Answer only if a Service
Provider Representative
submits this form.
29. What is your Representative ID?
Universal Service
Administrative Co.
Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
Application Form
Universal Service Administrative Company | www.GetEmergencyBroadband.org
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Privacy Act Statement
This Privacy Act Statement explains how we are going to use the personal information you are entering into this form.
The Privacy Act is a law that requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Universal Service Administrative
Company (USAC) to explain why we are asking individuals for personal information and what we are going to do with this
information after we collect it.
Authority: 47 U.S.C. §254; Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Public Law 116–260, div. N, tit. IX, § 904; 47 CFR Part 54,
Subparts E and P.
Purpose: We are collecting this personal information so we can verify your identity and that you qualify for the Lifeline program
or similar programs that use income or consumer participation in certain government benefit programs as eligibility criteria,
such as the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program. We access, maintain and use your personal information in the manner
described in the Lifeline System of Records Notice (SORN), FCC/WCB-1, which was published in 86 Fed. Reg. 11526 (Feb. 25, 2021),
and the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program SORN, FCC/WCB-3, which was published in 86 Fed. Reg. 11523 (Feb. 25, 2021).
Routine Uses: We may share the personal information you enter into this form with other parties for specific purposes, such as:
• With contractors that help us operate the Lifeline program and similar programs that use income or consumer
participation in certain government benefit programs as eligibility criteria, such as the Emergency Broadband Benefit
• With other federal and state government agencies and Tribal agencies that help us determine your Lifeline eligibility and
eligibility for similar programs that use income or consumer participation in certain government benefit programs as
eligibility criteria, such as the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program;
• With the telecommunications companies and broadband providers that provide you Lifeline service and service under a
similar program that uses income or consumer participation in certain federal benefit programs as eligibility criteria,
such as the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program;
• With other federal agencies or to other administrative or adjudicative bodies before which the FCC is authorized to
• With appropriate agencies, entities, and persons when the FCC suspects or has confirmed that there has been a breach of
information; and
• With law enforcement and other officials investigating potential violations of Lifeline and other program rules.
A complete listing of the ways we may use your information is published in the Lifeline SORN and the Emergency Broadband
Benefit Program SORN described in the "Purpose" paragraph of this statement.
Disclosure: You are not required to provide the information we are requesting, but if you do not, you will not be eligible to
receive Lifeline services under the Lifeline Program rules, 47 C.F.R. Part 54, Subpart E, or benefits under the Emergency
Broadband Benefit Program, 47 C.F.R. Part 54, Subpart P.