©2018 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC.
iGraphix (0718-8DWD) APP13517-13 (07/18)
When to use this form:
• Do not use this form for retirement or Schwab Bank accounts. Visit Schwab.com for IRA distribution
and Schwab Bank wire request forms.
• If you are requesting a foreign wire transfer from your Schwab Global Account™, you must use the
Verify Your Request for a Schwab Global Account Foreign Wire Transfer form.
• Please complete this form to verify your request for a wire transfer from your account with
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (“Schwab”) to a nancial institution outside the United States.
• Submit international U.S. dollar wire requests by logging in to your account at Schwab.com.
• Use this form for international wires that require a foreign currency trade.
• For same-day processing, we must receive your request before 2:30 p.m. U.S. Eastern time AND
be able to reach you and verify your information before 4:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern time if verication is
required. (Verication cannot be conducted between 11:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern time.)
• You may be charged a wire transfer fee.
Please Review This Information Prior to Submitting Your Request:
• We will use the information in this form to help conrm your identity and the details of your instructions. You
may be required to provide us with additional information.
• We may wire funds from your Schwab account based on the information you provide in Sections 1 through 5
below and on your conrmation of the transaction.
• We may refuse to process a wire at our discretion, especially if we cannot verify your instructions or if the
information you provide is not complete.
• Foreign wires that are subject to federal regulation must be conrmed by you or your agent by telephone. Until
that occurs, you will not be deemed to have provided us with a wire request. If there is any difference between
your telephone instructions and the information set forth in this form, we may act on your telephone instructions.
To avoid delay, please complete all required elds and provide all telephone numbers requested in Section 1.
• Schwab charges a markup on foreign currency exchange transactions. Current exchange rates and selected
currency pairs will affect the markup charged. Please contact Schwab if you have any questions about currency
exchange transactions at 1-800-362-1774 or +1-602-355-5380.
• Please note: Accuracy is important. If you describe any beneciary or nancial institution by name and account
or identifying number, we and other institutions may process the wire based solely on that number, even if it
identies a different person or entity. If you provide an incorrect account number, you could lose the amount
transferred. We may refuse to act upon any instructions that we cannot verify as accurate and authorized by you.
• Authorized Persons. We may accept/conrm wire requests from anyone authorized to withdraw funds from your
Schwab account. Any person with signing authority on your account may change or revoke this verication. We
can require you to execute a new verication at any time.
• For standing verications only: We may verify future requests to wire funds from your account using the below
information. The request may be made by any person with signing authority on your Schwab account.
• Custodial Accounts. If you are transferring funds from a custodial account for a minor, you represent that the
funds will be used or applied solely for the benet of the minor.
• Agreement. Wire transfers are subject to the terms of your Schwab account agreement. If you do not have
sufcient available funds in your account at the time of your proposed transfer, your wire may be rejected or
delayed. Please note that wiring funds outside of the U.S. may take up to seven business days to complete.
Tell Us About Yourself
Schwab Account Number
– – –
Name Home Phone Number Country Code - Area Code - Number
(inside the U.S.)
(outside the U.S.)
(multilingual services)
We’re here to help.
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Please enter your name as it
appears on your account.
Verify Your Request for a
Foreign Wire Transfer