Understanding the Housing Affordability Risk Posed by Building
Performance Policies
Zachary Hart, Institute for Market Transformation
Rory Gahagan, Institute for Market Transformation
Cliff Majersik, Institute for Market Transformation
Jessica Miller, Institute for Market Transformation
Bridgett Neely, Firefly Energy Consulting LLC
To meet ambitious climate goals, leading local and state governments are adopting ambitious
energy efficiency policies that require building owners to make substantial capital investments in
their properties. In affordable multifamily buildings, these costs could threaten the viability of
owners’ operations, result in financial burdens for low-income residents, and disproportionately
impact communities of color, exacerbating economic and racial inequities. To avoid burdening
these parties, jurisdictions could exempt affordable housing from energy performance policies;
however, this approach leaves significant energy savings on the table and prevents low-income
residents from enjoying the benefits of energy improvements, lower utility bills, enhanced
comfort and improved air quality. This paper lays out a methodology for jurisdictions wishing to
estimate the scale of the problem by quantifying the number of affordable multifamily buildings
and units, segmented by affordable housing categories, which would be affected by different
possible policies, using as examples three U.S. cities with different population sizes, building
stocks, and climatic zones. This paper then assesses the potential costs of improving energy
performance in multifamily affordable housing, over the different phases of a building’s
lifecycle, to provide rough cost estimates for compliance with building performance standard
(BPS) policies. Finally, the paper identifies potential solutions for improving the development of
a BPS and the other efforts that jurisdictions can make to facilitate the improved energy
performance of affordable housing. This paper hopes to help jurisdictions design policies and
budget for programs to enable affordable housing to benefit from building performance standards
without increasing total cost of occupancy or undermining the viability of naturally occurring
affordable housing (NOAH).
U.S. cities are acting with increasing urgency to enact policies and programs that reduce
energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from buildings. Buildings are typically responsible for
the majority of greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas. The District of Columbia, New York
City, St. Louis, and Washington state are at the vanguard of this movement, having adopted
building performance standards (BPS) laws that set minimum requirements for how existing
buildings perform in terms of greenhouse gas emissions (in the case of New York City) and
energy consumption (in the other three cases). Buildings that perform below the minimum
standards will be required to improve through operational improvements or capital investments.
The jurisdictions of Boston, Cambridge, Los Angeles, and Montgomery County, MD, are
working to develop BPS laws of their own with more cities likely to follow suit.
At the same time that cities are mobilizing to reduce carbon emissions from buildings,
they also face a crisis in the affordability of housing, particularly for low-income people and
people of color. This crisis has only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the
ensuing economic recession. By requiring energy improvements in multifamily buildings that
house low-income people, jurisdictions risk exacerbating the housing affordability crisis and the
current recession by imposing more costs on the buildings’ owners. These costs could strain the
economic viability of these buildings, which could result in higher rents for tenants,
redevelopment of the properties, and increasing rates of displacement for low-income
Given these complications, cities may decide to exempt affordable multifamily buildings
from the requirements of their building performance standards; however, this decision may
worsen another inequity. Low-income renters tend to bear a higher energy cost burden than more
affluent people. This dynamic results not only from utility costs taking up a higher proportion of
lower incomes, but also because from the fact that utility costs in low-income households are
higher per square foot than the average (Ross, 2020). Energy efficiency could alleviate this
energy burden and lower the total cost of housing for low-income residents; however, this
outcome depends on how the costs and benefits of energy improvements are allocated between
owner and tenant.
This paper identifies common types of affordable multifamily buildings and investigates
the scale at which building performance standards could jeopardize their affordability. After
establishing these risks, the authors attempt to isolate the scope of potential problems by
analyzing building data from a number of jurisdictions to estimate how many affordable
multifamily buildings would be affected by proposed or hypothetical building performance
standards. The paper then describes an analysis, developed by a New York City nonprofit, that
estimates potential costs and paybacks of implementing packages of energy conservation
measures for multifamily buildings. This approach could be used by other jurisdictions to
understand the general magnitude of costs that affordable multifamily buildings might incur in
complying with BPS requirements. The need for such cost estimates is not theoretical. When
Washington, DC adopted its BPS, it added a fee to customer utility bills and used some of the
resulting revenue to budget $3 million per year to help owners of affordable housing and rent
controlled buildings comply with the BPS. In the absence of an estimate of the investment
required to bring these buildings into compliance, the $3 million figure was the product of a
political compromise and is likely much less than will be needed.
The paper concludes with recommendations on how jurisdictions developing building
performance standards could mitigate risks for affordable property owners and tenants alike
while maximizing the potential benefits of improved energy performance in affordable housing.
