C. Submial Requirements
1. Personal Requests - Proof of nancial hardship is required to be submied by the applicant, spouse and all
proposed beneciaries of the review process for which the fee waiver is sought, for example, a member of the
applicant’s immediate family who is to receive or purchase a lot from the subdivision of property that is the
subject of the waiver. The following informaon shall be provided:
a. Current wage earnings statement.
b. Previous year’s U.S. Individual Income Tax Return statement(s). In cases where an applicant was not required
to le an Income Tax Return, other proof of previous year’s income, such as Form SSA-1099 (Social Security
Benet Statement), shall be provided.
c. Current bank account statements (savings and checking)
d. Debt statement, excluding credit card debts.
e. Summary of monthly expenses
f. Wrien statement describing the fees to be waived and the nature of the nancial hardship.
2. Non-Prot Organizaon Requests – The applicant shall provide the following informaon:
a. Proof of an exisng contract for the organizaon to provide social services on behalf of the BOCC resulng
from either parcipaon in the County’s biennial compeve or non-compeve Request-for-Applicaon
(RFA) process, or as a result of having been previously selected by the BOCC through a compeve process to
provide County social services.
b. Proof of cercaon by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 non-prot organizaon.
c. A statement cerfying the organizaon does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, sex, religion,
handicap, marital status or naonal origin.
d. Proof of licensing by the State of Florida and Hillsborough County, as appropriate.
e. A completed Adavit of Financial Hardship found in Secon 3.0 of this manual.
f. A wrien statement describing the fees to be waived and the nature of the nancial hardship. No other
evidence of nancial hardship shall be required.
D. General Review Process
Fee waiver applicaons which are in accord with the submial and review criteria herein shall be approved by the
Administrator within 30 business days. For applicaons which cannot be approved, the Administrator shall schedule
the applicaon for review by the Land Use Hearing Ocer (LUHO) to consider an Excepon and shall nofy the
peoner of the hearing date in wring, at which me the peoner may request the applicaon be withdrawn.
1. LUHO Review – At the hearing, the peoner shall be responsible for providing tesmony to the LUHO regarding
the merits of the case. The LUHO may consider the applicaon for approval in the form of an Excepon to the
criteria. Excepon requests shall be reviewed in a non-noced proceeding and the LUHO shall render a wrien
decision within 5 working days of the proceeding. If the Excepon is denied by the LUHO, the decision is nal and
may not be appealed.
E. Administrave Review Criteria for Personal Requests
Fee waivers shall not be approved by the Administrator when the request is in connecon with commercial
businesses, for-prot enterprises, real estate speculaon, the subdivision of property for the market sale of lots and
similar ventures.
The Administrator shall approve fee waivers when the request is in accord with the following criteria:
1. The household income of the applicant or the household income of the beneciary of the review process for
which the fee waiver is sought, whichever is greater, does not exceed 80 percent of median income or below
taken from the Federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Area Median Income Chart for Hillsborough
2. The request is to relieve personal nancial hardship for land use applicaons under the following circumstances:
a. Applicaons aecng the applicant’s homestead.