1. “Agricultural Structure” means a structure on a farm used solely for agricultural purposes in which the use is exclusively in
connection with the production, harvesting, storage, drying, or raising of agricultural commodities, including the raising of
livestock. Structures used for human habitation, public use, or a place of employment where agricultural products are
processed, treated, or packaged are not considered agriculture structures for the purposes of these regulations.
2. “Forest” means a biological community dominated by trees and other woody plants covering a land area of one contiguous
acre or greater, and that have at least 100 trees per acre with at least 50% of those trees having a 2 inch or greater
diameter at 4.5 feet above the ground and larger. Forest does not include orchards or other stands of trees having a curve
number equivalent to “woods-grass combination”. To determine whether a site meets the definition of a forest at baseline
condition of 2017, the Department or its authorized Delegated Agency may use data from various sources, including but not
limited to Land Use/Land Cover data, historic and recent aerial photography, field collected data, etc.
Applicability Criteria
1. The total land disturbance will not exceed 5.0 acres.
2. The pre-construction land use at the location of the agricultural structure is historically agricultural use (farmstead, crop
field, pasture). Within the disturbed area, the pre- development land use is not classified as forest. If any portion of the
pre-construction land use is forest, a detailed plan is required.
3. The proposed impervious area as a result of construction of an agricultural structure is less than 10% of the watershed area
to the point of discharge from the parcel.
Site Information
Project Name:
Site Location:
Tax Parcel ID:
Parcel Total Acres (nearest 0.1ac):
Disturbed Acres (nearest 0.1ac):
Proposed Impervious Area: sq ft / ac
Wooded area to be cleared: sq ft / ac
Applicant Information
Mailing Address:
Owner Phone:
Owner Email:_______________________________________
Mailing Address:
Applicant Phone:
Applicant Email:_____________________________________
The review fee is $165 per disturbed acre to the nearest 0.1 acre with a minimum fee of $165 for any standard plan approvals
disturbing less than 1.0 acre. Make checks payable to City of Newark.
PWWR SWM Std Plan App - Ag Structure [May 2020].pdf
1 of 2
Last Revised: May 2020
Standard Conditions
1. Nutrient management plan recommendations will be followed for the project, during construction and throughout the life
of the project.
2. Discharges from rooftops will be disconnected from impervious surfaces to the maximum extent practicable. Downspouts,
if applicable, will discharge to a stabilized area, such as grass or gravel.
3. Impervious surfaces, including compacted gravel roadways, will be graded to sheet flow to pervious areas to the maximum
extent practicable.
4. Construction site stormwater management best management practices will be used. Standard Detail and Specification DE-
ESC-3.7.1 ESC For Minor Development will be followed (see attachment).
5. Construction projects exceeding 1.0 acre of total disturbance require submittal of a Notice of Intent (NOI) for Stormwater
Discharges Associated with Construction Activity. A plan fulfilling Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
requirements must be developed to obtain general permit coverage for Stormwater Discharges Associated with
Construction Activity (see attachment).
6. Approval of this Standard Plan does not relieve the applicant from complying with any and all federal, state, county or
municipal laws and regulations.
Stabilization Conditions
1. Following initial soil disturbance or redisturbance, temporary or permanent stabilization with seed and mulch shall be
completed within 14 calendar days to the surface of all disturbed areas not actively under construction.
2. Specific stabilization recommendations may be found in the Delaware Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, 3.4.3
Standard and Specifications for Vegetative Stabilization.
Applicant Certification
I, the undersigned, certify that the information supplied on this Application for Standard Plan Approval is accurate, the
proposed land disturbing activity meets the criteria established, and all conditions of this Standard Plan Approval will be met by
the applicant, builder, contractor, and owner during construction and post construction.
Applicant Signature: Date:
Applicant Printed Name: Title:
Approval Information (for office use only)
Approval # Fee Paid: $
Approved by: Approval Date:
Title: Expiration Date:
PWWR SWM Std Plan App - Ag Structure [May 2020].pdf
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Last Revised: May 2020
click to sign
click to edit
Source: Symbol: Detail No.
Standard Detail & Specifications
ESC for Minor Development
Sheet 1 of 2
Adapted from IN DNR,
"Erosion Control for the
Home Builder"
Flow Inlet protection - Type 1
Silt Fence SF
Sensitive Area Protection SAP
Stabilized Construction Inlet Protection - Type 2
Entrance SCE
Proposed Structure
Property Line (Typ.)
Effective February 2019
Source: Symbol: Detail No.
Standard Detail & Specifications
ESC for Minor Development
Construction Notes:
1. Evaluate the Site.
a. Identify Vegetation To Be Saved
b. Protect Trees and Sensitive Areas
2. Install Perimeter Erosion And Sediment Controls.
a. Protect down-slope areas with vegetative filter strips.
b. Protect down-slope areas with silt fence.
c. Restrict all lot access to stabilized construction entrance to prevent vehicles from tracking
mud onto roadways.
Install inlet protection on nearby storm drain inlets.
3. Prepare the Site for Construction.
4. Salvage and Stockpile the Topsoil/Subsoil
5. Build the Structure(s) and Install the Utilities.
6. Install Downspout Extenders
7. Maintain the Control Practices.
a. Maintain all erosion and sediment control practices until construction is completed and
the lot is stabilized.
b. Inspect the control practices a minimum of twice a week and after each storm event,
making any needed repairs immediately.
8. Revegetate the Building Site.
Redistribute the stockpiled subsoil and topsoil.
b. Seed or sod bare areas.
c. Mulch newly seeded areas.
9. Remove Remaining Temporary Control Measures.
Sheet 2 of 2
Adapted from IN DNR,
"Erosion Control for the
Home Builder"
Effective February 2019
Source: Symbol: Detail No.
