City of Wildwood, Florida
Development Services Department
100 N. Main St., Wildwood, FL 34785
Tel: 352.330.1334 Fax: 352.330.1338
Revised 4/2017
FDEP Utility Clearance Procedures
Potable Water Clearance
The following items are required to be submitted to the City in one complete package:
Three (3) hard copies of as-built drawing of system components to be cleared.
Two (2) copies of passing pressure test results.
Two (2) hard copies of unexpired passing bacteriological laboratory test results.
One (1) original copy of FDEP Certification of Construction Clearance form signed by all
parties except the City of Wildwood
Three (3) CD copies of all above materials with digital files in PDF and DWG format
Following review of the above items by the City Engineer, the FDEP clearance forms will be executed
by the Utilities Director and returned to the Engineer of Record for submittal to FDEP.
Sanitary Sewer Clearance
The following items are required to be submitted to the City in one complete package:
Three (3) hard copies of as-built drawing of system components to be cleared.
Two (2) copies of passing pressure test results.
Two (2) hard copies of lift station start up results
One (1) original copy of FDEP Certification of Construction Clearance form signed by all
parties except the City of Wildwood
Three (3) CD copies of all above materials with digital files in PDF and DWG format
Two (2) hard copies of O&M manuals (as applicable)
Following review of the above items by the City Engineer, the FDEP clearance forms will be executed
by the Utilities Director and returned to the Engineer of Record for submittal to FDEP.
Note: Please include all of the items below. If any of the items do not apply to your project, please write "N/A" and explain
in the notes section below. Failure to submit this checklist with your clearance package will result in a delay in processing.