
C. In series with the capacitor
D. In parallel with the power source
37. How is the speed varied on a shaded pole motor?
A. Inserting a choke in parallel with the main winding
B. Inserting a choke in series with the main winding
C. Inserting a choke in parallel with the salient winding
D. Inserting a choke in series with the salient winding
38. Split phase and capacitor motors are typically used in what application(s)?
A. Floor fans
B. Wall fans
C. Floor and wall fans
D. Equipment fans
39. If a three phase motor has 36 coils associated with it, how many coils will each
phase have?
A. 3
B. 6
C. 9
D. 12
40. The rotation of a three phase electric motor can be reversed by interchanging
what leads?
A. All three of the motor’s leads
B. Any two of the power leads
C. Starting winding leads
D. All three leads of the power source
41. At what distance is an AC motor controller considered “out of sight”?
A. 10 feet
B. 25 feet
C. 50 feet
D. 100 feet
42. Conductors supplying two or more motors must have an ampacity equal to the
sum of the full load current rating of all motors plus what percentage of the
highest rated motor in the group?
A. 100
B. 75
C. 50
D. 25
43. What are the horsepower and voltage limitations of manual motor controllers?
A. 7.5 hp at 600 volts, three phase and 3.0 hp at 220 volts single phase
B. 2.0 hp at 600 volts, three phase and 1.0 hp at 220 volts single phase
C. 20.0 hp to 50.0 hp at 220 volts, three phase or single phase
D. 2.0 hp or less at 300 volts or less, single phase only
44. Which of the following types of motors, if any, is allowed to be controlled by a
toggle switch?
A. All single phase motors
B. 2.0 to 5.0 hp motors only
C. Motors of 2.0 hp or less
D. None
45. On a shaded pole motor, the starting windings are (a) constructed and (b)
located in what manner?
A. (a) Of small gauge magnet wire
(b) Wound on top of the running windings
B. (a) Of large gauge magnet wire
(b) Wound on top of each stator pole
C. (a) Of copper bands
(b) Wrapped around one tip of each stator pole
D. (a) Of copper bands
(b) Wrapped around all of the stator poles
46. Shaded pole motors have which of the following characteristics?
A. High torque
B. Large horsepower
C. Low torque
D. High voltage
47. On a three speed, split phase fan motor, the windings are connected in what
manner for low speed operation?
A. Running winding is connected across the line and the starting winding is
connected in series with auxiliary winding.
B. Running winding is in series with half the auxiliary winding.
C. Starting winding is in series with half the auxiliary winding.
D. Running and auxiliary windings are in series across the line and the
starting winding is connected across the line.
48. For a wye connected three phase electric motor, how many leads are brought out
to the terminal box?
A. 12
B. 9
C. 6
D. 4
49. Disconnects may be used as controllers on motors rated up to how many
horsepower at 220 volts?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
50. Magnetic starters are made to handle motors rated to what maximum
horsepower rating?
A. 6
B. 12
C. 25
D. 50
51. How many ways can the coil of the starter be deenergized?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
52. Reduced voltage starters are generally used for motors rated above how many
A. 50
B. 60
C. 75
D. 100
53. Part winding starters operate like a resistance start controller and use how many
magnetic starters?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
54. Air pressure used for cleaning open frame electric motors should not exceed
what psi?
A. 10
B. 15
C. 25
D. 30
55. Testing motors is generally conducted by two major methods. One is called
operational and other is known as what?
A. Routine
B. Corrective
C. Preventive
D. Visual
56. What is a major cause for sparking brushes at the commutator?
A. Worn coils
B. Burned windings
C. Faulty armature
D. Stator failure
57. What does the first test on the armature winding indicate?
A. Shorted armature
B. Grounded circuits
C. Stator vibrations
D. Open armature
58. While inspecting the slip rings, you notice a chocolate brown color around the
rings. What does this indicate to the operator?
A. Normal condition
B. Ring slippage
C. Brush arcing
D. Commutator burrs
59. Motor contactors that remain closed for long periods of time with infrequent
operation use what material for contacts?
