All Personnel E 4020(a)
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that it is a violation of Board policy for any employee at a school district workplace to
unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, drug or
controlled substance as defined in the Controlled Substances Act and Code of Federal Regulations.
"School district workplace" is defined as any place where school district work is performed, including a school building or
other school premises; any school-owned or school-approved vehicle used to transport students to and from school or
school activities; any off-school sites when accommodating a school-sponsored or school-approved activity or function,
such as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under district jurisdiction; or during any period of time when an
employee is supervising students on behalf of the district or otherwise engaged in district business.
As a condition of your continued employment with the district, you will comply with the district's policy on Drug and
Alcohol-Free Workplace and will, any time you are convicted of any criminal drug or alcohol statute violation occurring
in the workplace, notify your supervisor of this conviction no later than five days after such conviction.
Pursuant to the federal Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991, school bus drivers shall be subject to a
drug and alcohol testing program that fulfills the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 382.
(cf. 4112.42 - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers)
Pursuant to California Education Code 44836 and 45123, the Board may not employ or retain in employment persons
convicted of a controlled substance offense as defined in Education Code 44011. If any such conviction is reversed and
the person acquitted in a new trial or the charges dismissed, his/her employment is no longer prohibited.
Pursuant to Education Code 45123, the district may employ for classified service a person who has been convicted of a
controlled substance offense only if it determines, from evidence presented, that the person has been rehabilitated for at
least five years. The Board shall determine the type and manner of presentation of the evidence, and the Board's
determination as to whether or not the person has been rehabilitated is final.
Pursuant to Education Code 44425, whenever the holder of any credential issued by the State Board of Education or the
Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing has been convicted of a controlled substance offense as defined in
Education Code 44011, the commission shall forthwith suspend the credential. When the conviction becomes final or
when imposition of sentence is suspended, the commission shall revoke the credential. (Education Code 44425)
Pursuant to Education Code 45304, the district must immediately place on compulsory leave of absence any classified
employee charged with involvement in the sale, use or exchange to minors of certain controlled substances.
Pursuant to Education Code 45304, the district may immediately place on compulsory leave of absence any classified
employee charged with certain controlled substance offenses.
The following drug and alcohol counseling, rehabilitation, and/or employee assistance programs are available locally:
(cf. 4159 - Employee Assistance Programs)
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Employee Signature Date
Rev: 10/20/2008
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