Defining the Affordable Housing Landscape
At the highest level, there are two main categories of affordable multifamily housing:
subsidized and unsubsidized (often referred to as “naturally occurring” affordable housing).
Subsidized Housing
Housing subsidies are mainly supported through a collection of programs overseen by the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that offer assistance to residents
with income below 80 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI). These programs can be sorted
into two broad categories: those that support privately owned properties and those that support
publicly owned ones.
Privately Owned Properties
HUD’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program issues vouchers to eligible families
who then select a house or apartment where the owner agrees to participate in the program. Local
public housing agencies (which administer the program on HUD’s behalf) pay a housing subsidy
directly to the property owner, and the family pays the difference between the full rent and the
subsidy. By law, 75 percent of voucher recipients must have incomes no greater than 30 percent
of AMI, and no recipient of the program can have an income greater than 50 percent of AMI.
Another privately owned program provides tax credits to private-sector property owners.
The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program distributes tax credits for “acquisition,
rehabilitation, or new construction” of rental housing for low-income households. LIHTC
properties must offer a rental fee to eligible renters (usually households making no more than 50
or 60 percent of AMI) that is lower than market rate for the area. Owners of LIHTC buildings
must maintain rent and income requirements for 15–30 years or the tax credits are reclaimed
(Tax Policy Center, n.d.).
Publicly Owned Properties
HUD sends federal aid to approximately 3,300 Public Housing Agencies that own and
operate housing for low-income households. Federal law requires that public housing residents’
rent and utility costs should not exceed 30 percent of the household’s adjusted monthly income.
In public housing buildings with individually metered units, PHAs offer utility allowances to
cover residents’ expected utility costs. Public housing, which is funded by appropriations from
the U.S. Congress, faces a backlog of needed capital improvements greater than $45 billion
(National Housing Law Project, n.d.).
Unsubsidized Housing
A multifamily property is considered “naturally occurring” affordable housing (NOAH)
if it is affordable to low-income households. NOAH multifamily properties may house tenants
with Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, but because these subsidies travel with the tenant, the
building may not be considered subsidized. Because NOAH buildings tend to be older and in
poorer condition than market-rate buildings, those covered by a building performance standard
may be more likely to need expensive capital improvements to comply. This predisposition
increases the likelihood that the costs for these improvements will be passed through to tenants
in the form of higher rents, particularly when the tenants are paying the energy bills, since the
landlord has minimal other ways of getting a benefit from her investment. Unless a jurisdiction
has tenant protection laws that limit annual rent increases, BPS laws may present an especially
high risk of leading to rent hikes and displacement of low-income tenants when applied to
NOAH buildings.
For NOAH multifamily buildings, a BPS should be structured so that the total cost of
housing for tenants remains the same or decreases. This means that if required building
improvements cause a tenant to save more in out-of-pocket energy costs than she pays in
increased rent, the policy was a success from a housing affordability perspective.
Implications for how BPS Requirements May Affect Each Type
In general, affordable housing buildings face two main challenges in complying with
building performance standards: financial difficulties caused by low cash flow and a difficult
lending environment, and lack of staff capacity to manage energy consumption in operations
management and capital planning.
Financial Barriers
Affordable buildings typically generate low cash flow. This means that few of these
buildings will be able to use cash reserves to cover the costs of energy improvements to comply
with a performance standard. Even those buildings required by HUD rules to keep reserve funds
(National Housing Trust, 2019), often do not have enough to pay for capital improvements. The
problem is exacerbated by the fact that limited cash flows and restrictions on new debt imposed
by holders of the mortgage make it difficult for these buildings to attract debt capital, especially
in between the building’s regular refinancing cycles.
Subsidized buildings that receive utility allowances based on the metered consumption of
tenants are at another disadvantage in that an energy retrofit will result in a reduction of the
utility allowance, eliminating the owner’s opportunity to recoup the cost of the energy
NOAH buildings bear the most risk of rent increases from the potential costs of
complying with a building performance standard. Unlike subsidized buildings, NOAH buildings
do not have any requirements to maintain a certain level of affordability, so they are likely to
increase rents to cover the cost of retrofits if they are not master metered and directly receive the
energy bill savings (National Housing Trust, 2019).
Limited Staff Capacity
Affordable multifamily housing properties are less likely to be able to bring on staff with
expertise in energy-efficient operations. Competing priorities and a limited number of staff hours
(especially outside of the infrequent windows when mortgages are refinanced and rental
covenants are renewed), makes it difficult for the people managing affordable buildings to
develop and execute a plan for improving their buildings’ performance without disrupting
operations. Owners of affordable buildings may also find it challenging to find and work with
energy efficiency professionals and evaluate their options for developing and implementing
retrofits or to access the financial incentives and other resources that exist to support building
The complexity of executing a retrofit strategy in an apartment building without
disturbing tenants is another formidable challenge for owners of affordable buildings. Owners
and managers have to find ways to make improvements in common areas and tenant spaces
alike, requiring a level of coordination and adaptability that is difficult to achieve even with an
abundance of capital and staff resources.
