Standard Conditions
1. The area must be returned grassed or vegetated condition (excluding permeable pavement installation and the allowable
impervious areas), after construction and throughout the life of the project.
2. Discharges from added impervious areas will be disconnected to the maximum extent practicable using one of the following
methods or another method approved by the Department or Delegated Agency:
a. Impervious areas will discharge to grassed or vegetated area.
b. Discharges from impervious area will be collected to discharge to a rain garden.
c. Discharges from impervious areas will be collected in rain barrels or cisterns for reuse.
3. Construction site stormwater management best management practices will be used.
4. Construction projects exceeding 1.0 acre of total disturbance require submittal of a Notice of Intent (NOI) for Stormwater
Discharges Associated with Construction Activity. A plan fulfilling Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
requirements must be developed to obtain general permit coverage for Stormwater Discharges Associated with
Construction Activity (see attachment).
5. Approval of this Standard Plan does not relieve the applicant from complying with any and all federal, state, county or
municipal laws and regulations.
Stabilization Conditions
1. Following initial soil disturbance or redisturbance, temporary or permanent stabilization with seed and mulch shall be
completed within 14 calendar days to the surface of all disturbed areas not actively under construction.
2. Specific stabilization recommendations may be found in the Delaware Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, 3.4.3
Standard and Specifications for Vegetative Stabilization.
Applicant Certification
I, the undersigned, certify that the information supplied on this Application for Standard Plan Approval is accurate, the
proposed land disturbing activity meets the criteria established, and all conditions of this Standard Plan Approval will be met by
the applicant, builder, contractor, and owner during construction and post construction.
Applicant Signature: Date:
Applicant Printed Name: Title:
Approval Information (for office use only)
Approval # Fee Paid: $
Approved by: Approval Date:
Title: Expiration Date:
PWWR SWM Std Plan App - BMP Construction [May 2020].pdf
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