A. Aluminum
B. Carbon
C. Copper
D. Silver
60. What is defined as the total thickness of contact material which may be worn
away before the contact of two associated surfaces becomes inadequate to carry
rated current?
A. Wear tolerance
B. Wear allowance
C. Burn tolerance
D. Burn allowance
61. What is the purpose of arc barriers?
A. Provide insulation between stator and rotor
B. Prevent arcing in the coils
C. Provide insulation between electrical circuits
D. Prevent arcing from commutator
62. In troubleshooting an AC controller, you notice the coils overheating. Which of
the following is a probable cause for this condition?
A. Loose connections
B. Inadequate spring pressure
C. Misalignment of parts
D. Open armature gap
63. NEC® requirements for motor branch circuit and ground fault protection can be
found in what part of Article 430?
A. I
64. Motor branch circuit protection must protect which of the following circuit
A. Motor
B. Control apparatus
C. Conductors
D. All of the above
65. An instantaneous trip circuit breaker (without time delay) may be used only if it is
part of a listed combination controller and is what type of device?
A. Fixed
B. Adjustable
C. Delaying
D. Fault protected
66. Which of the following devices can be considered a motor controller?
A. Pilot control device
B. Circuit breaker
C. Push button station
D. Limit switch
67. An approved disconnecting means for a motor circuit should have what kind of
A. Ampere
B. Horsepower
C. Kilowatt
D. Voltage
68. The code permits a motor disconnecting means to be out of sight if what
conditions can be met?
A. Can be locked in the ON position
B. Can be locked in the OPEN position
C. Cannot be locked in the ON position
D. Cannot be locked in the OPEN position
69. A motor overload protection should be capable of protecting the motor from
which of the following circuit condition(s)?
A. Short circuit
B. Ground fault
C. Excessive circuit heat
D. All of the above
70. What must be done to a regular fuse used as an overload protection for a motor
during the motor’s starting period?
A. Must be grounded
B. Must be shunted
C. Should be outfitted with a time delaying device
D. None of the above
71. Which of the following non-current carrying metal parts of a motor circuit is/are
required to be grounded?
A. Cabinets
B. Boxes
C. Equipment enclosures
D. All of the above
72. Flexible metal conduit can be used as an equipment grounding conductor
provided its length does not exceed how many feet?
A. 6
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
73. When flexible metal conduit used as grounding conductor exceeds its permitted
length, you should install what component in the conduit?
A. Neutral wire
B. Additional hot wire
C. Bonding jumper wire
D. Connector listed for grounding
74. A flexible metal conduit used as equipment grounding conductor should have
circuit conductors within it rated at what maximum amperes?
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
75. A control circuit is divided into how many classes?
A. Five
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
76. In a Class 1 control circuit, a number 18 wire should be protected at how many
A. 7
B. 10
C. 16
D. 18
77. In a two wire control circuit, what component opens and closes the circuit?
A. Circuit breaker
B. Start-stop switch
C. Toggle switch
D. Automatic pilot device
78. In a three wire control circuit, what is the function of the maintaining circuit?
A. To maintain the voltage of the circuit
B. To eliminate the current of the circuit
C. To maintain power to the circuit
D. To eliminate the need for the operator to press start button constantly
79. Which of the following is another term for maintaining circuit?
A. Control circuit
B. Sealing circuit
C. Holding circuit
D. Both B and C above
80. Which of the following components is commonly used to open and close the
A. Limit switch
B. Circuit breaker
C. Push button station
D. Float switch
81. A low voltage control circuit uses a separate low voltage source from which of the
following components?
A. Adjustable resistor
B. Rectifier
C. Isolation transformer
D. Small generator
82. (True or False) The low voltage control’s supply voltage should come from the
same power supply as the motor it is controlling.
A. True
B. False
83. Lockout guidance is provided by what instruction?
A. OPNAVINST 5010.23
B. OPNAVINST 5001.23
C. OPNAVINST 5100.32
D. OPNAVINST 5100.23
84. If a motor does not start when the main contacts of the controller close, which of
the following conditions is/are the possible cause(s)?