Given the challenges described in this overview of the affordable multifamily housing
sector, it is critical that policymakers considering adopting a BPS law should strive to understand
in a nuanced way, the type of affordable units in their city’s stock. A first step in understanding
the risks is to estimate the number of affordable multifamily buildings that the law would cover
in order to assess how best to support such buildings while they improve their energy
performance as part of the policy design and implementation processes. In order to underline the
importance of taking this step, the next section of this paper investigates the number of
affordable multifamily buildings that would be subject to proposed or hypothetical building
performance standards in three sample U.S. jurisdictions to illustrate the scale of potential
Estimating the Potential Impact of BPS on Affordable Multifamily Housing
To assess the impact a BPS law might have on affordable housing, we first attempted to
quantify how many buildings and how much square footage might be impacted by likely policy
scenarios in three U.S. jurisdictions with different population sizes, building stocks, and climate
, which will be referred to in this paper as Cities A, B, and C.
While these descriptive
characteristics were not data points that impact the subsequent analysis, the characteristics were
included to ensure that the analysis numbers are grounded in the context in which they were
developed. The team decided to de-identify the cities as a means to prevent the use of this
analysis to argue against ambitious policy adoption.
City A is located in Climate Zone 4 (ASHRAE Climate Zones, 2011), which
includes cities such as Louisville, KY: Nashville, TN; and Richmond, VA. The
city has a population between 250,000 and 400,000 people (US Census Bureau
QuickFacts, 2020), and its metro area has a per capita personal income of roughly
City B is located in Climate Zone 5 (ASHRAE Climate Zones, 2011), which
includes cities such as Pittsburgh, PA; Salt Lake City, UT; and Spokane, WA.
The city has a population between 650,000 and 800,000 people, and its metro area
has a per capita personal income of roughly $65,000 (US Census Bureau
QuickFacts, 2020)
City C is located in Climate Zone 3 (ASHRAE Climate Zones, 2011), which
includes cities such as Atlanta, GA; Dallas, TX; and San Diego, CA. The city has
a population between 3.5 million and 5 million people, and its metro area has a
per capita personal income of roughly $65,000 (US Census Bureau QuickFacts,
The following section outlines the methodology that we recommend city governments
conduct, in the context of their own knowledge of their city’s housing stock, in order to
understand where a BPS could intersect with the affordable housing stock, and use the results to
guide policy protections and the development of supportive resources.
To estimate the number of multifamily affordable housing buildings that would be
affected by a BPS law in these three example cities, we replicated a methodology for identifying
The purpose of selecting different climate zones is to emphasize the diversity in these cities.
While we have used real data sets from actual cities, we have been unable to validate these data sets with city
officials or other third parties. As such, we prefer to keep the names of the cities anonymous. The challenges we
faced in analyzing this data illustrate the paucity of reliable comprehensive data on this topic and the imperative
need for cities considering BPS policies to undertake such analysis.
affordable housing properties developed by the National Housing Trust (NHT) for the District of
Columbia government for the report, “Recommendations for Implementing the District’s
Building Energy Performance Standard in Affordable Multifamily Housing.” NHT’s report
provides an excellent starting point for cities and this analysis builds directly on that foundation
to show its replicability for other geographies.
To identify affordable properties, two separate datasets were used for subsidized and
NOAH buildings: the National Housing Preservation Database (NHPD) and 2016 datasets from
Costar Realty Information, Inc., respectively. According to Freddie Mac, “multifamily housing”
are residential buildings with more than four living units (Freddie Mac, 2020). Therefore, we
excluded all buildings with four or fewer units from this analysis.
We assume that subsidized housing includes Section 8, LIHTC, and Public Housing.
Within the NHPD dataset, subsidies are marked as either “active,” “inconclusive,” or “inactive.”
Only buildings with “active” and “inconclusive” subsidies are included in this analysis.
Unsubsidized buildings were assumed to fall into the NOAH segment. CoStar assigns a star
rating from one to five for each recorded property, which corresponds to the number of amenities
offered and the condition of the building. One- and two-star multifamily buildings were used as a
proxy to identify NOAH, since, relative to the rest of a city’s building stock, these properties are
priced lower, due to their construction date, type, amenities offered, etc. (Pyati, 2016).
Otherwise, there is no data source for tracking NOAH properties.
