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The Property Tax Assistance Division at the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts provides property tax
information and resources for taxpayers, local taxing entities, appraisal districts and appraisal review boards.
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Form 50-135
Application for Disabled Veterans or
Survivor’s Exemption
50-135 • 10-11/11
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Appraisal District’s Name Phone (area code and number)
Street Address, City, State, ZIP Code
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This application is for use in claiming a disabled veteran’s or survivor’s exemption. A disabled veteran is dened as a veteran
of the armed services of the United States who is classied as disabled by the Veteran’s Administration or its successor or the branch of the armed ser-
vices in which the veteran served and whose disability is service connected pursuant to Tax Code §11.22. A qualied individual is entitled to an exemption
from taxation of a portion of the assessed value of one property the applicant owns and designates on this form.
WHERE TO FILE: File the completed application and all required documents with the appraisal district for the county in which the property is located.
APPLICATION DEADLINES: This application covers property you owned on January 1 of this year. You must le the completed form between January 1
and April 30 of this year with the county appraisal district in the county in which the property is located. You may le a late exemption application if you le
it no later than one year after the delinquency date for the taxes on the property. Be sure to attach any additional documents requested. Return the com-
pleted form and any attachments to the address above.
WHEN NEW APPLICATION REQUIRED: If the chief appraiser grants the exemption, you do not need to reapply annually, but you must reapply if the chief
appraiser requires you to do so.
DUTY TO NOTIFY: You must notify the chief appraiser in writing if and when your right to this exemption ends or your disability rating changers.
Pursuant to Tax Code §11.45, after considering this application and all relevant information, the chief appraiser may request additional information from
you. You must provide the additional information within 30 days of the request or the application is denied. For good cause shown, the chief appraiser may
extend the deadline for furnishing the additional information by written order for a single period not to exceed 15 days.
STEP 1: State the Year for Which You are Seeking an Exemption
State the year for which you are seeking an exemption
STEP 2: Provide Name and Mailing Address of Property Owner
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Name of Property Owner Driver’s License, Personal I.D. Certicate,
or Social Security Number*
Mailing Address
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
City, State, ZIP Code Phone (area code and number)
* The applicant’s driver’s license number, personal identication certicate number, or social security account number is required. Pursuant to Tax Code
Section 11.48(a), a driver’s license number, personal identication certicate number, or social security account number provided in an application for an
exemption led with a chief appraiser is condential and not open to public inspection. The information may not be disclosed to anyone other than an
employee of the appraisal office who appraises property, except as authorized by Tax Code Section 11.48(b).
STEP 3: Describe the Property
Street Address if Different from Above, or Legal Description if No Address
Appraisal District Account Number (if known)
Manufactured Home (give make, model and identication number)
For more information, visit our website: www.window.stat optax
Page 2 • 50-135 • 10-11/11
Property Tax
Form 50-135
Application for Disabled Veteran’s or Survivors Exemption
• Checktheexemptionsthatapplytoyouandanswerthequestions.
• Youmayqualifyformorethanoneexemption.
Disabled Veteran’s Exemption
Check here if this exemption applies to you
You may qualify for this exemption if you are a veteran of the armed services of the United States who is classied as disabled by the Veterans
Administration or your service branch. Your disability must be serviced related and you must be a Texas resident.
You qualify for this exemption if you are a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces and your service branch or the Veteran’s Administration has officially clas-
sied you as disabled. Your disability must be service related. You must be a Texas resident. Please give the information requested below, and attach
a letter or other document from the V.A. or service branch giving your most recent disability rating.
__________________________________ _______________________ ________ _____________________
Branch of Service Disability Rating Age Serial Number
Are you a Texas resident?
Check the box if you:
have lost the use of one or more limbs (servicerelated).
are blind in either or both eyes (servicerelated).
Surviving Spouse or Child of a Deceased Disabled Veteran
Check here if this exemption applies to you
You may qualify for this exemption if you are the surviving spouse or child of a deceased veteran of the U.S. armed services and the veteran’s service
branch or the Veterans Administration had officially classied the veteran as disabled before his/her death. The disability must have been service
related. You must be a Texas resident. If you are a surviving spouse, you must not have remarried. If you are a surviving child, you must be under 18
years old and your disabled parent’s spouse must not have survived your disabled parent. Please give the information requested below, and attach
a letter or other document from the V.A. or service branch giving the veterans most recent disability rating. Also attach a copy of a birth certicate or
marriage license showing your relationship to the veteran.
Veterans Name
__________________________________ _______________________ ________ _____________________
Branch of Service Disability Rating Age at Death Serial Number
Check the box if the veteran:
had lost the use of one or more limbs (servicerelated).
was blind in either or both eyes (sevicerelated).
Are you a Texas resident? ..............................................................................
Are you a surviving spouse?
If you are a surviving spouse, have you remarried?
Are you a surviving child?
If you are a surviving child: are you under 18? ...........................................................
are you unmarried? .........................................................
how many of your disabled parent’s children are under 18 and unmarried? .............. ____________
For more information, visit our website: www.window.stat optax
50-135 • 10-11/11 • Page 3
Application for Disabled Veteran’s or Survivors Exemption
Property Tax
Form 50-135
Surviving Spouse or Child of an Armed Services Member Who Died on Active Duty
Check here if this exemption applies to you
You may qualify for this exemption if you are the surviving spouse or child of a person who died while on active duty with the U.S. armed services.
You must be a Texas resident. If you are a surviving child, you must be under 18 years old. Please give the information requested below, and attach
a letter or other document from the V.A. or service branch showing that the person died on active duty. Also attach a copy of a birth certicate or mar-
riage license showing your relationship to the armed forces member. A surviving spouse who claims this exemption may not also receive an exemp-
tion as the surviving child of a deceased disabled veteran or armed forces member killed on active duty.
Veterans Name
__________________________________ _______________________ ________ _____________________
Branch of Service Disability Rating Age at Death Serial Number
Are you a Texas resident? ..............................................................................
Are you a surviving spouse?
Are you a surviving child?
If you are a surviving child: are you under 18? ...........................................................
are you unmarried? .........................................................
how many of the member’s children are under 18 and unmarried? ..................... ____________
STEP 4: Check if Late Application
If you were eligible for this exemption last year, check this box and enter the prior tax year. You must have met all of the qualications above on January 1
of the prior tax year to receive the exemption for last year.
Application for exemption for prior tax year, _________ .
STEP 5: Read, Sign, and Date
If you make a false statement on this application, you could be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor or a state jail felony under Section 37.10,
Penal Code.
By signing this application, you certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief.
_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Authorized Signature Date