A. Dirty start button contacts
B. Open holding coil
C. Open overload heater coil
D. Each of the above
85. If the controller contacts do not close when the start button is pressed, which of
the following conditions is a possible cause?
A. Defective load
B. Grounded circuit
C. Over voltage
D. Shorted coil
86. If the controller contacts open when the start button is pressed, which of the
following conditions is a possible cause?
A. Shorted coil
B. Wrong connection of the push button station
C. Over voltage
D. Open overload relay
87. If a magnetic coil is noisy while in operation, which of the following conditions is a
possible cause?
A. Shorted contacts
B. Shorted coil
C. Grounded coil
D. Broken shaded pole
88. Grease used for lubricating motor bearings should have a melting point not less
than how many degrees
A. 150°F
B. 212°F
C. 100°C
D. 150°C
89. What is the most common lubrication problem on newer motors?
A. Infrequent greasing
B. Over greasing
C. Under greasing
D. Grease melting
90. When using an external heating unit to dry moisture from a Class A insulated
motor, you should not allow the motor windings to exceed what temperature?
A. 150°C
B. 100°C
C. 150°F
D. 100°F
91. What conditions indicates an overheated commutator?
A. Polished brown color on the surface of the commutator
B. Bluish color on the surface of the commutator
C. Uneven wear on the commutator
D. Worn out commutator brush
92. After you install an electric motor, how long should you initially leave the motor
running with a load for observation?
A. 1 hour
B. 1/2 hour
C. 5 minutes
D. 15 minutes
93. The part where the brushes ride on the commutator should be what color?
A. Blue
B. Black
C. Brown
D. Red
94. How often do machines require a complete overhaul?
A. Monthly
B. Semi-annually
C. Quarterly
D. Annually
95. At the end of the first year of operation on a fractional horsepower motor, what is
the minimum number of drops of oil added to the machine?
A. 30
B. 60
C. 70
D. 100
Trade Terms Introduced in this Chapter
Potential The work done per unit charge in moving an infinitesimal
point charge from a common reference point to the
given point
Pitted To become marked with pits or depressions
A luminous bridge formed in a gap between two
An instrument for measuring small electric currents,
calibrated in milliamperes
An instrument for measuring small electric currents,
calibrated in microamperes
Variable Resistor
Adjustable resistor used in applications that require the
adjustment of current or the varying of resistance in an
electrical circuit
A structure containing one or more ducts
The quality or state of being infinite
Absorbing or attracting moisture from the air
To melt away
The part of an electric machine that includes the main
current carrying winding and in which the electromotive
force is induced
A device for reversing the direction of current
A rotating member of a machine
A portion of a machine that remains fixed with respect to
rotating parts
A small particle
Additional Resources and References
This chapter is intended to present thorough resources for task training. The following
reference works are suggested for further study. This is optional material for continued
education rather than for task training.
Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-560-01 (Electrical Safety, Operation and
OSHA Regulations (Standards – 29 CFR)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI Z89.2-1971)
Naval Construction Force Manual, NAVFAC P-315, Naval Facilities Engineering
Command, Washington, D.C., 1985.
McPortland, J.E, and Brian J. McPortland, National Electrical Code® Handbook, 22d
Ed, McGraw-Hill, NY, 2008.
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series, NAVEDTRA 172-08-00-82
Rosenberg, Robert, and August Hand, Electric Motor Repair, 3
Ed., Saunders College
Publishing, Fort Worth, TX
National Electrical Code Handbook 2008, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,
The Lineman’s Handbook
Alerich, Walter N., Electric Motor Control, 5th ed., Delmar Publishers Inc., Albany, NY,
Code of Federal Regulation, Title 29, Part 1926, U. S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC, 1997.
Croft, Terrell and Wilford I. Summers, American Electrician’s Handbook, 12th ed.,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992.
Fink, Donald G., and H. Wayne Beaty, Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers,
13th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993.
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