For each of the three cities, we assumed two different size thresholds for buildings that
would potentially be covered by a BPS, based on precedent with the building performance
policies in other jurisdictions: 25,000 square feet and 50,000 square feet. While 25,000 square
feet and 50,000 square feet are common thresholds for building performance policies to date, it is
important to keep in mind that cities may use different size thresholds for covered buildings if or
when they ultimately establish their building performance standards, and this methodology could
be used as a way to understand how that policy design decision may impact (positively or
negatively) the affordable housing stock in the city. As BPS policy design is in a relatively early
stage, with only a few enacted examples, there is room in the future for BPS policies to include
more expansive policy goals than the current models. For the purposes of this analysis, we’re
envisioning risk in the context of this first generation of BPS policies and the subsequent
analysis is intended to provide only an estimate of the relative magnitude of the potential impact
such standards may have on affordable housing.
Analysis and Findings
Table numbers correlate to the following cities’ multifamily affordable housing
estimates: Tables 1–3 for City A; Table 4–6 for City B; and Tables 7–9 for City C. In all
geographies, a BPS policy is likely to impact the majority of subsidized affordable housing.
Nearly all subsidized multifamily units in all cities (94–96 percent) will likely be
eventually impacted by a BPS policy as the size threshold for square footage decreases.
However, in cities B and C, which are relatively large cities, subsidized housing units comprise a
fraction (33 percent and 14 percent, respectively) of the cities’ total multifamily affordable
housing. Without diminishing the importance of subsidized housing for providing resources and
shelter to low-income populations, this emphasizes that unsubsidized/NOAH buildings provide a
large proportion of the housing in these and other large metropolitan areas, and are therefore
NOAH building owners and tenants are critical stakeholders to engage in policy design.
Of the three cities, City B’s NOAH buildings will be the most affected by the passage of
a BPS policy. Over half of the NOAH units will be affected by a size threshold of 50,000 square
feet, and this will increase to three-quarters of NOAH units affected with the passage of a 25,000
square foot size threshold. Conversely, City A’s NOAH stock will be the least-affected by the
passage of a building performance standard, since it consists exclusively of buildings less than
25,000 square feet. Despite this, City A’s overall multifamily affordable housing will be the
most-affected overall by a BPS in both size threshold scenarios. Similarly, the vast majority (86
percent) of NOAH buildings in City C are smaller than 25,000 square feet, and would not be
covered by a building performance standard in either scenario.
In City C, dropping the BPS size threshold to 25,000 square feet, increases the percentage
of all buildings covered by the law by 20 percent. With the same change in threshold, cities A
and B’s affected building stocks will include an additional 10 percent and 16 percent of the
totals, respectively.
Table 1: Cities A, B, and C: Multifamily Affordable Housing Estimates, total
Breakdown of Affordable Housing
Square Feet
City A
Section 8
LIHTC without Section 8
Public Housing, without LIHTC and
Section 8
7.6% 15.9% 9.3%
City B
Section 8
LIHTC without Section 8
Public Housing, without LIHTC and
Section 8
0.9% 5.6% 5.6%
City C
Section 8
LIHTC without Section 8
Public Housing, without LIHTC and
Section 8
0.1% 1.9% 1.9%
Sources: The National Housing Preservation Database, 2020. CoStar Realty, 2016.
Table 2: City A: Multifamily Affordable Housing Estimates, 50,000 Sq. Ft. and 25,000
thresholds, percentages of total counts
Housing Type
50,000 Sq. Ft. and over
Sq. Ft.
Sq. Ft.
Section 8
LIHTC without
Section 8
Public Housing,
without LIHTC and
Section 8
Sources: The National Housing Preservation Database, 2020. CoStar Realty, 2016.
Table 3: City B: Multifamily Affordable Housing Estimates, 50,000 Sq. Ft. and 25,000 Sq. Ft.
Housing Type
50,000 Sq. Ft. and over
25,000 Sq. Ft. and over
Section 8
LIHTC without
Section 8
4.9% 13.4% 15.0% 6.0% 14.4% 14.4%
Public Housing,
without LIHTC and
Section 8
0.6% 5.3% 5.6% 0.8% 5.5% 5.5%
Sources: The National Housing Preservation Database, 2020. CoStar Realty, 2016.
Table 4: City C: Multifamily Affordable Housing Estimates, 50,000 Sq. Ft. and 25,000 Sq. Ft.
Housing Type
50,000 Sq. Ft. and over
25,000 Sq. Ft. and over
Sq. Ft.
Sq. Ft.
Section 8
LIHTC without
Section 8
0.8% 5.4% 5.4% 1.3% 7.0% 7.0%
Public Housing,
without LIHTC
and Section 8
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 1.9% 1.9%
Sources: The National Housing Preservation Database, 2020. CoStar Realty, 2016.
