Career Plan
Copyright © 2020 Applied Educational Systems 1 | P a g e
Name: Enter text here
Self-Assessment (This section is filled-in during Unit 1, Lesson 2.)
Holland Code: Enter text here
Educational Goal: Enter text here
Occupation (This section is filled-in during Unit 1, Lesson 6.)
Note: During Unit 1, Lessons 3-5, you will research and fill-in the Occupation Research sheet with three
occupations that you find interesting. During Lesson 6, you will choose the most interesting of the
three occupations and copy its information here.
Occupation Title: Enter text here
SOC Code: Enter text here
Why I selected this occupation: Enter text here
What They Do
Enter text here
Work Environment
text here
Work Schedule
Enter text here
Enter text here
Important Qualities
Enter text here
Licenses, Certifications
and Registrations
Enter text here
Other Requirements
Enter text here
Chosen State
Enter text
Yearly Wage High: Enter text here
Low: Enter text here
Projected Growth (%)
Enter text here
Projected Annual Job
In the U.S.A.: Enter text here
In chosen state: Enter text here