Last Reviewed: July 27, 2020
In consideration of Eastern Florida State College (“EFSC”) allowing the undersigned to participate in the
in-person Activity described above, the undersigned hereby acknowledges and agrees that:
1. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and possibly death.
2. While EFSC has taken reasonable steps to minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19 while
participating in the Activity, there is always an inherent risk of exposure in any place where people
are present.
3. I am under no obligation by EFSC to participate in the Activity and my participation is voluntary.
4. Despite the potential risks associated with participating in the Activity, I wish to participate, and freely
accept and assume all risks and responsibility for all damages that may result from my participation.
5. I must always comply with all EFSC health and safety requirements relating to COVID-19, including
but not limited to, always wearing facial coverings (over the nose and mouth) and maintaining social
distancing (at least 6 feet) while participating in the Activity.
6. Within the last fourteen (14) days, I have not:
a. Received a positive test for COVID-19;
b. Experienced any symptoms1 of COVID-19; or
c. Had close contact2 with anyone who has COVID-19.
7. If at any time my representation in 6.a., 6.b., or 6.c. (above) becomes untrue, I will immediately notify
the Activity supervisor and/or other EFSC official and follow their directives.
8. I understand that if I reasonably appear to be sick while participating in the Activity, I may be required
to leave the Activity at the discretion of the Activity supervisor and/or other EFSC official.
9. (For students) I understand that my failure to comply with any EFSC health or safety requirement or
directive relating to COVID-19 may result in disciplinary action against me under the EFSC Student
Code of Conduct, which may result in my suspension or expulsion from EFSC.
1 SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19: Fever (in excess of 100.4 degrees), Cough, Shortness of Breath/Difficulty Breathing, Tiredness, Muscle
Pain, Chills, Sore Throat, Newly Loss of Taste or Smell, Headache, Chest Pain, Nausea, and/or Diarrhea.
2 CLOSE CONTACT is currently defined by the CDC as one or more of the following: you were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-
19 for at least 15 minutes (with or without facial coverings); or you provided care at home to someone who has COVID-19; or you had
direct physical contact with someone who has COVID-19 (touched, hugged, or kissed them); or you shared eating or drinking utensils with
someone who has COVID-19; or someone who has COVID-19 sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you.