Using the approach outlined above, a jurisdiction can estimate how much of its affordable
housing stock would be covered under a potential BPS policy. With this estimate, jurisdictions
ideally would use data on the local multifamily building stock to develop a ballpark
understanding of the costs of compliance for affected MFAH buildings. Because there are not
many comprehensive and updated analyses in each city on the cost of compliance to comply with
BPS policies, the following section describes a methodology of assessing energy retrofit costs
developed by New York City nonprofit, The Building Energy Exchange, using data acquired
from New York City’s energy audit law. Jurisdictions with access to similar data could attempt
to replicate this method if resources allow. Where such replication is not possible, jurisdictions
could pair the results of the New York City analysis with local benchmarking data to arrive at
rough cost estimates for their local MFAH buildings, where such a comparison makes sense.
Estimating BPS Compliance Costs for Affordable Housing
For policymakers considering a performance standard, a primary concern is the cost that
owners of affordable buildings will have to bear in improving performance up to the standard. A
standard that demands large efficiency gains over a short period of time could be overwhelming
to owners of affordable buildings; however, a policy that allows owners to make capital-
intensive improvements at opportune moments in the building’s financing lifecycle can reduce
costs and help owners manage the financial burden.
There is limited publicly available data that includes breakdowns of the cost to
implement energy efficiency upgrades specific to the stock considered for a BPS policy (of the
precedent type). Since New York City has collected extensive data on its local building stock for
the last 10 years, it has the most information on building performance and improvement
potential. As such, we started our analysis with the data that has been compiled in New York
City on this topic, recognizing that costs in New York City are generally higher than in most
other cities in the country and that some of the retrofits identified in this analysis may be more
relevant for the New York City climate. In its report “Turning Data Into Action: Retrofitting
Affordability,” the Building Energy Exchange (BE-Ex) used data from Local Law 87, New York
City’s energy audit and retro-commissioning law, to create packages of energy conservation
measures (ECMs) appropriate for common “touchpoints” in a building’s financing lifecycle
(Building Energy Exchange, 2018).
The three main packages are:
Anytime/Anywhere ECMs: These are easy and inexpensive ECMs with a short
payback period that building owners can install at almost any time. BE-Ex
estimates that in NYC, these ECMs cost less than $0.25/Sq. ft. and pay back in
2.5 years.
Mid-Cycle Retrofit ECMs: These ECMs generally capture greater energy
savings than Anytime/Anywhere ECMs and do not depend on any particular
event in the building’s operations or lifecycle. Most often, these ECMs require
owners to arrange financing, a process that takes some time and effort to plan.
BE-Ex estimates that in New York City, these ECMs cost $1.00/Sq. ft. or less
and pay back in six years.
Refinance Retrofit: Capital-intensive energy improvements, which offer the
greatest energy savings, should occur when properties refinance, as this is
generally the only time that affordable multifamily properties can access
adequate capital. These ECMs cost more than $1.00/Sq. ft. in New York City
and have pay back periods that often exceed 10 years.
Using data collected from mandated energy audits, BE-Ex profiled a number of common
New York City multifamily building types, applying the three ECM packages to each one to
estimate energy savings, costs, and payback periods. The authors of this paper selected four
Note: BE-Ex also notes that events such as tenant turnover and replacement of major building systems and
equipment are opportune times to implement some of the ECMs included in the three main packages.
building types from BE-Ex’s analysis that we consider the closest analogues to building types
common in many U.S. cities:
Post-war (19471979) high-rise (8+ stories) with gas heating
Pre-war (1947 or earlier) low-rise (< 8 stories) with gas heating
Post-war (19471979) low-rise with gas heating
All Electric
According to BE-Ex’s analysis a 100,000-square-foot, 100-unit building representing each of
these four types of multifamily buildings would have similar costs and payback periods if they
were to implement any of the three ECM packages. BE-Ex estimated that the owner of such a
building would need to spend roughly $14,000 to implement the Anytime/Anywhere package,
which would payback in roughly 2.5 years and reduce energy consumption by five percent. For
the Mid-Cycle retrofit, which reduces energy consumption by 10 percent, the cost would be
about $70,000 with a payback period of 6–7 years. Finally, for the Refinance Retrofit, estimated
to net 30 percent energy savings, would cost these building types about $400,000 and payback in
12–14 years.
