Measuring and Monitoring
Using Checkpoints
This module demonstrates how to collect and interpret data with
Unique Learning System Checkpoints, which helps to inform your
daily instruction.
Learning Objectives
After you've completed this module, you should be able to:
State the purpose of the Checkpoints
Identify when Checkpoints should be given
Determine Checkpoints administration for each student’s support level
Outline how Checkpoints data is used to inform daily instruction
Teaching Standards
Standard V: Assessment
Standard VIII: Curriculum and Instruction
ISTE (International Society for Technology in
Standards for Professional Learning
(Learning Forward)
National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards (Exceptional Needs Standards)
Learning Communities
Follow-Along Guide
Checkpoints identify areas of ___________________ or ____________________, assisting with planning for
_______________ instruction and ____________________ _________________ in targeted skills over time.
Administer the _________-_________________ at the ________________________ of each month before
instruction and then administer the _________ - ______________ at the end of a month of rich content
Checkpoints measure the ______________________ academic skills each month, but use
__________________________ content based on the monthly theme.
Select Checkpoints for each of your students based on their __________________________ level of
5. Checkpoints’ ___________________________ is similar to many states’ end-of-the-year
_______________________________ assessments.
Students requiring Level ___________ support complete a ___________________ Checkpoints assessment
with ______________ questions covering combined content for the monthly unit.
Students requiring Level ___________ or Level ____________ supports complete ___________________
Checkpoints assessments each month including ____________________
__________________________, __________________, __________________ and ____________
8. The Printable Instructions and Test document includes directions for _________________________ and
__________________________ Checkpoints.
9. The _____________________________ _____________________________ and _________________ document contains
the current Checkpoints assessment for students who need a ______________________ alternative to
the _____________________ assessment.
10. Use any ______________________________________ for student access to Checkpoints that are also
used in _______________________________, specifically for those students with __________________,
___________________, _____________________ or _________________________________ impairments.
Be sure to record any accommodations or prompts used during administration of Checkpoints in the
________________ field.
Typing the student’s ________________ into the verification box helps _____________ that the test
administrator has selected the _______________ student.
13. Presenting ___________ possible answers and a ____________-______________ chance of selecting the correct
answer allows you to determine if a field of two ___________________ accuracy.
After completing the pre- and post -assessment, the data displays as __________ ___________________ ,
_________________ ________________________ and a ___________________ ______________________.
Level One Checkpoints measure _____________________ and __________________.
Level _________ and ____________ Checkpoints do not offer a _____________-____________ option when
answering questions.
17. The green dots on the Skills Analysis Report indicate ______________ of skills.
The yellow dots on the Skills Analysis Report indicate ______________ ________________ in skill development.
The red dots on the Skills Analysis Report indicate the student needs __________________
in acquiring skills.
The ____________________ _____________________ ____________________ can reveal subtle answer
_______________________ for students.
Reflection Questions
Looking at the Printable Instructions & Test PDF Document for Combined Content, Reading and
How do the skills differ by grade band?
Thinking about a student with Level 1 support needs:
What is the student’s active communication response mode?
What is the student’s wait time?
Is everyone working with the student aware of these critical variables to encourage communication and choice-
making skills?
Look at the bar graph for Elementary Eddie:
What are his accuracy rates?
Based on those accuracy rates, do you think Eddie is making consistent choices? How do you know this?
Do you think Eddie still requires Level one supports?
Using the detailed report from the Checkpoint you just administered:
What is the accuracy and response rate for your student?
How could this information change your instruction this week?
Using the Printable Instructions and Test Document for Content Understanding:
How does this compare to the Level 1 instruction document we looked at earlier?
Do you use all of the question formats from Bloom’s Taxonomy in your daily instruction?
Using the Skills Analysis Report:
Consistent green dots in this section mean that the student has strength in remembering. How can you
use this information to increase skills in other areas?
Are you able to make any statements that you think might be true about the student’s skills?
What skills did he master this month?
