FOR THE COUNTY OF ______________________
Use a separate petition for each county where you received a
felony sentence for an offense that is now a misdemeanor under
Proposition 47. If you had several cases in the same county, list all.
IN RE: _______________________________, Petitioner Case No.________________________
full name of petitioner to be completed by court clerk
G Resentencing as Misdemeanor G Reduction to Misdemeanor
for persons who are now serving the for persons who have finished serving the
sentence to be changed (PC § 1170.18(a)) sentence to be changed (PC § 1170.18(f))
G I request a hearing on this petition.
and Motion for Appointment of Counsel
Action sought: Petitioner asks for resentencing or reduction of sentence under Penal Code section 1170.18,
enacted by the voters effective Nov. 5, 2014, as part of Proposition 47.
Sentences affected: This petition seeks resentencing or reduction as to the following offenses in this county.
Identify affected offenses as precisely as possible. Give the code section (for example: "PC 487") and the type of
offense (for example: "grand theft") and other information known to you. Use additional pages if necessary.
Code § Offense Other info.–such as case no, count, date of sentencing Still serving this sentence?
Value of property: For each Penal Code offense listed, the value of the property involved did not exceed $950.
Prior convictions: Petitioner has no prior convictions listed in Penal Code section 667, subdivision (e)(2)(C)(iv)
or Penal Code section 290, subdivision (c).
Request for appointment of counsel: Petitioner asks counsel be appointed at any hearing ordered in response
to this petition. (See Mempa v. Rhay (1967) 389 U.S. 128, 134-137; People v. Shipman (1965) 62 Cal.2d 226,
231.) Petitioner is indigent and unable to retain counsel.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date__________, 201____ Signature: _____________________________________________________
Attorney or petitioner
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date of birth of petitioner: ___________________ State Bar No. (if signed by attorney)____ _______________
Telephone ____________ _____________________ Email address ______________________________
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