These packages of ECMs, though specific to the multifamily building stock of New York
City and local cost and payback estimates, present a useful way of understanding the general
scale of costs that multifamily building owners in other jurisdictions may incur in achieving
certain levels of energy savings. Because New York City is unique in so many respects,
correlating the BE-Ex data with the data presented in Energy Efficiency for All’ study titled
Potential for Energy Savings in Affordable Multifamily Housing
study would be a useful next
step to refine the understanding of the cost of a BPS within the affordable multifamily sector. In
the interim, jurisdictions could also consider using R.S. Means construction cost scaling factors
for NYC as a comparison point. Jurisdictions considering adopting performance standards for
multifamily buildings should also use public benchmarking data, if available, to identify how
their affordable multifamily buildings currently perform relative to the building performance
standard they are considering. For buildings that are 15 percent or below the jurisdiction’s
proposed minimum energy standard, the jurisdiction will need to provide enough flexibility in
the law to allow those buildings’ owners to comply in line with refinancing, otherwise, the costs
and capital requirements could be overwhelming and put the buildings financial viability in
jeopardy. Jurisdictions that have the necessary resources should work with experts to create
estimates of common ECM packages and their costs and paybacks that are specific to the local
multifamily building stock in order to understand the scale of support needed.
Given that many affordable multifamily buildings will face significant costs in complying
with performance standards, jurisdictions considering adoption of such laws should have
strategies in place to help affordable housing owners manage costs without driving up the total
cost of housing for residents. The analysis above estimating the potential amount of square
footage represented by low income and affordable housing is intended to draw attention to the
magnitude of this challenge and to provide a roadmap for how cities could tackle this analysis on
their own.
Report can be accessed here:
Potential Tools to Better Support Multifamily Affordable Housing
While building performance standards are an important tool for reducing the energy
consumption in buildings and decreasing carbon emissions, the previous sections demonstrate
that affordable housing will face numerous challenges complying with these policies until an
appropriate infrastructure of support and resources is established. This challenge is particularly
relevant for local governments in states with low levels of funding available to fund energy
efficiency incentives as well as in expensive housing markets. This challenge is exacerbated by
the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and corollary economic crisis. In addition, while the naturally
occurring affordable housing segment helps provide additional housing for low-income
households, it is particularly challenging to support from a policy perspective, given that it is
often dominated by individual owners who are difficult to identify and are likely to be less
sophisticated about navigating government programs and accessing financing support. In light of
these factors, we recommend several strategies in three categories of action that jurisdictions
should use to address the specific and significant needs of affordable housing. Note that while
some of these solutions address the design of BPS policy, others can be considered to be general
best practices for improving the energy performance of affordable housing. Given how new BPS
policies are, and the fact that no jurisdictions are yet implementing such policies, tangible lessons
learned in BPS policy design and implementation will only be available in the coming years. In
the meantime, the ideas outlined below are intended to provide policymakers with a starting
point for how to proactively think about and support affordable housing under such mandates
drawing from lessons learned in the energy efficiency program design space.
Affordable Housing Gap Assessment
First, we recommend jurisdictions develop a clear gap assessment regarding affordable
housing. Policymakers need to have a detailed understanding of their affordable housing stock
and its energy performance overall (ideally broken down by type of affordable housing and
location in the city). This quantitative analysis should be supplemented with discussions with all
relevant affordable housing stakeholders, including tenants, Housing Finance Authorities, Public
Housing Authorities, and Community Development Financial Institutions (CFDIs). These
discussions should focus on identifying the qualitative energy efficiency needs of affordable
housing stakeholders, existing resources to support affordable housing, and specific obstacles
that could prevent action.
In seeking sources of support for improving the performance of affordable multifamily
buildings, policymakers should review resources such as utility programs, weatherization funds
and programming, and Housing and Urban Development resources and programs. Utility
programs and incentive funding for improved building energy performance can be leveraged as a
way to decrease up-front costs for required capital investments to meet compliance standards.
Federally funded weatherization funding could also be used in a similar manner, though these
programs currently are already oversubscribed. While it is less likely that a city government can
alter the requirements or design of federal programs, cities may be able to work collaboratively
with their utilities to ensure that their programs are as effective as possible for supporting
affordable housing to comply with a BPS. While documentation of the specific programming and
annual funding offered is useful, it is crucial for housing providers, utilities, and other program
administrators to interact and share feedback on how programs and funding might be leveraged
and coordinated to ensure maximum impact. During this discussion, it would also be useful to
have stakeholders identify specific gaps and problems for the affordable housing segment.
These discussions will help flesh out a detailed gap assessment for improving the energy
performance of local affordable housing, highlighting which housing types are likely to be most
affected and providing quantitative estimates for how much funding is needed over time for
different affordable housing segments to comply with a BPS.
Refining Building Performance Standards to Meet Needs of Affordable Housing
There are many opportunities within the BPS framework to build in flexibility and think
creatively about how to best help affordable housing owners meet and benefit from building
upgrades. Further, many of the recommendations in this section should be available to all
buildings but will likely result in increased benefit to affordable housing. Preference should be
given to strategies that principally rely on providing financial, staffing, and technical assistance
to affordable housing owners and that provide BPS-compliance flexibility to owners only to the
extent that the flexibility does not diminish carbon savings or energy cost savings to tenants.
