PI Learning Indicator
Sample Questions
© 2016 Predictive Index, LLC
PI Learning Indicator Sample Questions
This is a sample of the types of questions that are used on PI Learning Indicator
. These examples are
provided to help you become familiar with the format and types of questions on the PI Learning
While the actual PI Learning Indicator assessment consists of 50 questions with a 12-minute time limit,
this example set only consists of 20 questions. If you wish to simulate the time constraints of the actual
PI Learning Indicator, we suggest that you try to respond to these 20 questions in five minutes without
any interruptions or distractions. Note that five minutes is not a long time for answering 20 questions,
and that is why it is important that you work quickly. It may be very difficult to respond to all 20
questions within five minutes, but that is okayrespondents typically do not answer all 50 questions on
the PI Learning Indicator either.
On the actual PI Learning Indicator (shown below), there will be five questions on each screen page. The
time remaining will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen, and the “Previous” and Next
page buttons are located on the bottom. Calculators are not permitted, and you must complete the
assessment without the help of others.
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PI Learning Indicator
Practice Assessment
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When you complete the PI Learning Indicator, your score will be based on the number of items that you
answer correctly. Therefore, it is important that you answer as many of the questions correctly as
possible. The questions on the PI Learning Indicator are not arranged by difficulty or type. If there is a
question that you cannot answer or that takes too long to answer, skip it and move on to the next
These sample questions are provided for informational purposes only. There is no direct score
conversion between performance on these questions and the PI Learning Indicator score. You may,
however, check your answers by using the answer key provided at the end of this document.
The sample questions begin on the next page. If you are using the 5-minute time limit,
start your timer before you continue.
As a reminder, these sample questions have varying degrees of difficulty, and answering every question
correctly is not expected.
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Practice Assessment
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Sample Question 1
All Y items are green.
B items are always blue or the same color as Y items.
Only green items are for commercial use.
All B items are for commercial use.
If the assumptions are true, is the conclusion
A) C
B) Cannot be determined based on the information available
C) Incorrect
Sample Question 2
Which number has the lowest value?
A) 1/6
B) 1/3 - 1/6
C) 2/3 1/7
D) 1/3 1/4
Sample Question 3
ich of the figures below comes next in the sequence of figures shown above?
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Sample Question 4
The two fig
ures above share a common feature. One of the figures below does NOT share this same
feature. Which figure below does NOT share the common feature?
Sample Question 5
Water is to cup as flowers are to
A) garden
B) roses
C) petals
D) vase
Sample Question 6
Which of the following is the opposite of the word “extensive”?
A) comprehensive B) symbolic
C) essential
D) restricted
Sample Question 7
Which o
f the figures below comes next in the sequence of figures shown above?
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Sample Question 8
What is the next number in the sequence below?
4 11 25
A) 109 B) 105
C) 96 D) 87
Sample Question 9
You are responsible for mailing 80,000 letters. You must mail 25% of the total letters over the next five
days. If you plan to mail 1/5 of this amount each day, what is the total amount that you plan to mail
each day?
A) 4,000
B) 2,000
C) 20,000
D) 5,000
Sample Question 10
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Sample Question 11
Customer 1 and customer 2 each buy products X and Z.
Product Y is never sold to customers who buy product Z.
Product Y is never sold to customers 1 and 2.
If the assumptions are true, is the conclusion
A) Correct
B) Cannot be determined based on the information available
C) Incorrect
Sample Question 12
What is the next number in the sequence below?
3 7 12 18 25
A) 31 B) 28 C) 29 D) 33
Sample Question 13
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Sample Question 14
The two figures above share a common feature. One of the figures below does NOT share this same
feature. Which figure below does NOT share the common feature?
Sample Question 15
You have invited 94 people to a meeting. Of those people, 11 from the North cannot attend, 7 from the
South cannot attend, 3 from the East cannot attend, and 11 from the West cannot attend. How many
people should you expect to attend the meeting?
A) 62 B) 64 C) 59 D) 32
Sample Question 16
Which of the following numbers has the lowest value?
A) .45 B) 3/5 C) 1/4 D) .35
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Sample Question 17
ample Question 18
Which of the following is the opposite of the word “conclusive”?
A) positive
B) finite
C) ambiguous D) unusual
Sample Question 19
Tired is to sleep as hungry is to
A) starving
B) cook
C) food
D) eat
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Sample Questions
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Sample Question 20
nd of Sample Questions
Continue to the next page for the answer key
PI Learning Indicator
Sample Questions
© 2016 Predictive Index, LLC
Answer Key
he correct answer to each item is recorded below according the question.
number. 1 – C
2 – D
3 – B
4 – B
5 – D
6 – D
7 – B
8 – A
9 – A
10 – B
11 – A
12 – D
13 – C
14 – C
15 – A
16 – C
17 – B
18 – C
19 – D
20 C