Pre-Kindergarten Progress Report
Name: Teacher: Date:
Skill Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Skill Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Skill Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Skill Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Approaches to Learning
Willing to participate in new experiences
Engages in play with other children
Uses play to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings
Relates knowledge from one experience to another
Uses positive approaches and coping skills to solve problems
Try to solve problems independently with multiple solutions
Physical Development &
Locates and identify human body parts
Classifies healthy and unhealthy foods
Demonstrates body awareness & control
Engages in a variety of physical activities
Uses personal hygiene skills
Understands and demonstrates safety practices
Social & Emotional
Identifies and expresses different emotions
Uses positive coping skills to deal with mistakes
Interacts with others in socially accepted ways
Participates in reciprocal communication
Asks for help when needed
Displays pride and confidence in self
Adapts to change
Social Studies
States rules and their consequences
Identifies groups he/she belongs to
Identifies characteristics of self
Suggests simple solutions to conflicts with peers
Follows classroom rules for behavior
Understands how money is used
Recognizes differences between work and play
Understands what a map is
(School Name)
Skill Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Skill Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Skill Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Skill Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Skill Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Mathematical Thinking &
Counts out loud from 1 to 20
Recognizes written numbers 1 to 10
Sorts objects into groups based on shape, size, or color
Recognizes common shapes
Finds and creates patterns
Understands how time is measured
Understands what addition and subtraction are
Scientific Thinking
Recognizes difference between living and non-living things
Identifies basic needs of plants and animals
Names basic parts of living things
Make predictions about results of experiments
Names and understands different seasons
Identifies objects found in day and night sky
Identifies technologies used at home and in classroom
Demonstrates responsible use of technology equipment
Recognizes and labels parts of a computer
Follows directions to use basic computer games/programs
Creative Arts
Demonstrates understanding of basic elements of music and movement
Expresses self through arts
Participates in dramatic play
Demonstrates age appropriate audience behavior
Language & Literacy
Identifies basic features of print materials
Associates letters with their sounds and names
Recites familiar rhymes and songs
Assembles letters to form words
Assembles words to form sentences
Understands question words and asks questions
Maintains eye contact during interactions
Answers prompted questions about texts
Makes connections between self, world, and texts
Recognizes written form of own name
Use combination of drawing, writing, and dictating to communicate