Only where there are insufficient resources to help affordable housing to comply with BPS on
the same terms as other buildings, should jurisdictions consider granting additional flexibility
that will reduce savings. There are several potential paths to increasing flexibility in a building
performance standard to address the needs of affordable housing.
First, it is critical that jurisdictions pursuing BPS adoption engage with local stakeholders
in the affordable housing community during the policy design process. These stakeholders
should include owners and tenants of multifamily affordable buildings, community lenders, and
service providers that have insight into the needs of the local building stock. Gathering locally
relevant priorities as well as barriers to investment in energy efficiency upgrades should inform
the design of compliance paths and support resources.
A principal benefit of BPS is that they require that buildings achieve quantitative metrics
of performance without specifying how buildings achieve it. Thus, they give owners flexibility to
select the mix of capital and operational improvements that are best for the owners’
circumstances accounting for the needs of tenants. BPS should also be designed with long-term
standards while providing owners as much flexibility as practical regarding the timing of
building improvements to allow owners to account for equipment life cycles, tenant turnover,
staff capacity, and financing cycles when timing building improvements. This flexibility should
be granted to all owners including owners of affordable housing. Only when this flexibility and
resources to assist affordable owners are insufficient should jurisdictions consider adding more
flexible compliance paths available only to affordable housing. In such cases, provisions like the
following can help and should be balanced against potential reductions in carbon savings and
utility bill savings to tenants:
Allow affordable housing to comply, not only by reaching the standard, but also by
narrowing by a specified percentage (e.g. 70 percent the gap between the building’s
baseline performance and the standard and/or,
It is important to define the eligibility criteria of affordable housing to target resources and attention where they are
most needed.
Allow affordable housing that achieves a set performance level significantly better than a
short-term standard to be in compliance for the entire duration of a mortgage on the
An additional way to build in more flexibility for affordable housing is to allow for
delays in compliance for specific, documented conditions. Examples might include:
Allowing additional time (perhaps 12 months) to comply with the standard for buildings
that have undergone a recent energy efficiency retrofit but haven’t achieved targeted
reductions yet;
Granting a building additional time (two to three years, for example) to comply with the
performance requirements such that the investments can be coordinated with mid-cycle
capitalization; and/or
Allowing a deferral if building reserves, net operating income, and subsidies are
insufficient to cover cost of upgrades and the owner is unable to access debt. (This
provision would require documentation from the building owner regarding the building’s
finances and its efforts to access financing and subsidies.) In some cases, a deferral
should be granted to enable a building owner to refinance the property’s mortgage on
schedule and finance deep retrofits as part of the new mortgage.
In all of these cases, it would be important to document and track the reasons for delayed
compliance and to prioritize these buildings for additional technical and/or financial assistance if
possible. The St. Louis BPS
includes an innovative feature developed by the Buildings Division
to provide an administrative structure for tailored technical assistance. The ordinance stipulates
the creation of a board to oversee and approve alternative compliance plans for noncompliant
buildings. This mechanism will allow buildings that have resource constraints to present
alternative plans to achieve energy reductions that will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-
case basis. The ordinance also specifies that out of nine total seats on the board, two must be
filled by affordable housing representatives: one owner and one resident.
Another important policy mechanism for supporting affordable housing would be to tie
the level of penalties to the appraised value of the home or buildings. This approach may help
prevent penalties levied on affordable housing from becoming an overwhelming burden on the
building owners and exacerbating an already challenging situation, and has the additional benefit
of perceived fairness by building owners.
Policymakers should be aware that federal and state public housing rules may necessitate
developing specific carve-outs and adjustments. While it is in theory possible to use the federal
Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) pay-for-performance program to fund
investments in energy efficiency out of the resulting savings from lower energy costs, which
reduce HUD’s utility allowance payments, in reality it appears that this approach has not yet
worked well. As such, we would recommend that the City engage HUD to work with affordable
housing providers to develop and implement specific policy adjustments that could be helpful.
This could apply to new or existing mortgages as well as refinancing.
For more information on St Louis’s BPS: https://www.imt.org/st-louis-passes-first-building-performance-standard-
Identifying Possible Solutions and Resources for Affordable Housing
The third category of action is focused on identifying possible solutions and additional
resources to meet the identified gap to help affordable housing owners comply with building
performance standards. The first step is to tailor existing energy efficiency programing, funding,
and regulation to meet the needs of affordable housing. For example, such programs should
enable funding for investments aimed at saving all fuels, even if they are only funded from, for
example, electricity utility sales. In addition, in developing cost-benefit analyses for affordable
housing it is particularly important to count non-energy benefits (such as improving health
outcomes, reducing the energy burden, and job training) and to focus on whole-building savings
for instance, by following the National Standard Practice Manual for Assessing Cost-
Effectiveness of Energy Efficiency Resources.
