General Information about Completing the Age Waiver Application Process
Age waiver applicants must use the official General Educational Development (GED®) Tests Age Waiver
Application form available at the end of this document. Instructions for completing it are provided below.
Do not alter the form in any way or it will be rejected.
Completed forms may be returned to the Minnesota GED Office in any of the following ways:
• Email a scanned copy to alice.smith@state.mn.us
• Mail to: GED Testing/Minnesota Department of Education, 1500 Highway 36 West, Roseville, MN 55113-
• Fax: 651-582-8458
• Drop form off in person at the Minnesota Department of Education in Roseville.
Application Instructions:
1. Create an online GED® account (https://ged.com).
2. Please type or print legibly when completing the age waiver application. This will help eliminate misspellings
and the need to resubmit the application.
3. Complete all items.
4. Make sure you meet at least one of the six eligibility criteria. It is not necessary to indicate more than one
even if you qualify for more.
5. Criteria 1 and 2 require verification of the information by authorized school personnel. (For instance, a school
official could complete the Total Years Completed and Date Dropped on the application form. That same
official could also fill out the Agency Information and sign/date the form.) Alternatively, if someone from an
ABE program, other educational entity like a home school, social service agency, correctional facility,
recruiter’s office or some other qualified person helps the applicant, he/she may contact the school to verify
the information and then sign and date the application. It is important that names, numbers and signatures be
legible in case the Department of Education’s GED personnel need to contact a signer or listed school staff
6. If the applicant is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must acknowledge the information provided by
also signing and dating the form.
7. When an application has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Education’s GED Testing Office, our
staff will look for the applicant’s account at the secure GED Testing Service site to approve it there. Approved
account holders will be notified by email that they may continue with their registration, scheduling, payment,
etc. The approval process can’t be completed until the applicant creates an online GED® account
Applicant Identification Information:
• The applicant should complete the first two lines (name, birth date, email, home address, city, state, ZIP
code, and phone number).
• School personnel must provide the Total Years of Formal Schooling Completed (last grade) and the Date
Dropped from Attendance Rolls.
• An “agency” person (for example, Adult Basic Education Program administrator, teacher, a qualified K-12
school person, a correctional program administrator, qualified military recruiting staff person,
postsecondary institution, home school parent) may contact a school official to verify/confirm the last
grade completed and the date dropped and then fill in the information on the application. The agency
person may also supply the method for verifying the applicant’s age and may sign and date the form.