DE-101_DE-202 Combo form (02/2022) Page 3 of 7
Interview Information: An interview is required to complete the ALTCS application process.
The customer is not required to attend the financial interview if the legal guardian/conservator
or authorized representative completes the interview for the applicant.
What are the best days and times for you to complete the interview?
Does the person completing the interview need an
interpreter? Yes No
If yes, what language?
The following information describes how your personal information will be used by Health-e-
Arizona Plus, AHCCCS, DES, and their contractors.
• We will use your information, including Social Security number, to computer match with
financial institutions, state, local, and federal agencies and our other programs to verify
information. Income and verification systems such as the Social Security
Administration, State Unemployment Insurance and State Wage may be used. This
information may affect eligibility and benefit level.
• Applying and providing information is voluntary, but some information is required to
make a determination. For example, you must provide or apply for a Social Security
number for every applicant. (Immigrants who are not legally able to obtain a Social
Security number are not required to provide one.) Therefore, if personal information is
not provided, you may not be eligible for benefits.
Name of Person Completing Form
The person completing this form is the:
Spouse of the customer
Parent of the customer (if the customer is a minor)
If one of the boxes above is checked, the person completing this form must:
• check the box below; and
• sign this form below.
If one of the boxes above is NOT checked, the person completing this form may:
• complete an Authorized Representative form found at:;
• attach the completed Authorized Representative form with this request for an
• check the box below; and
• sign this form on the next page.
A request for an application may be returned without the completed authorized representative
form, checking the box below and signing below, but may cause the application process to take
more time.