While this is the case in some jurisdictions, such
as New York State, it is not the case in all states. These efforts are likely to entail utility
decisions and/or regulatory changes, and as such, it will be important for policymakers to
communicate with, educate, and work with utilities, as well as to educate state public utility
commissioners and staff, about the state’s specific mandates (and local BPS within the state),
along with gaps in existing state-funded programs. Cities with their own municipal utilities may
have an advantage here where they can request efficiency programs that specifically support
their BPS policy.
In addition, policymakers need to think about how these programs target and engage with
customers. The affordable housing segment generally requires enhanced outreach and education,
and the segment particularly benefits from a one-stop shop approach (as illustrated by the
success of the Elevate Energy approach in the Chicagoland area).
This approach could also be
supplemented by city efforts to compile consumer friendly (i.e., simple, jargon-free)
documentation about the most common cost-effective measures, a list of qualified vendors,
common questions and answers, and contact information for additional questions.
Another way for cities to provide support to affordable housing is to create targeted
programs for affordable housing compliance that provide technical and/or financial assistance to
the highest need properties. Cities should investigate helping their local Community
Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to establish loan programs coordinated with
buildings’ refinancing cycles and that accurately reflect local building energy performance
requirements. Such programs should typically market to smaller properties, properties at the
point of recapitalization, and naturally occurring affordable housing. Cities, lenders, or others
could condition their financial assistance on the building owner putting in place tenant protection
policies, such as rent increase restrictions; eviction protection; and conditions for sale. These
protections should be backed up by monitoring and enforcement.
The LEAN Program in Massachusetts, which focuses on providing comprehensive
energy efficiency services to multifamily housing, requires that for-profit owners of multifamily
buildings sign a 5- to 10-year affordability agreement with LEAN to ensure that the benefits
offered through the program accrue to low-income residents over the long term. Such programs
can help meet the long-term capital investment needs of many affordable housing buildings over
time. Building owner reluctance or inability to fund steps at the front end of the efficiency
renovation process also significantly deter efficiency investments. This impediment can be
See for example: https://nationalefficiencyscreening.org/national-standard-practice-manual/
See for example: https://archive.epa.gov/epa/sites/production/files/2016-
addressed by subsidized audits, technical assistances and program management offered by cities,
utilities or others—though finding such funding is a recurring challenge.
Technical support should include audits and recommendations for priority retrofits; the
program should be set up as a one-stop shop providing “concierge” style support. For example,
in New York City, the Retrofit Accelerator, which was launched by city government, uses city
funds to provide free advisory services to help building owners streamline the processes of
making building efficiency improvements, finding cash incentives and financing, finding
qualified contractors, and training their building operation staff on how to run buildings
efficiently. The Accelerator analyzes building energy performance using the city’s benchmarking
and audit data sets to prioritize buildings likely to save the most energy.
Finally, cities can provide additional support to affordable housing. A useful action, for
example, would be to engage with and educate local lenders about building performance
requirements and the likely financial impacts on affordable housing and potential liabilities to
lenders, so that lenders can incorporate best practices into their underwriting standards to protect
their borrowers and themselves from potential liability from non-compliance with building
performance standards.
To the extent that a city and its partners are not able to stand up a
technical support and/or financial assistance program, it should at a minimum conduct outreach
and education about the building performance standards, especially to owners of smaller
affordable housing buildings that are subject to the policy. Along with this outreach, cities can
provide standardized documentation about programs and incentives and provide a helpline for
building owners and managers to call with questions. Finally, cities and their partners can
provide resources and support for tenant education on energy efficiency, both directly to tenants
as well as to building owners and associations. Many cities partner with their local U.S. Green
Building Council chapter, Building Owner and Manager Association chapter, and other real
estate organizations.
Building performance standards, though a promising strategy for significantly reducing
energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in buildings, present a difficult challenge for
U.S. local governments seeking to address climate change without exacerbating the housing
affordability crisis. While there are methodologies jurisdictions can use to estimate the scale of
impacts for affordable housing and the likely costs, our research revealed that the data needed for
these analyses is limited in its availability and that few jurisdictions have conducted such
analysis to date. Nonetheless, jurisdictions with the resources can replicate the methods
presented here to understand the scope of the potential intersection of a performance policy and
the affordable housing stock in order to assess risk. Further, all jurisdictions can apply the ideas
described in this paper to facilitate the thoughtful inclusion of affordable housing in BPS policies
without endangering the existence of such properties.
A good example is “Underwriting Efficiency: A Lender Handbook” by Community Preservation Corporation:
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