Grade Bands contain age-respectful, engaging materials for students with significant
disabilities and provides access to the general education curriculum;. aAll materials align to
general education and extended standards for core subjects in all 6 grade bands; Preschool
(students ages 3-5), Elementary (Grades K-2), Intermediate (Grades 3-5), Middle School
(Grades 6-8), High School (Grades 9-12), Transition (Students ages 18+)
Interactive Document (iDoc ) the online format that supports Unique Learning System®,
News-2-You® and SymbolStix PRIME®; accessible on many platforms; customizable and
supports a variety of skill levels and accessibility needs for students with disabilities
Individualized Education Program (IEP) an individualized document including present
levels of functioning, future goals, and services to be provided; at age 16, IEPs must contain
a statement of services needed for successful transition from high school to a student’s
post-secondary environment; each public school child who receives special education and
related services must have an IEP
Instructional Targets connects a state’s extended standards with relevant curriculum
content for students with significant disabilities
Lesson Plans provided within each lesson and include Instructional Targets aligned with
your state’s extended standards;, outline a defined instructional routine to support
instruction and incorporate three levels of differentiated task expectations to meet the
needs of each student
Module an organized collection of content presented together to address a specific
learning objective supporting the overall concepts from the course. Each module links to
specific teaching standards, learning objectives and opportunities for the learner to engage
with the content. An assessments of what is learned is included with each module.
Observational Profile provides information on a student's current levels of performance
and defines a suggested differentiation level for daily instruction; three profiles available
dependent on grade band: Preschool, K- 12 Student Learning and Transition Profiles. A
fourth optional profile, Self- Help Skills, provides a list of skill levels for students requiring
significant assistance in the areas of eating, dressing, toileting and grooming, and is
available to all students
n2y Library searchable database containing over 1,000 leveled books on a variety of topics
available as an iDoc offering text-to-speech capabilities, or as a printable PDF; each book
includes a communication board to aide in comprehension and communication