Oregon lawyers created the Modest Means Program to help moderate-income Orego-
nians find affordable legal assistance. The program is intended to help those who earn
too much to qualify for legal aid, but who cannot afford traditional legal fees. Modest
Means lawyers have agreed to charge reduced rates for legal work provided to clients
referred to them through the program. There is no grant, fund or subsidy that makes
up the difference between the lawyers’ regular rates and the Modest Means Program
rates. The lawyers DJUHHWRFKDUJHUHGXFHG rates because they believe in the mission
of this program and want to help.
Types of Matters: Modest Means lawyers only handle certain kinds of family law, crim-
inal defense, landlord/tenant and foreclosure matters. If the specific area of law with
which you need help is not listed on the application, then it is not part of the program.
To Apply: Before you can be referred to a Modest Means lawyer you must apply and
be pre-qualified. To apply, you must complete the application form and return it to us by
fax, mail, or email (legalhelp@oregonstatebar.org--PDFs ONLY). You can call the
number listed above for the application form or download it from the bar’s website at
Please do not forget to sign and date your application. Your application will not be
processed if you do not fill out your application completely, or fail to sign or date it. Do
not include any other documents with your application – any documents you send to
us will not be returned. We process most applications within one (1) business day. If
you provide an email address, please check your email account for your referral or for
questions that we may have about your application.
Eligibility: Eligibility is based on the type and location of your legal matter, your in-
come and assets, your location, and availability of participating lawyers in your area. It
is important to understand there are a limited number of lawyers in the program, and
there may not be a Modest Means lawyer in your county. We cannot guarantee that we
will have a lawyer for you even if you pre-qualify. In addition, your legal matter must be
in Oregon and both parties must live in Oregon to be eligible for the Modest Means
Program. If both parties do not live in Oregon you will not be referred to a Modest
Means Program lawyer even if your legal matter is in Oregon.
(continued on next page)
Oregon State Bar, Modest Means Program, PO Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281-1935
Voice: (503) 684-3763 (800) 452-7636 Fax: (503) 431-6444