Standard Detail & Specifications
Construction Site Waste Mgt &
Spill Control
Sheet 1 of 5
Delaware ESC Handbook
Volume of Potential
Height of containment
Area of containment
Volume of containment
Min. 9" compost
log or DE# 3
Stone berm
Fuel Tank
Fuel Tank
Stake as required per
compost log
manufacturer guidelines
Double layer
plastic sheeting
Double layer plastic
sheeting, or
approved equal
Effective February 2019
Source: Symbol: Detail No.
Standard Detail & Specifications
Construction Site Waste Mgt &
Spill Control
Pollution Prevention – Spill Prevention
1. Fueling should only take place in signed designated areas, away from downstream drainage
facilities and watercourses.
2. Fueling must be with nozzles equipped with automatic shut-off to control drips. Do not top off.
3. Protect the areas where equipment or vehicles are being repaired, maintained, fueled or parked
from storm water run-on and runoff.
4. Use barriers such as berms to prevent storm water run-on and runoff, and to contain spills.
5. Place a “Fueling Area” sign next to each fueling area.
6. Store hazardous materials such as fuel, solvents, oil and chemicals in secondary containment.
7. Inspect vehicles and equipment for leaks on each day of use. Repair fluid and oil leaks
8. Absorbent spill clean-up materials and spill kits must be available in fueling areas and on fuel
9. If fueling is to take place at night, make sure the fueling area is sufficiently illuminated.
10. Properly dispose of used oil, fluids, lubricants and spill clean-up materials.
1. If it is safe to do so, immediately contain and clean up any chemical and/or hazardous material
2. Properly dispose of used oil, fluids, lubricants and spill clean-up materials.
3. Do not bury spills or wash them down with water.
1. Use drip pans or absorbent pads at all times. Place under and around leaky equipment.
2. Do not allow oil, grease, fuel or chemicals to drip onto the ground.
3. Have spill kits and clean up material on-site.
4. Repair leaky equipment promptly or remove problem vehicles and equipment from the site.
Clean up contaminated soil immediately.
5. Store contaminated waste in sealed containers constructed of suitable material. Label these
containers properly.
6. Clean up all spills and leaks. Promptly dispose of waste and spent clean up materials.
Sheet 2 of 5
Delaware ESC Handbook
Effective February 2019
Source: Symbol: Detail No.
Standard Detail & Specifications
Construction Site Waste Mgt &
Spill Control
Sheet 3 of 5
Adapted from USEPA
Pub. 840-B-92-002
The Construction Site Pollution Prevention Plan should include the following elements:
1. Material Inventory
Document the storage and use of the following materials:
a. Concrete
b. Detergents
c. Paints (enamel and latex)
d. Cleaning solvents
e. Pesticides
f. Wood scraps
g. Fertilizers
h. Petroleum based products
2. Good housekeeping practices
a. Store only enough product required to do the job.
b. All materials shall be stored in a neat, orderly manner in their original labeled containers
and covered.
c. Substances shall not be mixed.
d. When possible, all of a product shall be used up prior to disposal of the container.
e. Manufacturers’ instructions for disposal shall be strictly adhered to.
f. The site foreman shall designate someone to inspect all BMPs daily.
3. Waste management practices
a. All waste materials shall be collected and stored in securely lidded dumpsters in a location
that does not drain to a waterbody.
b. Waste materials shall be salvaged and/or recycled whenever possible.
c. The dumpsters shall be emptied a minimum of twice per week, or more if necessary. The
licensed trash hauler is responsible for cleaning out dumpsters.
Effective February 2019
Source: Symbol: Detail No.
Standard Detail & Specifications
Construction Site Waste Mgt &
Spill Control
Notes (cont.)
d. Trash shall be disposed of in accordance with all applicable Delaware laws.
e. Trash cans shall be placed at all lunch spots and littering is strictly prohibited. Recycle bins
shall be placed near the construction trailer.
f. If fertilizer bags can not be stored in a weather-proof location, they shall be kept on a pallet
and covered with plastic sheeting which is overlapped and anchored.
4. Equipment maintenance practices
a. If possible, equipment should be taken to off-site commercial facilities for washing and
b. If performed on-site, vehicles shall be washed with high-pressure water spray without
detergents in an area contained by an impervious berm.
c. Drip pans shall be used for all equipment maintenance.
Equipment shall be inspected for leaks on a daily basis.
e. Washout from concrete trucks shall be disposed of in a temporary pit for hardening and
proper disposal.
f. Fuel nozzles shall be equipped with automatic shut-off valves.
g. All used products such as oil, antifreeze, solvents and tires shall be disposed of in
accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and local, state and federal laws and
5. Spill prevention practices
a. Potential spill areas shall be identified and contained in covered areas with no connection
to the storm drain system.
b. Warning signs shall be posted in hazardous material storage areas.
c. Preventive maintenance shall be performed on all tanks, valves, pumps, pipes and other
equipment as necessary.
d. Low or non-toxic substances shall be prioritized for use.
Sheet 4 of 5
Adapted from USEPA
Pub. 840-B-92-002
Effective February 2019
Source: Symbol: Detail No.
Standard Detail & Specifications
Construction Site Waste Mgt &
Spill Control
Notes (cont.)
e. Contact information for reporting spills through the DNREC 24-Hour Toll Free Number shall
be prominently posted.
6. Education
a. Best management practices for construction site pollution control shall be a part of regular
progress meetings.
b. Information regarding waste management, equipment maintenance and spill prevention
shall be prominently posted in the construction trailer.
DNREC 24-Hour Toll Free Number 800-662-8802
DNREC Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch 302-739-9403
Sheet 5 of 5
Adapted from USEPA
Pub. 840-B-92-002
Effective February 2019