An IAJVS National Collaboration with iSeek Solutions. Funding provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Assess Yourself
Match Your Interests to Occupations (Exercise 1.2)
Like skills, you should know which types of activities interest you. You can use the activities below to
help match your interests to occupation. You’ll use this list to help you explore careers.
Directions: Read each statement. Fill in the circle next to the activities that interest you.
I Like To
…do puzzles
…work on cars
…attend concerts, theaters, or art exhibits
…work in teams
…organize things like files, offices, or activities
…set goals for myself
…build things
…read fiction, poetry, or plays
…have clear instructions to follow
…influence or persuade people
…do experiments
…teach or train people
…help people solve their problems
…take care of animals
…have my day structured
…sell things
…do creative writing
…work on science projects
…take on new responsibilities
…heal people
…figure out how things work
…put things together or assemble models
…be creative
…pay attention to details
…do filing or typing
…learn about other cultures
…analyze things like problems, situations, or trends
…play instruments or sing
…dream about starting my own business
…act in plays
…think things through before making decisions
…work with numbers or charts
…have discussions about issues like politics or current events
…keep records of my work
…be a leader
…work outdoors
…work in an office
…work on math problems
…help people
…give speeches
An IAJVS National Collaboration with iSeek Solutions. Funding provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Assess Yourself
Match Your Interests to Occupations (Exercise 1.2 continued)
Directions: Add the columns from the bottom of the previous page. Write down the number of filled
circles for each letter here.
R = Realistic Total: __________
I = Investigative Total: __________
A = Artistic Total: __________
S = Social Total: __________
E = Enterprising Total: __________
C = Conventional Total: __________
Your 2-3 Letter Holland Code Interest Profile
Realistic people are DOERS.
They are often good at mechanical or athletic jobs. They like to work with things like machines,
tools, or plants and they like to work with their hands. They are often practical and good at
solving problems.
Investigative people are THINKERS.
They like to watch, learn, and solve problems. They often like to work by themselves, tend to be
good at math and science, and enjoy analyzing data.
Artistic people are CREATORS.
They like to use their creativity and come up with new ideas. They usually want to work with less
rules or structure. They enjoy performing (theater or music) and visual arts.
Social people are HELPERS.
They like to work directly with people rather than things. They enjoy teaching, counseling, or
curing others. They are often good public speakers with helpful, kind personalities.
Enterprising people are PERSUADERS.
They like to work with other people. They often like to influence, persuade, or perform for people.
They like to lead. They tend to be assertive and enthusiastic.
Conventional people are ORGANIZERS.
They are very detail oriented and like to work with data. They are often organized and good with
numbers. They are also good at following instructions. They also like working in structured
Occupations that Match Your Interests
Directions: Use the Internet, your library, or talk to a career coach to find occupations that match your
interests. You can use O*NET’s Advance Search to match your interests to occupations.
Write down occupations that match your interests here.
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.