United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Path to Nazi Genocide Worksheet
8. Jews were the first group to be sent to concentration camps.
9. The Nazis rejected stories of Germany’s patriotic history and did not try to reassure
average Germans about Hitler’s leadership.
10. German soldiers swore an oath of allegiance to Hitler, not to Germany.
11. Nazi racial ideology labeled Jews, Slavs, blacks, and Roma [gypsies] as racially inferior.
12. The Kristallnacht
attacks in November 1938 were spontaneous and surprised Nazi
13. Jews could be released from concentration camps in the late 1930s if they promised to
immigrate to another country.
14. The German invasion of France was very unpopular among the German people.
15. German soldiers were trained in Nazi racism.
16. Nazi Germany refused to allow local collaborators, like police, to aid in mass murder.
17. At least two million Jews were murdered in mass shootings in eastern Europe.
18. Many Jews, especially in eastern Europe, were centralized in ghettos, sometimes for
years, prior to being deported to forced labor, concentration camps, and killing centers.
19. At Auschwitz-Birkenau, all Jews were sent immediately to gas chambers.
20. The word “genocide” was created to describe crimes like the Holocaust.