1. “Agricultural Structure” means a structure on a farm used solely for agricultural purposes in which the use is exclusively in
connection with the production, harvesting, storage, drying, or raising of agricultural commodities, including the raising of
livestock. Structures used for human habitation, public use, or a place of employment where agricultural products are
processed, treated, or packaged are not considered agriculture structures for the purposes of these regulations.
2. “Forest” means a biological community dominated by trees and other woody plants covering a land area of one contiguous
acre or greater, and that have at least 100 trees per acre with at least 50% of those trees having a 2 inch or greater
diameter at 4.5 feet above the ground and larger. Forest does not include orchards or other stands of trees having a curve
number equivalent to “woods-grass combination”. To determine whether a site meets the definition of a forest at baseline
condition of 2017, the Department or its authorized Delegated Agency may use data from various sources, including but not
limited to Land Use/Land Cover data, historic and recent aerial photography, field collected data, etc.
Applicability Criteria
1. The total land disturbance will not exceed 5.0 acres.
2. The pre-construction land use at the location of the agricultural structure is historically agricultural use (farmstead, crop
field, pasture). Within the disturbed area, the pre- development land use is not classified as forest. If any portion of the
pre-construction land use is forest, a detailed plan is required.
3. The proposed impervious area as a result of construction of an agricultural structure is less than 10% of the watershed area
to the point of discharge from the parcel.
Site Information
Project Name:
Site Location:
Tax Parcel ID:
Parcel Total Acres (nearest 0.1ac):
Disturbed Acres (nearest 0.1ac):
Proposed Impervious Area: sq ft / ac
Wooded area to be cleared: sq ft / ac
Applicant Information
Mailing Address:
Owner Phone:
Owner Email:_______________________________________
Mailing Address:
Applicant Phone:
Applicant Email:_____________________________________
The review fee is $165 per disturbed acre to the nearest 0.1 acre with a minimum fee of $165 for any standard plan approvals
disturbing less than 1.0 acre. Make checks payable to City of Newark.
PWWR SWM Std Plan App - Ag Structure [May 2020].pdf