Development Services
General Site Plan
Review/Cercaon Applicaon
The aached applicaon form must be completed and submied with the set of site plans to the
Community Development Secon, ATTENTION: SITE PLAN CERTIFICATION, 20th Floor of the County Center,
601 E. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33602
FOLDED copies of the general site plan must be provided.
Cercaon Submial Check List:
1. Rezoning (RZ) and Major Modicaon (MM) applicaons: Three (3) folded copies of the General Site Plan.
2. Personal Appearance (PRS) applicaon: Three (3) folded copies of the General Site Plan.
NOTE: If you wish to receive a paper copy of the Certified Site Plan, you must submit your request in writing to
Hillsborough County Development Services Department, Community Development Section, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd.,
20th Floor, Tampa, FL 33602, or email
1. Rezoning applicaons for Planned Development (PD) or Major Modicaon (MM):
Within 21 calendar days of the submial date of the general site plan, the Applicant/Applicants Representave
shall be noed by Development Services of the plan approval/disapproval.
1-A If the general site plan is approved, then formal processing shall require ten (10) addional calendar days.
Total processing me for an approved general site plan shall require a maximum of 30 calendar days.
1-B If the general site plan is disapproved, the Applicant/Applicants Representave shall be required
to submit a revised set of general site plans ulizing the same submial requirements and me frames
as outlined above.
2. Rezoning applicaons for Planned Development (PD), Planned Development-Specic (PD-S), Planned
Development- Specic with concurrent Site Development Review, or Major Modicaon (MM):
Within ten (10) calendar days aer the date of the ling of the Zoning Hearing Masters (ZHM)
recommendaon the Applicant/Applicants Representave shall submit a set of general site plans
for cercaon and approval by the BOCC at the BOCC Land Use Meeng.
2-A The general site plan will be reviewed by sta to determine if it is eligible for cercaon and
approval by the BOCC at the BOCC Land Use Meeng.
2-A-1 If the general site plan is determined to be eligible for cercaon, it will go before the
BOCC for approval at the BOCC Land Use Meeng.
2-A-2 If the general site plan is determined to not be eligible for cercaon, then the applicaon
will be automacally connued to the next scheduled BOCC Land Use Meeng, and a resubmial
of a set of revised general site plans for cercaon will be required.
2-B If the general site plan is approved for cercaon by the BOCC, then formal processing shall
require ten (10) addional calendar days from the date of the BOCC Land Use Meeng.
2-C If the general site plan is not approved for cercaon by the BOCC, then the applicaon
will be automacally connued to the next scheduled BOCC Land Use Meeng and a resubmial
of a set of revised general site plans for cercaon will be required if applicable.
3. Minor Modicaon (PRS) submied any me:
Within 21 calendar days of the submial date of the general site plan, the Applicant’s Representave
shall be noed by Development Services of the plan approval/disapproval.
3-A If the plan is approved for cercaon, then formal processing shall require ten (10) addional calendar
days. Total processing me for an approved site plan shall require a maximum of 30 calendar days.
3-B If the plan is disapproved, the Applicant shall be required to submit a revised set of plans ulizing
the same submial requirements and me frames as outlined in 3-A above.
Development Services
_________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________
General Site Plan
Review/Cercaon Applicaon
To be Completed by Applicant or Representave
Rezoning File No. RZ : ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Related File Number (if applicable): MM__________________________________ PR ______________________________________
BOCC Land Use Date: ______________________________
Project Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Check the appropriate box(es):
The aached site plan meets all condions of approval and requirements of cercaon as required by Community Development
Sta and by the Zoning Hearing Master.
The aached site plan does not meeng the following condions of approval and/or requirements of cercaon:
As required by Community Development Sta: _________________________________________________________________
As required by the Zoning Hearing Master: ____________________________________________________________________
Applying for Oral Argument? Yes No
Applicant: ______________________________________________________________________ Dayme Phone (____) ______________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Representave: __________________________________________________________________ Dayme Phone (____) ______________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
I HEREBY CERTIFY that this applicaon and all plans submied herewith are true representaons of all facts concerning the proposed
General Site Plan Cercaon.
Signature of Applicant or Authorized Representave Date
click to sign
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