STRIDE'PHYSIO,'PLLC! Patient'Registration'
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Name:____________________________________________ Todays Date:_________________
Date of Birth:_________________ Age:_________ Height:_________ Weight:______
Hand Dominance Right Left Referring Provider:______________________________
Occupation:________________________________ Employer:______________________________
Diagnosis or reason for seeking physical therapy:____________________________________________
Date of onset (or approximately how long have you experienced symptoms):_______________________
Location of symptoms:__________________________________________________________________
Have you had testing or imaging? Yes No If yes, what was done?___________________
Have you had this problem before? Yes No If so when?____________________________
Have you had a history of trauma? Yes No If yes, explain:_____________________________
Was a surgery performed? If so when? ____________________________________________________
Have you had physical therapy or other treatments prior to current health condition? Yes No
If you have pain, rate your pain level on a scale of 0-10 (0=no pain, 10=most extreme pain)
Current pain level____________ At worst_____________ At best______________
How would you describe your pain: Ache Dull Sharp Burning Shooting
Deep Superficial Numbness Tingling
Are your symptoms: Constant Intermittent Infrequent Variable
Is your pain worse at a certain time of day? Yes No
If yes, Worse at night Worse in morning Other?_________________________
Do you have difficulties getting to sleep due to pain? Yes No
Do you wake due to pain? Yes No If yes, # of times per night:__________________
Client Name:____________________________
What household duties are you having difficulties performing?
Cooking Cleaning Vacuuming Laundry Yard Work
Grocery Shopping Other:______________________________________
What activities are difficult to perform due to your condition?
ting Standing Squatting Walking Lifting
Reaching Dressing/Grooming Driving Stairs
Gripping/pinching Kneeling Lying down Work Tasks
Changing positions Laughing, Coughing, Sneezing Sexual Activity
What activities make your pain/symptoms better?____________________________________________
What activities make your pain/symptoms worse?____________________________________________
How has lifestyle/quality of life been impacted by this problem?__________________________________
How would you rate your current level of stress? Low Medium High
How do you manage stress?_____________________________________________________________
Previous Surgeries (please list all and date)
Previous Injuries/Orthopedic Problems/Motor Vehicle Collisions (include date)
Current Medications and/or Supplements and reason for taking
What hobbies, sports, fitness &/or recreational activities do you do regularly? ______________________
What goals do you have for therapy? ______________________________________________________
_______________________________________ _________________________
Signature Date
Client Name:____________________________
General Medical/Health History
How would you classify your general health: Good Fair Poor
In terms of your general health, please check ALL that apply:
Alcohol/Drug Problems
Asthma/Breathing Difficulties
Change in Bowel/Bladder
Chest Pain/Angina
Diabetes I or II
Heart Attack
Heart Disease
Heart Palpitations
High/Low Blood Pressure
Intolerance to cold/heat
Jaw/Dental Issues
Kidney Problems
Liver/Gallbladder problem
Metal Implants
Multiple sclerosis
Night pain
Pain with Cough/Sneeze
Physical Abnormalities
Recent Dizziness/Fainting
Recent Headaches
Recent Fever
Recent Fractures
Recent Nausea/vomiting
Recent Unexplained Fatigue
Recent Vision Changes
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Ringing in the ears
Skin Abnormalities
Smoking History
Unexplained Weight
Vertigo/Vestibular Disorders
Vision Changes
Pelvic Medical/Health History
In terms of your pelvic health, please check ALL that apply (complete only if applicable for care):
Coccyx Pain
Currently Pregnant
Erectile Dysfunction
Fecal or Gas Incontinence
Painful Ejaculation
Painful Periods
Pelvic Pain
Physical or Sexual Abuse
Prostate Disorders
Sexual Dysfunction
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Shy Bladder
Urine Leakage
Vaginal Dryness
Menopause? Yes No If yes, date:______________________
Date of Last Pelvic Exam:_______________________________________
Number of Pregnancies:________________________________________________________
Number of Child Births:_________________________________________________________
Number of C-Sections:_________________________________________________________
Number of Vaginal Deliveries:____________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________
Signature Date
Financial Policy
Thank you for choosing Stride Physio. We are fully committed to providing you with the highest
quality physical therapy and want to foster a life-long patient/provider relationship regardless of your
insurance coverage. Please read this policy carefully and sign and date at the bottom.
Patient Responsibilities
You can help ensure an efficient and informed experience by assisting with the following:
Provide us with your most current insurance card and picture ID.
