Pet Partners Handler’s Questionnaire
‐AllRightsReserved Page1of2 Jan2015
Handler Name: Animal Name:
Please complete this questionnaire and bring it with you to your team evaluation along with other required
materials such as a soft brush suitable for visiting, a treat and proof of current rabies vaccination.
My animal and I meet all the following standards for participation in the Therapy Animal Program:
My animal is at least 1 year of age (or 6 months for rabbits, guinea pigs and rats).
My animal has lived in my home or has known me for at least 6 months (or 1 year for birds).
My animal’s rabies vaccination is current. (Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, and birds are exempt.)
My animal does not have a history of aggression towards people including growling, lunging or biting.
My dog has never been trained or encouraged to aggressively bite for protection or sport.
My animal has never seriously injured or killed another companion animal.
My animal does not eat a raw protein diet.
My animal is in good health with no open wounds or signs of illness or infection, and is not pregnant,
nursing young, or in season.
My animal is not taking antibiotics, antifungals, or immunosuppressive medications.
My animal is wearing the approved collar or harness and leash that I plan to use for visiting.
My animal has been groomed for this evaluation according to Pet Partners’ grooming guidelines.
I have completed the Pet Partners Handler’s Course or am a current or renewing team.
If you have specific questions about your eligibility as a team, please contact operations@petpartners.org
or call 425-679-5530.
For the following questions, there are no incorrect answers. Being thoughtful in your responses helps your
evaluator get to know you and your animal. If your evaluator suggests you have an area to work on before
evaluating, it is because they wish to set you up for success.
1. All animals demonstrate some behavior that indicates stress, fatigue, overstimulation, anxiety or conc
a. How does your animal communicate when it needs a break?
b. If the situation remains unchanged, how does your animal demonstrate a higher level of stress,
fatigue, overstimulation, anxiety or concern?
c. How quickly does it escalate and what are the resulting behaviors?
d. Once you perceive that y
our animal is stressed, fatigued, overstimulated, anxious or concerned, how
do you respond to support your animal?
2. All animals occasionally exhibit undesirable behaviors such as jumping, vocalizing or excess sniffing or
licking. What undesirable behaviors have you noted in your animal and how do you manage or redirect