Where does he need more support?
Reflection Questions (cont'd)
Using Checkpoint data:
How will you use this data and detailed graphs?
When is your next IEP meeting?
Can you incorporate this data into your IEP to show evidence of student learning?
Activity 1:
Will someone assist you with Checkpoint administration?
Write down who could help you.
How do you ensure fidelity during assessment administration in your classroom?
Activity 2:
Write down some ways that students with Level 1 supports will show progress.
What does each person assisting with Checkpoints administration need to know about the
assessment? What do they need to know about the student?
Activities (cont'd)
Activity 3:
Using the Reading Chart on page 6 or 7 of the Printable Instructions and Test Document:
Activity 4:
K-12: You have a student with Level 2 needs who is having difficulty with items 7 and 8 in Math. What
skills require practice? What kind of goal would be appropriate? Which lessons would address this area?
Preschool: Scroll down and examine the Mathematical Concepts section.
You have a student with Level 2 needs who is having difficulty with items 7 and 8 in math.
What skill requires practice? What kind of goal would be appropriate? Which lessons would
address this area?
You have a student with Level 2 needs who is having difficulty with items 5 and 6 in Lifelong Learning.
What skills require practice? What kind of goal would be appropriate? Which lessons would address
this area?
K-12: Your student with Level 2 needs is struggling with items 5 and 6 in Reading. What skill
requires practice? What kind of goal would be appropriate? Which lessons would address this area?
Preschool: Your student with Level 2 needs is struggling with items 5 and 6 in Language and Literacy
Development. What skills require practice? What kind of goal would be appropriate? Which lesson
would address this area?
Transition: Your student with Level 2 needs is struggling with items 3 and 4 in Employability. What
skill requires practice? What kind of goal would be appropriate? Which lessons would address this
Self-Evaluation Checklist
Active communication Response (Response Mode) a response that can be recognized by others and has
a defined reason for production
Bloom's Taxonomy a classification system used to define and distinguish different levels of human
Checkpoints monthly pre -and post- tests assessing specific grade band skills; data from these
assessments can identify instructional goals and monitor growth after monthly unit instruction;
suggested administration: 2x a month
Activities (cont'd)
Activity 5:
Write down how you would use the information from the Detailed Assessment Summary in your
daily instruction.
I can state the purpose of the Checkpoints.
I know when to administer the Checkpoints.
I can determine which Checkpoints to give to my students.
I can outline how to use Checkpoints data to inform my daily instruction.
Vocabulary (cont'd)
Course contains a prescribed number of modules to provide detailed instruction to support mastery of a
larger topic
Differentiated Levels: (applies to both Unique Learning System and News-2-You)
Level 1: Students typically require maximum support within instructional tasks. For these students,
increasing the level of participation is the main objective. (Participatory)
Level 2: Students require picture support and other direct support in learning and the demonstration of
skills. (Supported)
Level 3: Students typically are reading or have potential to learn to read text and independently
demonstrate comprehension of learned information within modified content. (Independent)
GPS (Goals, Preferences and Skills) contains assessments and resources to generate data; data used to
effectively identify and monitor students' goals, preferences and abilities in relation to the instructional
practices within the Unique Learning System curriculum framework.
Level 1 Checkpoints contain performance questions highlighting Content, Reading and Mathematics
objectives in one combined assessment; measures the student's response level and accuracy
Level 2-3 Checkpoints a graduated set of performance questions, ranging from basic recognition and
understanding, to application of content, reading, word recognition, and math skills and knowledge;
measures accuracy
Module an organized collection of content presented together to address a specific learning objective
supporting the overall concepts from the course. Each module links to specific teaching standards,
learning objectives and opportunities for the learner to engage with the content. An assessment of what
is learned is included with each module.
Printable Instructions and Test Document (Administration Guide) outlines suggested administration,
scoring and results, as well as directions for administration.; includes a printable version of the
assessment for students needing modifications or accommodations to the online assessment