Be empowered by knowing your insurance benefits and limitations. This can be attained by filling
out the attached “Insurance Benefits Worksheet”, which will guide you in your conversation with
your insurance company. You can also refer to your insurance plan summary/plan document for
assistance. Our staff will routinely obtain a quote of your benefits but please keep in mind,
that we cannot guarantee the quotes we receive from your insurance carrier.
If required by your insurance, provide us with a referral from your primary care or referring
If available, bring in copies of any pertinent medical records, and/or imaging
Be prepared to provide co-payments at time of service.
Complete required incident/accident forms within 30 days of date of service.
Inform us of any changes with your personal information and insurance benefit.
Please provide us at least 48 hours notification, should you need to cancel or reschedule
an appointment. As we are a small practice, cancellations have a big impact on our
Insured Clients
Please note that co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles are a contractual agreement
between you and your insurance carrier. We cannot legally change or negotiate these amounts.
We will bill your primary and secondary insurance carrier in a timely manner. If you are disputing
payment with your insurance carrier or have a balance over $100.00 with us, you must notify our
billing specialist and make payment arrangements. Co-pays are due on the date of service.
We take cash, check or credit cards.
Deductibles, co-insurance and amounts that are not covered by your insurance will be billed to you
and payable within 30 days of receipt. If you have a limited or high deductible plan and would like
to pay at the time of service, we are happy to provide an estimate your costs to be paid at the time
of service.
Non-participating insurance if we do not participate in the insurance you have, we will file a claim
as a courtesy, except Medicaid which we are unable to bill. To help offset the costs of choosing
our care, despite the fact that we are out of network with your insurance carrier, we can also offer
you a 10% discount if you pay at the time of service. All unpaid claims will become your
responsibility 45 days following filing and be immediately due and payable.
Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) and Third Party Clients
We will bill the MVA insurance carrier one time. The bill becomes your responsibility if not paid by
the carrier in 30 days. We regret that we are not in a position to confer with attorneys or defer
payment obligations while a case settles. If your personal injury protection benefit on your MVA
policy is exhausted, we will bill your private insurance at your request, provided we are furnished
the necessary information at the date of service.
Un-insured or Under-insured Clients
We offer a 20% discounted rate for full payment at the time of service.
We bill in timed units for the various procedures we provide. Each unit is approximately 15
minutes (+/ a few minutes). On average each unit is $50.00. So if paying out of pocket at the
time of service for 4 units the amount will be $160.00. Initial evaluations are $200.00 and
standard appointments are $160.00. Payment plans are available upon request.
Payment options we accept checks, cash, money orders and major credit cards for payments
(no post-dated or 3
party checks).
Alternative payment arrangements if you are unable to pay your balance when due,
arrangements can be made with our office for a payment plan. To contact our biller you can email
Other Charges
Late Cancellation/No show We request that you provide at least 2 business days advance
notice if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Any appointment cancelled less than
one business day in advance will result in a $75.00 fee charged directly to you, the patient.
Missed appointments will be charged a fee of $100.00. After three cancellations per plan of care,
appointments will only be made on a weekly basis.
Delinquent accounts we charge a $10.25 monthly account management fee on balances over 45
days old. We may assign an account to collections if balances are unpaid after 60 days. Clients
assigned to collections may be denied additional service.
Returned check fee $30.00 will be charged for any check returned by the bank for non-sufficient
funds (NSF).
Classes if you attend an exercise class or personal training session here, you will be charged
directly at the time of the class. We are unable to bill insurance for these services.
Signature _______________________________________ Date_________________________
HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices for Personal Health Information
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get
access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Dear Stride Physio Patient:
This is your Health Information Privacy Notice from Stride Physio. Your are receiving this notices as
mandated by law to inform you of the policies and procedures employed by this clinic and its staff in order
to ensure the privacy of your Personal Health Information (PHI). This notice also describes your rights
with respect to you PHI and how you can exercise those rights. PHI includes individually identifiable
health information in any form, including information transmitted orally, or in written or electronic form.
We are required by law to:
1. Notify patients about their privacy rights and how their PHI can be used.
2. Adopt and implement privacy procedures.
3. Train employees so that they understand the privacy procedures.
4. Designate an individual responsible for ensuring that privacy practices are adopted and followed.
5. Secure patient records containing individually identifiable health information.
Permitted Uses and Disclosures
The HIPAA Privacy Rule generally requires that we make reasonable efforts to limit the use or disclosure
of, and requests for, PHI to the minimum necessary to accomplish the intended purpose. We may
use/disclose your PHI without consent in the following cases:
1. Treatment: The provision, coordination or management of health care and related services
among health care providers or by health care provider with a third party, consultations between
health care providers regarding a patient, or the referral of a patient by one health care provider
to another.
