Automotive Risk Management Plan
Business name
RTA Number Main contact for your business RMP Next review date
Activity steps Potential
Risk control measures Australian
Standards and
Code of practice
Purchase of
Loose, damaged or
missing cylindercaps
At time of purchase check that refrigerant cylinders
aretightly capped
Ensure quarterly purchase records are kept up to date
Only accept refrigerant cylinders from wholesalers iftheyare properly
sealed (bungedor capped).
Poor cylinder condition (rusted,
corroded, damaged). Expired,
or close to expired‘TestDate’
Check cylinder date markings/imprints –
specifically, that they are ‘In Test’
Good condition etc.
of refrigerant
Damaged cylinder during
Keep out of direct sunlight and/or in cooler areaof vehicle
Safely stored/fixed when transporting
Fitted with safety equipment etc.
Damage to gas cylinders
during handling (hand-moved,
Implement proper handling techniques
Report accidents immediately.
Leakage of refrigerant during
charging ofequipment
Implement best practice procedure as per the Standards AS 2030.1
& AS 4332 and/or codeofpractice
Improper care ofcylinders After each use check that refrigerant cylindersaretightly capped
Check for leakage etc.
Unlicensed handling staff
or contractors
All refrigerant handling must be carried out byqualified licensed staff
or contractors
Check temporary contractor’s licence before commencement of
refrigerant handling work
Ensure quarterly refrigerant handling licence holder records are up to
date, taking particular note of expiry dates.
service and
of equipment
Lack of servicing of equipment
containing refrigerant
Adhere to manufacturers’ recommendations andrelevant standards
Maintain recommended servicing frequency:
i. Obtain and keep warranties on repairs
ii. Keep record of each service to equipment
iii. Check cylinder weight regularly etc.
Refer to appropriate standards.
Infrequent testing of equipment
containing refrigerant
Check that all test equipment is in good working condition at least
once every three months. Test leak detectors and recovery units
Regularly monitor vacuum pump oil etc
Ensure quarterly equipment maintenance recordsarekept up to date.
Inadequate leak testing Implement best practice procedure as per Standards
AS 2030.1 & AS 4332 and/or code of practice
Check at least every three months
Ensure quarterly cylinder leak test & in-test expiry daterecords are
kept up to date.
Automotive Risk Management Plan (continued)
Provide a short description of your business (i.e. what the business does; how many branches; how many staff handle refrigerant, etc.)
Activity steps Potential
Risk control measures Australian
Standards and
Code of practice
Recovery and
recycling of
Improper filling
Fill bulk refrigerant cylinders in-line with manufacturers’
recommendations etc.
end of life
Poor cleaning andflushing Never charge refrigerant into equipment withidentified leaks
Refer to standards and Code of Practice forleaktesting procedures.
Venting Never vent fluorocarbon refrigerant where itsrelease is avoidable etc.
Leakage of refrigerant
ifpumped down and left
inthe equipment
When a vehicle is being scrapped or dismantled or the air-conditioning
system is being de-commissioned all refrigerant is to be recovered
from the system
After recovery refrigerant is to be recycled or returned to an authorised
refrigerant supplier (see ‘Disposal’).
Storage of
Poor storage of cylinders
Ensure all cylinders are stored in a safe and secure location:
i. climate controlled (cool place, removed from direct sources
of heat and the risk of fire)
ii. free of obstacles
iii. with appropriate signage to provide ready identification for
emergency teams.
Inadequate seals Closed valves when not in use
Check all seals for leakage every 3 months.
Mixing refrigerant types Clearly identify refrigerant stored in cylinders
Store reclaimed refrigerant separately.
Lack of labelling Clearly label refrigerant type
Clearly label lubricant type
Store in specific locations
Training personnel.
Equipment that cannot
Document and keep records of reasons why
Establish a retirement plan of action.
Recovered refrigerant Return refrigerant contaminated to supplier fordisposal
Document and keep records of recovered refrigerant returned to
supplier for disposal
Ensure quarterly recovered refrigerant returnedrecords are kept
up to date.