HB-3051 I
These instructions offer guidance for completing the Request for Independent Assessment and Attestation of
Medical Need Form for Personal Care Services (PCS) and should be read in its entirety before completing.
Expedited Assessment Process Info: Contact Liberty Healthcare Corporation at 1-855-740-1400. Questions:
Call or Email Liberty Healthcare at 855-740-1400, 919-322-5944, or
Personal Care Services (PCS) is a Medicaid benefit based on the need for assistance with Activities of
Daily Living (ADLs). The ADLs are bathing, dressing, toileting, eating, and transferring/functional mobility in
the home. The purpose of the Request for Independent Assessment / Attestation of Medical Need Form
(DHB-3051) is to request a PCS Independent Assessment. Requested assessments will be one of the
following: Disenrollment, New Request, Change of Status (Medical or Non-Medical), or Change of Provider.
Sections A – E: Change of Status: Medical, New Request, and Managed Care Disenrollment (located on
pg. 1-2 of the form) shall be completed by a practitioner with section E completed by the PCS Provider if for
Managed Care Disenrollment.
Request Type: Select the type that indicates the reason for the request. Enter the Date of
Request in the appropriate field.
Section A: Beneficiary’s Demographics. The beneficiary’s name should be the same as it
appears on their Medicaid card. Beneficiaries living in, and those seeking admission to, an
Adult Care Home (ACH) will have the facility’s address and phone number. If identified as
legal guardian or Power of Attorney (POA), submit guardianship/POA documents to Liberty
*The RSID # and RSID Date is generated when a beneficiary, being referred or seeking admission to
an ACH, is referred to a LME-MCO for the RSVP. Further information can be found below, pg 2.
The Alternate Contact should not be a PCS Provider.
Section B: Beneficiary’s Conditions. Enter information regarding current medical conditions that
limit the beneficiary’s ability to perform, and resulted in a need for assistance with, ADLs.
Medical Diagnosis and ICD-10 Code are both required fields.
The Diagnosis and ICD-10 entered must relate to the ADL deficit for this request to be processed.
Optional Attestation: This step is optional. Review each statement and initial, only if applicable.
Section C: Practitioner Information. Enter Practitioner and Practice information in the
appropriate field. You may use the practice stamp if applicable. Sign and date once completed.
Signature stamps are not allowed.
Section D: Change of Status: Medical. Complete if requesting a Medical Change of Status.
Describe the medical change and it’s impact on the beneficiary’s need for hands on assistance.
Section D, located on page 2, is a required field for all Medical Change of Status Requests. The
date of the beneficiary’s last PCP visit must be < 90 days from Received Date by the IAE.
It is required that the beneficiary’s PCP or inpatient practitioner complete this form. If beneficiary
does not have a PCP, the practitioner, currently providing care and treatment for the medical,
physical or cognitive condition causing the functional limitation, may complete the form.
Section E: Managed Care Disenrollment: Medical. Complete if requesting disenrollment from
Managed Care. Enter the information regarding the beneficiary’s current plan, date of
enrollment, effective date of disenrollment, current approved PCS hours, and current PCS
provider. Completed form should be faxed to Liberty Healthcare prior to disenrollment date.