2. Payment: The various activities of health care providers to obtain payment or be reimbursed for
their services and of a health plan to obtain premiums, to fulfill their covered responsibilities, and
to obtain or provide reimbursement for the provision of health care. This includes determining
eligibility or coverage under a plan, adjudicating claims, billing and collection activities and
justification of charges.
3. Health Care Operations: Administrative, financial, legal and quality improvement activities
necessary to run our business including quality assessments, review of competence and
qualifications of health care workers, accreditation, conducting or arranging for medical review,
legal and auditing services and business management.
Your PHI may also be used/disclosed to inform you of health related products or services provided by
Stride Physio, alternative treatments or therapies, or in any communications made during a face to face
encounter with you.
Special Uses and Disclosures
Your PHI may be used/disclosed without your authorization in the following special circumstances;
Law enforcement activities.
Public health risks or activities.
Reports to appropriate authorities concerning victims of abuse, neglect or domestic violence.
Health oversight activities and government benefit programs.
Judicial and administrative proceedings (court order, warrant, and court subpoena for relevant
Emergency situations with serious threats to health or safety.
Specialized government functions.
Worker’s compensation.
Appointment reminders.
Individuals involved (family/friends) in your care or payment for your care.
Research, if conducted without using information that could reveal your identity.
Military and Veterans, as required by military command authorities.
We may use/disclose your PHI for other purposes if you authorize the specific use/disclosure in writing.
You may revoke this authorization at any time, but it must be in writing.
Your Rights Concerning Your PHI
You have the right to access and copy your “designated record set” (any piece of information that
reflects a decision a provider makes regarding the patient). You may request that your record set, or
portions of it, be copied. This request must be made in writing and may be subject to a reasonable
copying charge. We have 30 days (50 in certain circumstances) to deliver the requested material to
You have the right to receive an accounting of disclosures of your PHI. This excludes disclosures
made to carry out treatment, payment or health care operations. An account would include disclosures
made during the 6 years prior to the date of the request, and the date, recipient’s name(s), description
of PHI disclosed, and statement of purpose for the disclosure for each disclosure.
You have the right to request amendments or corrections of your PHI. You must submit this
request (see contact information at end of this notice) in writing and provide the reason for this request.
In some circumstances we may have the right to deny your request. We will explain the reason for
any denials, and you may have the right to appeal the denial.
You have the right to request additional restrictions or special limitations regarding how we use or
disclose your PHI. We may deny this request, but if we agree to it then we will be legally obligated to
carry out the agreement. This request must also be made in writing.
You have the right to request alternative means of communications to increase confidentiality. You
must specify how communication is to be carried out (written, phone, electronic, etc.) and any other
limitations (specific address or phone number, etc.) in a written request. We will honor reasonable
You have a right to receive a paper copy of this notice. We will issue a copy of this to you at the
start of your course of treatment, and request that you sign a form stating that you have received this
Changes to Privacy Practices
We have the right to make revisions to this notice and to our privacy practices at any time. Revisions will
apply to all PHI that we currently have, and any PHI that we obtain or generate in the future. Revisions
will be posted with this notice in our clinic and on our website.
Questions and Complaints
If you have any questions about this notice, or would like an additional copy, please contact us at the
information listed below. If you feel that we have violated your privacy rights or disagree with a decision
that has been made regarding your PHI, you may file a complaint with the Privacy Officers listed below,
and/or with the Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Please note that you will not
be penalized for filing a complaint with us or DHHS.
Stride Physio
Attn: Privacy Officer, Susanne Michaud
100 NE Northlake Way, Suite 200B
Seattle, WA 98105
206-547-7445ph/206-913-2486 fax
Patient Name: Date of Birth:
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Privacy Practices Notice
I, , (print name of patient or
patient’s personal representative), acknowledge that I have received a copy of
Stride Physio’s Notices of Privacy Practices. This notice provides information
about how we may use and disclose the medical information that we maintain
about you. It also explains how you can access this information. By signing,
you acknowledge that you have reviewed this Notice.
Signature of Patient or Personal Representative Date
Consent to Leave Messages
To ensure confidentiality and comply with the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPPA), we ask that you let us know where and with whom
we are permitted to leave information about your upcoming appointment,
account information or any other information you may want us to convey via
telephone or electronic messaging.
May we leave information on your mobile or home phone voice
May we leave a message with someone who answers the phone
at your residence?
May we leave a message at your place of employment?
May we call you partner, spouse, or emergency contact person
and leave information?
Signature of Patient or Personal Representative Date