City of Wildwood, Florida
Development Services Department
100 N. Main St., Wildwood, FL 34785
Tel: 352.330.1334 Fax: 352.330.1338
Staff Use Only
Case No.:
Fee Paid:
Receipt No.:
Revised 2/2019
Subdivision - Preliminary Plan Application
Contact Information:
Applicant Name:
Owner Name:
Engineer Name:
Property and Project Information:
*A project name is required for all submissions. Please choose a unique name for your project.
Property Address:
List Parcel Number(s):
Required Submittal Items:
Proposed Use of Property:Current Use of Property:
Current Future Land Use (FLU):
Note: All maps are required to depict adjacent properties at a minimum. Failure to provide adequate maps may delay the application process. Most maps are accessible through
the Interactive Map at Legal descriptions MUST be Microsoft Word format and must comprise the ENTIRE development.
Please describe your request in detail:
Required Data, Documents, Forms & Fees
Attached to this application is a list of REQUIRED data, documents and forms for each application type as well as the adopted fee schedule.
These items must be included when submitting the application package. Failure to include the supporting data will deem your application
package INCOMPLETE and will not be processed for review. Per Sec. 14-3 of the Wildwood Code of Ordinances, all charges for engineering
plan review, site inspections/visits, and other engineering services deemed necessary shall be paid by the developer at cost.
Signature: Date:
Current Zoning:
All submittals require two (2) CD copies with all below materials submitted in PDF format. All CD files MUST be labeled as shown below
and numbered in the order they appear below. Failure to do so will result in a delay in processing your application. Provide an additional
hard copy where noted below. Please note additional required materials and procedures on the following page.
B.1 Signed and Sealed Boundary Survey
Address: E-mail:
B.2 Plan Set, 24" x 36"
(Also Provide One (1) Hard Copy)
A.0 Preliminary Plan Application / $1,075.00 Fee
A.1 Property Card Printout (Include Parcel ID)
A.2 Current Deed
A.3 Aerial Photo / Location Map
A.4 Future Land Use Map
A.5 Zoning Map
A.6 Legal Description (Microsoft Word format)
B.3 Landscaping Plan / Tree Survey (as applicable)
C.1 Traffic Impact Study or Statement
C.2 Concurrency Applications (as applicable)
C.3 Environmental Assessment (as applicable)
C.4 Stormwater/Drainage Calculations (as applicable)
D.1 Sign Application (as applicable)
D.2 Tree Removal Permit (as applicable)
A.7 Signed, Notarized Authorized Agent Form
(If application is being submitted by any person other
than the legal owner(s) of the property)
click to sign
click to edit
Additional Required Submittal Items and Plan Elements
All Preliminary Development Plans Shall be prepared on sets of sheets sized 24" x 36". A key map must be provided for easy navigation
through the individual sheets. All site plans are required to meet the City's design district standards. Plans shall contain the following
information at a minimum (For a more comprehensive listing, see the City of Wildwood Land Development Regulations, §5.4).
Additional Submittal Items (May Come with Improvement Plan):
IMPORTANT: You will be issued a Project Number and Project Name after submitting your application. All future correspondence regarding your
project, including additional submittals or requests for additional documentation, should be directed to
with your Project Number and Project Name in the subject line.
Title Block
Required on the Plans:
F.1 Permits (as applicable)
1. Southwest Florida Water Management District
2. Driveway
3. County
4. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
5. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)
F.2 Copy of Any Executed Developer's Agreement (as applicable)
E.3 Copy of Any Executed Developer's Agreement with the City
E.1 Draft Copy of Proposed Covenants and Restrictions
E.2 HOA Documents and/or Maintenance Agreement
Proposed Subdivision Name
Section, Township, Range of Property
Date of Preparation
General Information
Tabulations of Open Space, Density, Intensity, etc.
Certification of Registered Engineer/Surveyor
Vicinity Map Showing Relationship to Surrounding Streets
(Scale of Not Less than 1 inch = 1,000 feet)
North Arrow, Scale, Number of Sheets Designated on All
Legend Showing Information such as Zoning, Acreage to be
Subdivided, Number of Lots, Phase Numbers, Datum, etc.
Legal Description and Tax Identification of the Lands to be
Contact Information of the Property Owner, Surveyor, and
Required on the Plans (Continued):
Boundaries, Zoning, and Design District Standards
Existing and Proposed Streets on and Adjacent to the Site,
including Name, Right-of-way Width and Location
Setbacks, Buffers, and Other Features Demonstrating
Compliance with Design District Standards
Bearings and Distances of Boundary Lines with a Heavy Line
Zoning Districts on and Adjacent to the Site
Lot Lines, Dimensions, Numbers, and Block Numbers
Existing and Proposed Improvements, including Buildings
Existing Driveways and Median Openings within 100 Feet
Lakes, Marshes, Swamps, Watercourses, etc. as Shown on a
Recent Aerial Photo
Natural Features
Limits of Floodplain
Existing Easements on Property
Contours at a Minimum of 5-foot Intervals for the Tract Being
Subdivided and Extending 25 Feet Beyond the Property Line,
Including Surface Water Elevations and Date
Tree Survey - List by type, all trees with DBH greater than
10" (measured at a height of 4', 6" above existing grade)
Utilities, Drainage, and Stormwater
Proposed Source of Water, Sewer, Gas, and Electricity
Drainage Concept Plan - Flow direction; location of retention
Soil Classification Map
Utilities on and Adjacent to Site
Stormwater Management System
Agency Permits Listed on Front Page, including Status