Winter Camping Awards
Pacific Skyline Council, Boy Scouts of America
Unique winter camping badges available only from the Pacific Skyline Council
Snowflake Award
Polar Bear Award
Arctic Wolf Award
The SNOWFLAKE AWARD is for participation in snow activities, while sleeping in a cabin, RV, or camper.
Cub Scouts may qualify for this award.
The POLAR BEAR AWARD is for those who camped in the snow (tent or snow shelter) for at least one night.
Must be age 11 or older.
The ARCTIC WOLF AWARD is for Scouts completing an overnight backpack including snow travel on snow-
shoes or skis, including camping in the snow at least one mile from the trailhead. Must be age 14 OR age 13 and
graduated from the eighth grade, or older.
Award Requirements
1. For the Snowflake or Polar Bear Awards, the trip leader must attend the District Winter Camping Seminar
(Roundtable session) or Council course, Winter and Snow Camping Safety for Scout Leaders. The Coun-
cil course, Winter and Snow Camping Safety for Scout Leaders, is required for the Arctic Wolf Award. The
Northern Tier Okpik or Philmont Kanik courses may be substituted for the Council course.
2. A parents’ meeting must be held to explain the trip and equipment requirements. At least one parent of a
Scout must attend for the Scout to be eligible.
3. A special learning experience must be held for those Scouts going on the winter trip. Winter safety must
be taught, including a showing and discussion of a winter camping and safety video. Scouts and Scouters
seeking the Arctic Wolf Award must have previously earned the Polar Bear Award and participate in a win-
ter backpack briefing.
4. A BSA Tour Plan must be properly submitted online.
5. After the trip, an application must be submitted to the Scouting Service Center for patches for those
Scouts and Scouters who qualified for the awards.
Rev. 3/16/17
Application for Winter Camping Award Patches
Pacific Skyline Council, Boy Scouts of America
After completing all requirements for one of the Pacific Skyline Winter Camping Awards, fill out this form
and submit it, along with a list of those Scouts and Scouters qualifying, to either the Palo Alto (Lucie Stern)
Service Center at (650) 327.5900 or the Foster City Service Center at (650) 341.5633. Call to check
current price and availability of patches.
You may also mail the completed form with a check for the patches to:
Pacific Skyline Council
Winter Camping Awards
1150 Chess Drive
Foster City, CA 94404
Use a separate application for each type of patch. Fill in the number of patches on the corresponding line.
Snowflake Award patch quantity __________
Polar Bear Award patch quantity __________
Arctic Wolf Award patch quantity _________
Send patches to:
Name ________________________________________________________________________________
Street address _________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________ State ________________ Zip _______________________
Phone ______________________________________________________________________________
Unit type
Troop Pack Unit number__________
Name of trip leader attending training course ______________________________________________
Name, location, and date of training course _______________________________________________
Date of parents’ briefing meeting _______________________________________________________
Date of special learning experience for Scout (attach description) ______________________________
Tour & Activity Plan filed
Attach list of persons qualifying
Submit application to address above
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