2016-2017 McNair Participant Application
Research Proposal:
In your own words describe the research interest/question that will be the basis of your McNair project and proposed
methods for implementing it.
Provide the name and department of two (2) WSU faculty members who you believe would be ideal mentors for your research
Complete the following checklist to ensure you have submitted all information required to receive full consideration,
and then read the certifying statement and sign your name.
!Every question is completely answered
!Copy of your and/or your parents’ filed 2016
income tax documents
!College transcripts (unofficial)
!Letter of Recommendation Form
!Personal Statement
!Research Proposal
!Completed Pre-Needs Survey
I certify that all of the information provided on this application, including financial and family documentation, is true and
correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the McNair Scholars Program to have access to my school records and
understand that these records may be used for Program purposes.
Signature Date
Ronald E. McNair: A 20th Century Hero
Education: Ronald Ervin McNair was born on October 21, 1950, in South Carolina. He graduated magna cum laude from North Carolina
A&T in 1971 with a B.S. in Physics. In 1976, he earned his Ph.D. in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Professional: McNair joined the Hughes Research Laboratory as a physicist specializing in laser physics. In 1976, NASA selected McNair
for the space shuttle program as a mission specialist. He died in the Challenger space shuttle accident in January of 1986.
Achievements and Honors: Presidential Scholar, 1967-71; Ford Foundation Fellow, 1971-74; National Fellowship Fund Fellow, 1974-75;
Omega Psi Phi Scholar of the Year, 1975; National Society of Black Professional Engineers, 1979; and Distinguished National Scientist, 1979.
Personal: McNair was married with two children. He was an accomplished jazz saxophonist and a fifth-degree black belt in karate.
Ronald E. McNair “represents an outstanding role model of achievement, especially for young Black Americans,”
said the South Carolina delegate to Congress. This program is dedicated to his high standard of achievement inspired by Dr. McNair’s life.
Notice of Nondiscrimination: Wichita State University does not discriminate in its programs and activities on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age,
sexual orientation, marital status, political affiliation, status as a veteran, genetic information or disability. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding
nondiscrimination policies: Executive Director, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, Wichita State University, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita KS 67260-0138; telephone (316)